31-10-2010, 07:26 PM
Hello everyone

Thought you would have started the party with out me

Where is everyone?.

Anyone get any ghost stories to tell

Anyone dressing up or bringing any food ?

Come on you lot

Angel xx

31-10-2010, 07:28 PM
i have a bag full of haribo bags and flumps, got them this morn for the trick or treaters but only had 3 lots so far!

so im going to start them :thumbsup:

31-10-2010, 07:29 PM
i have a bag full of haribo bags and flumps, got them this morn for the trick or treaters but only had 3 lots so far!

so im going to start them :thumbsup:

Yummy hope you are going to share

Have you any spooky tales ?


31-10-2010, 07:30 PM
I'm dressed up as a witch in full scary green make up etc.

Busy chomping though the trick or treat sweets as my children are still out and I bought far too many sweets!

31-10-2010, 07:31 PM
I'm dressed up as a witch in full scary green make up etc.

Busy chomping though the trick or treat sweets as my children are still out and I bought far too many sweets!

Sounds very scary ha


31-10-2010, 07:34 PM
Sounds very scary ha


Lol! Well one or two of the trick or treaters have jumped back in fright tonight and one of my charges who came to the door wouldn't believe it was me and wouldn't come up the garden path...

I haven't had this much fun in years, usually my kids answer the door and dish the sweets out so I miss it all - every cloud has a silver lining :) :clapping:

Carol M
31-10-2010, 07:34 PM
Halloooooooo wooooooo wooooooooooo.
I'm here!
Just been talking on the phone to " The Wicked Witch Of The South "
Carol xx

31-10-2010, 07:36 PM
Halloooooooo wooooooo wooooooooooo.
I'm here!
Just been talking on the phone to " The Wicked Witch Of The South "
Carol xx

Ha ha

Do you have any ghost stories to tell Carol xx

31-10-2010, 07:37 PM
This is supposed to be true !!!


One afternoon, a couple was traveling on the road when all of a sudden at a far distance they saw a woman in the middle of the road asking them to stop. The wife told her husband to keep on driving because it might be too dangerous, but the husband decided to pass by slowly so he wouldn't stay with the doubt on his mind of what might have happened and the chances of anyone being hurt. As they got closer, they noticed a woman with cuts and bruises on her face as well as on her arms. They then decide to stop and see if they could be of any help.

The cut and bruised woman was begging for help telling them that she had been in a car accident and that her husband and son, a new born baby, were still inside the car which was in a deep ditch. She told them that the husband was already dead but that her baby seemed to still be alive.

The husband that was traveling decided to get down and try to rescue the baby and he asked the hurt woman to stay with his wife inside the their car. When he got down he noticed two people in the front seats of the car but he didn't pay any importance to it and took out the baby quickly and got up to take the baby to it's mother. When he got up, he didn't see the mother anywhere so he asked his wife where she had gone. She told him that the woman followed him back to the crashed car.

When the man decided to go look for the woman, he noticed that clearly the two people in the front seats were dead; a woman and a man, both with their seatbelts on. When he looked closer, he noticed that one of the dead was the same woman that was begging them for help!



31-10-2010, 07:46 PM
This story happened a few years ago on 31st October in Brisbane, and even though it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's true.

John Bradford, a Sydney University student, was on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark Halloween night and in the midst of a storm. The night was rolling on and no car went by. The storm was so strong he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly he saw a car slowly coming towards him and stopped. John, desperate for shelter and without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door, just to realize there was nobody behind the wheel and the engine wasn't on!

The car started moving slowly. John looked at the road and saw a curve approaching. Scared, he started to pray, begging for his life. Then, just before he hit the curve, a hand appeared through the window and turned the wheel. John, paralysed with terror, watched how the hand appeared every time they came to a curve. John saw the lights of a pub down the road so, gathering strength, jumped out of the car and ran to it.

Wet and out of breath, he rushed inside and asked for two shots of tequila. He then started telling everybody about the horrible experience he went through. A silence enveloped everybody when they realized he was crying and... wasn't drunk.

