View Full Version : My dd and shoes

08-11-2010, 02:34 PM
What on earth does she do at them. New pair of school shoes which she has had for 9 weeks has holes in them. :panic:

It doesnt matter what price I pay £10-£50 she will trash them. I had hoped now she was 11 and in high school they would last a term :rolleyes:

08-11-2010, 04:42 PM
My son is exactly the same. He had a new pair for secondary school and last week I had to get him another pair as he had worn the side right down!


08-11-2010, 09:39 PM
MY dd is just the same, at 15 i cant imagine how much money over the years I have spent on shoes alone.

MAYBE when she gets a job she can buy her own,:laughing: :clapping:

09-11-2010, 07:43 AM
Ds plays football in his. They are a total disaster after about 2 days :rolleyes:

09-11-2010, 08:21 AM
I made my son buy a new pair after he had trashed his last ones (again). He hasnt done it since. We shop at the clarks factory outlet so they are good quality and half the price, they last much longer than shoes from asda!

09-11-2010, 08:56 AM
My DS is 14 and has size 11 feet :eek:

His look awful after a week at school but I now close my eyes to them and as long as they still have soles he has to lump it!

He can only get Clarks wide fitting ones and has had the same style twice in a row now - they are not that long lasting but he needs the extra width :rolleyes:

09-11-2010, 09:14 AM
My dd is nearly 13 and in a 7... my size :eek:

One good thing i suppose i can borrow her's but i suppose that also means she can pinch mine :rolleyes:

09-11-2010, 01:50 PM
My dd is 8, 133cm tall and size 3 in adult. She is already on her second pair of shoes this term. Last school year she went through 7 pairs of shoes (£32 x 7 = £224) and ended up wearing the same style three times. That does not include shoes/trainers outside of school!

I deliberately save every month for her shoes as she's going through another growth spurt. By contrast her 5 year old brother what I call a "bog standard size"!

Nina :laughing: