View Full Version : Tax and NI question - just starting out :o)

16-11-2010, 10:38 AM

I've got my first child starting in 2 weeks. It's only 4 mornings a week before school. I will be working 4 hours a week. So, I will be earning £12.00 a week for this child. (hoping to get a full timer in Jan) anyway. What exactly do I need to do....do I need to ring HMRC and register as a business first, and then will I be earning enough at the moment to have to pay NI contributions? I know I won't earn enough for tax but just want be to contacting the right people.


Chatterbox Childcare
16-11-2010, 12:30 PM
You need to ring the HMRC and register as self employed and I believe this generates Class 2 NI. If you do not wish to pay this then you need to apply for an exemption but this amouont (approx £10) per month gives you mat leave and sickness benefit as a couple of options

Worth making a call to get your options