About 15 minutes later, two guys walked into the same pub. They were also wet and out of breath.

Looking around and seeing John Bradford sobbing at the bar, one said to the other, 'Look, Bruce. There's the idiot who got in the car while we were pushing it.

31-10-2010, 07:53 PM
This story happened a few years ago on 31st October in Brisbane, and even though it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's true.

John Bradford, a Sydney University student, was on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark Halloween night and in the midst of a storm. The night was rolling on and no car went by. The storm was so strong he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly he saw a car slowly coming towards him and stopped. John, desperate for shelter and without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door, just to realize there was nobody behind the wheel and the engine wasn't on!

The car started moving slowly. John looked at the road and saw a curve approaching. Scared, he started to pray, begging for his life. Then, just before he hit the curve, a hand appeared through the window and turned the wheel. John, paralysed with terror, watched how the hand appeared every time they came to a curve. John saw the lights of a pub down the road so, gathering strength, jumped out of the car and ran to it.

Wet and out of breath, he rushed inside and asked for two shots of tequila. He then started telling everybody about the horrible experience he went through. A silence enveloped everybody when they realized he was crying and... wasn't drunk.

About 15 minutes later, two guys walked into the same pub. They were also wet and out of breath.

Looking around and seeing John Bradford sobbing at the bar, one said to the other, 'Look, Bruce. There's the idiot who got in the car while we were pushing it.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Brilliant ha ha ha ha ha ha


31-10-2010, 07:54 PM
This is supposed to be true !!!


One afternoon, a couple was traveling on the road when all of a sudden at a far distance they saw a woman in the middle of the road asking them to stop. The wife told her husband to keep on driving because it might be too dangerous, but the husband decided to pass by slowly so he wouldn't stay with the doubt on his mind of what might have happened and the chances of anyone being hurt. As they got closer, they noticed a woman with cuts and bruises on her face as well as on her arms. They then decide to stop and see if they could be of any help.

The cut and bruised woman was begging for help telling them that she had been in a car accident and that her husband and son, a new born baby, were still inside the car which was in a deep ditch. She told them that the husband was already dead but that her baby seemed to still be alive.

The husband that was traveling decided to get down and try to rescue the baby and he asked the hurt woman to stay with his wife inside the their car. When he got down he noticed two people in the front seats of the car but he didn't pay any importance to it and took out the baby quickly and got up to take the baby to it's mother. When he got up, he didn't see the mother anywhere so he asked his wife where she had gone. She told him that the woman followed him back to the crashed car.

When the man decided to go look for the woman, he noticed that clearly the two people in the front seats were dead; a woman and a man, both with their seatbelts on. When he looked closer, he noticed that one of the dead was the same woman that was begging them for help!



ooooooooooooooh very spooky, i love scary stories. got any more? xxxx

31-10-2010, 07:55 PM
Just got back from Trick or Treating !

Happy Halloween!

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

31-10-2010, 07:59 PM
happy halloween blaze

did the kids have fun ?


31-10-2010, 08:06 PM
I've made it, phew. My eldest had a birthday party and we took the youngest to my future MIL's house for a little party but had to leave early to pick the big one up from the birthday. Now she is on trick or treat watch while I play on here :clapping:

31-10-2010, 08:07 PM
Lol Twinkles, my kids loved that!

Their favourite when they were little was this one, I know it's pretty sad but hey ho... :D

A young boy were staying home alone when his mum had to go to work one night. After a little while the phone rang. The boy answered, and a spooky voice said:
"This is the ****** Hand, I am 500 metres from your house."
The boy put the phone down and thought it is just a prank call. A few minutes later the phone rang again. The boy picked up, and the same voice said:
"This is the ****** Hand, I am 200 metres from your house."
The boy felt a bit uneasy as he put the phone down again. He went round the house turning all the lights on. When the phone rang for the third time he hesitated, but eventually he answered.
"This is the ****** Hand, I am 100 metres from your house."
The boy was now quite scared, and unplugged the phone to stop it from ringing. Suddenly the doorbell rang. His legs were like jelly, he trembled as he reached the lock. Eventually he managed to unlock the door and open it. Outside stood a bearded, scary looking man. He looked at the boy and said:
"Hi, I'm the ****** Hand, please could I have a plaster?"

