View Full Version : Monthly Planning on own website!

01-11-2010, 07:59 PM
I have built my own website - www.childmindingonline.com. Under the second page About Us I have a sub page called Monthly Planning. In this I have focused on the 6 areas of learning and what I would do within each. I have cross referenced these to websites that contain the information needed to undertake each activity. However I am not entirely happy with it yet! I think it needs more detail but would love opinions if possible from others. Anyone care to help or advise me??

01-11-2010, 08:45 PM
I love the books ... the hedgehog one looks great!

I think that's a really good idea :D

01-11-2010, 09:31 PM
Thanks Sarah but do you think it is enough, I mean I want it to have a purpose ie let others see how my planning is useful and will benefit the children in my care?

01-11-2010, 09:42 PM
Hmmm if you are going to show how it benefits the children then I think you need to show how you tailor it to their interests.

I've just been talking about this in another thread but basically...

Why have you planned to read books about bonfire night? Because the children are interested in it and celebrating it at home.

Why have you decided to offer firework making activities? Because the children enjoy crafts and love glue and glitter at the moment.

Why have you planned to watch a firework display on the computer? Because one of the children said he was interested in seeing fireworks from around the world when you were chatting about it the other day.

Why are you offering children the opportunity to make big firework pictures in the garden? Because it enhances their gross motor skills and encourages them to work together to produce something on a large scale...

That is how you show your benefiting the children... by linking it to their individual interests, things they have said, observations from home, activities you know they enjoy, things which help them to feel part of the group etc.

Does that make sense? :D

02-11-2010, 03:30 AM
I used to do this - in that my planning was included in my newsletter that was attached to website as PDF every week. I had a simple statement saying that planning would be adapted and changed to meet individual needs and would be shown on the printed version in setting.

However I have now stopped doing this because like you I wanted to show how I met each child's needs and realised that I could not do this 'before the event' as would change, as I am led by the child.

So an idea I am thinking of doing - but not got round to yet - is to put one planning sheet on website showing starting point - ie planning sheet that I write at begining of week -showing my ideas and why choosen AND then a 'end of week' one showing the changes made due to being child led and taking advantage from unplanned opportunities, and things we didn't do with reasons why didn't do. I would not include childs names - just child A age 14months etc.

Hopefully this would give more of idea of what I do without the hassle of putting on website every week - and of course anyone can look at actual planning sheets (complete with scribbled changes) when visiting my setting.

Penny :)

Now I have actually put my idea down on paper - I am motivated to do it - and will be implemented this week!

02-11-2010, 05:08 PM
Thanks for your replies - certainly gives me something to mull over! I think I will keep the website as is but as you suggest Penny put in what actually did happen, whether I went with the ideas or changed them.

I guess it is good to have something in your head about what you plan to do in the month otherwise you would just let the children do free play all the time. Having 2 mindees who are mad about tractors and diggers at present I wanted to try and put in a new small world play to see if they would be interested or not. Yes the jigsaws will develop their hand eye coordination and it may be I only get to use one of them but at least it is available to them throughout the month. The stories are brilliant and I picked them especially because of the safety issue as well as extending knowledge about the world although I think mine are a bit young to get this. They are fascinated at present with scissors and glue so I think the pictures will be a bit of a mess but it is their creation after all! I will be interested to see how things do turn out now!

28-12-2010, 08:02 AM
Great site love your ideas Jacqueline

Dawn x