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View Full Version : help hubby has his Pre reg visit on Friday

17-12-2007, 11:19 AM
Okay i am not panicking (much but have gone into melt down we have had the call and Ofsted are coming out on Friday am to do Gary's pre reg visit. i am so nervous and I dread to think how Gary will feel when he reads his text at work. I thought they wouldn't come out until after Christmas

What I need to know is those of you who are regstered and have had your partner registered after you. What will happen? What will they need to know? I can't remember anything about my pre reg. What will they be looking for?

lov eKate

17-12-2007, 11:53 AM
Hi Kate

I've not been in this situation myself, only had my pre-reg not partners, so not sure what they will look for, will let someone else answer you.

Hope it goes well though!

17-12-2007, 12:01 PM
is he going to be a registered minder in his own right, or be an assistant to u??

if he will be a minder in his own right i presume it will be the same as yours about how he will keep a child healthy, child protection etc etc

sorry im not much help


17-12-2007, 12:23 PM
he is registering in his own right

thanks for that

17-12-2007, 12:57 PM
no advice sorry

just wanna wish him all the best for friday


17-12-2007, 01:06 PM
hiya, i had this too my hubby had his pre-reg a few weeks ago now. Its basically the same as your pre-reg. he will have to answer all the questions that you did to show he knows the national standards etc. They probably wont check your house over again unless you have a different inspector from last time (we had the same insector both times) They will probably check that you met the requirements that they set you last time (if any). If they didnt look at your portfolio and policies etc last time then they may ask to look at them all this time just to make sure you are on the right track etc

Dont panic though its not your pre-reg he should be the one worrying :D

let us know how it goes

Louise x

17-12-2007, 02:06 PM
hiya, i had this too my hubby had his pre-reg a few weeks ago now. Its basically the same as your pre-reg. he will have to answer all the questions that you did to show he knows the national standards etc. They probably wont check your house over again unless you have a different inspector from last time (we had the same insector both times) They will probably check that you met the requirements that they set you last time (if any). If they didnt look at your portfolio and policies etc last time then they may ask to look at them all this time just to make sure you are on the right track etc

Dont panic though its not your pre-reg he should be the one worrying :D let us know how it goes

Louise x

haha!! Don't know louise that made me laugh

Just to say all the best for Friday - good to get it done before christmas I say:)


17-12-2007, 02:08 PM
Good luck for your hubbys pre reg

My daughter works with me and registered after me like Louise said it is more or less the same

It is basically going over everything that you already have in order

You should be fine or rather hubby should be fine

Good luck let us know how he gets on

Angel xx

17-12-2007, 03:52 PM
Thanks everyone

I am the kind of person who worries about everything. I shall be up half of Thursday and probably be throwing up Friday morning (do this with everything even when I am having visits from people I know - eg. an assessor, Ofsted, or the NC when i used to be on the Network even though I knew her well. lol

17-12-2007, 04:00 PM
Kate you are brilliant at what you do so if your hubby is taking your advice everything is going to be really good

Good luck

Angel xxx

18-12-2007, 09:03 AM
I think my hubby got away with it lightly!! they did our pre reg at the same time and hubby wasn't even there for half of it!

I had completed the application form (it is very long in Wales)
I had written all the policies, procedures and our prospectus
I answered all her questions
I spent hours on the forum researching (well I wasn't going to let him do that one was I?)

But hey ho that's life I suppose

As the others say, it should be exactly the same as yours! Don't stress yourself about it. Good luck

Amanda xx

21-12-2007, 01:34 PM
Thanks for everyones help on this.

Well she has been and gone and I think Gary feels like he has just had the Spanish inquisition. I know they have to be thorough but I do feel she was extremely stern (she had a cold and looked like she was in pain). I didn't take to her as she ignored S aged 2.5 and hte only time she spoke to him was when he tried to take her glasses he thought they were mine - she shouldn't have left them on the chair arm lol.

Gary was obviously nervous not helped by the fact she seemed to think he should know the business inside and out. Now he should know basics and could have told her far more than she asked. She wasn't impressed by the fact that he didn't know where I kept copies of my contracts and how they were worded. I keep them on the computer blank and print off as needed. I have about 5 different types apart from the NCMA ones. Even I couldn't think of the top of my head where my blank copies were - found them eventually. She also seemed to think that Gary would be having his own paperwork - why invent the wheelwhen it already exists is my theory. She seemed to think Gary should have been able to find eveything she needed paperwork wise - I have five shelves the length of the room full of different files even I have to think about what I keep where but at the end of the day if he gets registered he will then (if I let him near my paperwork lol).

She is going to recommend him for registration dependent on al the other checks coming back. She confused me to some extent as she said if we are registered for more than the 6 if we work together then we will have to look into planning permission but I queried this as if he isn't working as a minder then I don't see why we need the PP until he is doing it full time but she said no if certificate says more than 6 we need it in place - more ****** money.

She seemed to look for negatives rather than positives - you know the poor guy has already done ICP and First Aid and about to start unit 4 of the DHC but she didn't seem to think that meant anything.

She queried why I had filled in a CRB - hadn't I got one - doh of course but Ofsted sent it so I filled it in.

The back garden is out of bounds for now as our Trailer Tent is in there and not fenced off but all she said was I should really have notified Ofsted that I am not using the garden at the moment. It is only for a few weeks until we can fence the area off where we are storing it (I knew we should just have moved it into the garage this morning. So that will be a recommendation on his registration and she then pointed out they will check it - no I thought they wouldn't bother - I did feel at times that she was treating us as idiots at points. She went on about an area outside the back garden which isn't completely flat but it was as bad as that when I had my inspection for which I had a Good. I did think they would possibly have checked my report before she visited but she had no idea about when I was last inspected.

Anyway it is all over with for now and just a case of waiting.

love Kate

21-12-2007, 01:40 PM
I'm glad it's all over with Kate, she sounds like a right old dragon!

At least it's done and it ended up okay.

21-12-2007, 10:18 PM
Well Done it's over with now at least, she wasnt called Margaret was she ..... she was a hard faced so and so I had her xxxx

21-12-2007, 10:21 PM
God I bet you was glad to see the back of her Kate

At least it is over now

Well done to you both

Angel xx

21-12-2007, 10:22 PM
Well done and now at least you can relax and enjoy xmas,

Lou xx

22-12-2007, 04:57 PM
Well Done it's over with now at least, she wasnt called Margaret was she ..... she was a hard faced so and so I had her xxxx

No it was Kathryn Clayton. She was okay I guess I just felt that she probably expected too much from him at a pre reg. (I thought I had given him a hard time this week preparing him lol - Susan you can imagine what I was like). i think some of the stuff she expected from him was what I would have expected him to know at his first inspection.

After all what is the point of goignt htrough all my paperwrok with him if she didn't register him in the end.

22-12-2007, 07:07 PM
at least it's all over now and you can relax and enjoy Christmas!

she did sound like a right jobs worth dragon.

22-12-2007, 08:12 PM
hiya kate
iam really glad its over for your hubby and you.my ofsted inspector was wicked you couldnt ask for a better person she really put me at ease.fingers crossed you get a better one next time you have your inspections,

22-12-2007, 08:57 PM
Glad it's all over & done with now!