Happy Halloween everyone, party on!


31-10-2010, 08:09 PM
Haha, that didn't work at all, his hand was covered in blood, and that makes a swear word in this language... could I have said blooded? Never mind!

Carol M
31-10-2010, 08:12 PM
Oo Er thats spooky!
By the way, Wicked Witch of the South is the affectionate way my DH refers to my mother!
My TRUE story
When I was 14yrs old I belonged to the Horse Rangers Association which was based at the Royal Mews in Hampton Court. The building where the horses were stabled had a drill room above the stables. Whilst I was grooming a horse I could hear footsteps above me. I wasn't particularly worried as I knew one of the officers could be practicing drill.When the time came for everyone to go home I could still hear the footsteps. I was packing up my grooming kit when the officer I thought would be upstairs came into the stables to say good-bye. I asked him if anyone was upstairs and he said everyone had gone. I asked him to listen, he couldn't hear anything but I still could!!
I told him what I was hearing and he laughed at me and off he went.
Me, I decided someone must still be upstairs in the drill hall so went to look.
As I got to the door I waited for a while and didn't hear anything so pushed open the door and in the pitch dark saw a ball of light travel the length of the drill hall. I ran!!
I was too scared to tell my story untill a few months later when someone else came down from the drill hall screaming and saying they had seen a ghost.
Her description was exactly what I had seen and she had also heard the footsteps.
It turns out it is supposed to be haunted by the ghost of Cardinal Wolsey
who had been executed by Henry VIII.
I know what I saw, and I do believe in ghosts but Never want to see another.
Carol xx

31-10-2010, 08:13 PM
my horror story

this time 2 year ago I had been in labour for 36 hours, had been pushing for 2, for my sons big head to get stuck! me loosing lots of blood my sons heart rate dropping and having an emergancy c-section, besides my ds coming into the world it was the worst experience of my life

Although it couldnt have been that bad as im sitting here 8 months pregnant!

31-10-2010, 08:16 PM
Oooh Carol, you gave me goose bumps! I have a couple of friends who have seen ghosts too, trustworthy people who wouldn't make it up. I've never had the pleasure though...


31-10-2010, 08:23 PM
Oo Er thats spooky!
By the way, Wicked Witch of the South is the affectionate way my DH refers to my mother!
My TRUE story
When I was 14yrs old I belonged to the Horse Rangers Association which was based at the Royal Mews in Hampton Court. The building where the horses were stabled had a drill room above the stables. Whilst I was grooming a horse I could hear footsteps above me. I wasn't particularly worried as I knew one of the officers could be practicing drill.When the time came for everyone to go home I could still hear the footsteps. I was packing up my grooming kit when the officer I thought would be upstairs came into the stables to say good-bye. I asked him if anyone was upstairs and he said everyone had gone. I asked him to listen, he couldn't hear anything but I still could!!
I told him what I was hearing and he laughed at me and off he went.
Me, I decided someone must still be upstairs in the drill hall so went to look.
As I got to the door I waited for a while and didn't hear anything so pushed open the door and in the pitch dark saw a ball of light travel the length of the drill hall. I ran!!
I was too scared to tell my story untill a few months later when someone else came down from the drill hall screaming and saying they had seen a ghost.
Her description was exactly what I had seen and she had also heard the footsteps.
It turns out it is supposed to be haunted by the ghost of Cardinal Wolsey
who had been executed by Henry VIII.
I know what I saw, and I do believe in ghosts but Never want to see another.
Carol xx

spooky carol


31-10-2010, 08:30 PM
hey peeps

trick or treaters have stopped coming weve ranout of sweets and biscuits so have ignored the last few kids:blush:

dd is in bed scrubbed and halloween decorations have all been taken down

spooky tale

couple were driving late at night and came across something lying in the road, the man got out to see what it was and moved it out the way..another car was coming up behind them so he flagged them to go past, quickly got back in the car.... but the car stayed behind, they went on their way carried on driving and the car behind followed them...right up close, every turn they made the car behind stayed right up close....they drove to their house up the drive and the car drove up behind them and stayed there

they ran inside phoned the police and they told the couple to stay indoors keep on the phone and tell them if anyone gets out...the driver stayed in the carright behind theirs with lights and engine on

the police arrived and surrounded the strange drivers car and hurled him out pinning him to the floor

turns out as he had driven up behind them in the road, he had seen someone climb into the couples boot when the husband had got out to remove something in the road...the man had followed them all the way home and wouldnt move knowing they would cal for help...the police opened the boot to find an escaped murderer in there with a 7 inch dagger!!!:eek:


31-10-2010, 08:31 PM
I'm here with my blood red wine :)

No spooky tales though. 2 lots of trick or treaters, one asking if one of the mindees was here - kiddies just don't understand that they don't live here :laughing:

31-10-2010, 08:32 PM
Happy Halloween everyone!
DS just gone off to sleep and OH out playing footy....so I hope no ghosties plan on coming to see me until OH gets home!
I have never seen anything spooky but both my parents have. My Dad would never go in to his story because he didn't want to scare me but he is certain he has seen one- and he is the sort of person you would expect to be a total non-believer. My Mum says someone used to sit at the end of her bed when she was younger! My Grandparents still live in the same house and I always feel uneasy there at night.

31-10-2010, 08:40 PM
Me and d carved pumpkins, we had 3 lots of kids come knocking , not really been in the mood this yr but have had a good go for dd :thumbsup:

Enjoy your party guys x

31-10-2010, 08:42 PM
another spooky one

2 friends were going away for the weekend just finished work on a firday evening...getting packed in the car there was the sound of a banging door...looking around carried on packing, one said she had left her washbag in the bath room running up stairs she reached in grab the bag and ran back down
they waved goodbye to their neighbour who was looking after the house of drove off

sunday arrived and when they got home the house was surrounded by police the police

the neighbour had been found murdered in the bathroom and on the wall written in blood was

"arent you glad you didnt turn on the light!!"

31-10-2010, 08:54 PM
young girl was baby sitting for some neighbours off they went and so she settled in front of the telly chating to a friend...after a while she hung up and went to check the kids

as she was walking upstairs she heard a thud upon inspection she found a window swinging open in the breeze, she shut the window opened the door slightly to the childrens room smiled and walked down stairs

few minutes later the phone rings: "check on the children" said a weird voice
freak she shouted and hung up

minutes later the phone rings again "CHECK ON THE CHILDREN" says the same weird voice, she hangs up again but feels a little spooked...moments later the phone rings again CHECK ON THE CHILDREN

She slams the phone down then calls the police...within minute the house is surrounded by police they come flying in and rush her outside to safety...they traced the last call the the house she was babysitting in and the call was coming from another line inside........:eek:


31-10-2010, 08:59 PM
We've been to a party with our 2 little monsters tonight so only had one lot of treaters before we left, guess who's going to have loads of treats to eat :laughing:

Here's our munchkins before we left

Carol xx

31-10-2010, 08:59 PM
Not really a spooky tale, but I used to be a little horror when I was a child (around 8-9yrs old).
At the time I lived in Switzerland and all the housing was in flats and underneath each block of flats there were (and still are) nuclear fallout shelters with huge thick metal doors and small rooms off a long corridor.

Anyway, one day the main 'blast door' was open and me and a few friends sneaked in to have a look and at the far end there were some workmen and they were dressed in white suits. I could see that they were men, but the others behind me were freaking out about ghosts.

So I decided to pretend that the men WERE ghosts and I just ran past my friends shrieking, they soon followed as they caught a glimpse of white and we must have made a right din, about 6 of us girls screeching the place down :D

Everyone then dared each other to go in again and I (the brave one) went in again and did the same 'run away' tactic and set them all screeching again, but by then I was in stitches.

But they soon found out that it was just men in white worksuits as they came out to see what all the comotion was. They forgave me :littleangel:

31-10-2010, 09:07 PM
My mom has seen a ghost a few times

She saw her dad rocking me when I was about 2 weeks old
I was in the pram and he was standing there rocking me

Her dad had died years before

Another time she was walking through an alley way with her friend when a dark figure ran infront of them and went straight through the wall
They found out later that someone had just died

Steve also saw a ghost when he was a teen

He had a paper round and every day this little old lady would give him an apple to say thank you

One day he went home with the apple like he always did

His mom asked him where he had got it from

He told her - turned out the little old woman had died earlier that morning :eek: :eek:

We think our house has been haunted but long story and would take me forever to tell - friends and family stopped coming to visit for a while though because they were all scared ha

Angel xx

foxy lady
31-10-2010, 09:10 PM
look at this story i found on the net

Our chum is a professional woman and a mother of two. Some years ago, after the birth of her second child, she decided to return to work, aided in this ambition by her grandmother.

Although elderly, the lady was sprightly, and completely amenable to the idea of looking after two children, one a babe of just four months. She had, our friend reports, many quirky ways of doing things: all had to be just so! Nevertheless, the arrangement worked admirably, and the return to work - and wages - went without a hitch…..

Without warning, tragedy struck: our friend's grandmother was rushed to hospital following a massive heart attack, from which she sadly failed to recover……

A replacement child-minder was advertised for and employed: an efficient and enthusiastic young woman who had recently received her licence: Jane was able to resume her career once more.

One day, on her return from work, the nanny led her aside: she said that, while freely admitting her comparative unfamiliarity with terry-towelling nappies (diapers!) she had been trained in their use. The mother's eyebrows were raised enquiringly….

The nanny continued: it seemed that whenever she went to change the baby's nappy, it had somehow 'reconfigured itself'! Jane asked tbe shown: the baby was fetched and its nappy exposed: Jane's blood ran cold: there, unmistakably, was the hallmark nappy-fold of her dead grandmother !!!!!
Even in death, things still had to be

……….just so!
how scary would that be if that happened to a child in your care, i think i would run a mile lol

Carol M
31-10-2010, 09:10 PM
Tell Angel,Tell!
We are all sitting comfortably
Carol xx

31-10-2010, 09:14 PM
Tell Angel,Tell!
We are all sitting comfortably

Yes, please tell us!

31-10-2010, 10:51 PM
OMG,, IM, SHAKING SCARED, THESE STORIES ARE GREAT, ill have to cuddle up to my boyfeind tonight,

we had our party last might, need i say the orange box of recycling is full,,,
few dressed up, people brought lots of food,, TOO much,,again,, but ill get
through it,,lol:thumbsup:

my smoke machine worked great, the door went,,
i turned it on,,opened the door, spooky,, with the older kids as they stood there saying trick or treat,,,,,,, I WOULD SCREAM,, they all jumped,,haha:clapping:

ONE LAD,, as he put his hand in to take some sweets,,, I would make the bowl move,, which made him jump,.,.,
and another child as he grabbed the sweets ,,, I grabbed his hand,, oh i did have a laugh:jump for joy: :laughing: :laughing:

the good thing is I can put in my book, that my smoke alarms work,,lol

they went off few times,,,:clapping: :clapping:

31-10-2010, 10:56 PM
good one,, i had a similar experience, years ago, my DD (now 18) was 4 months old in december, and I was breastfeeding her in my mums bedroom,the door was open a jar, I lay there, listening to the noise in the other room, ( my family were drinkig and enjoying he festive spirits iykwim.

and in the jar it went dark as if some one was walking past and looking in for few mins,

when DD was asleep, I went back in and asked who walked past, and they said no one,,, Thinking now it was my nan, who past away few years before, checking up on us,,BLESS HER !!:littleangel: