View Full Version : gotta love kids.....

31-10-2010, 06:52 PM
just answered the door, a kid goes..

trick or treat, woah you got loads of toys can i have kerplunk :eek: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

cheeky begger

31-10-2010, 07:00 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

31-10-2010, 07:04 PM
:laughing: :laughing: bless

should have said 'no but heres my business card, give it to your mother'

31-10-2010, 07:08 PM
:laughing: :laughing: bless

should have said 'no but heres my business card, give it to your mother'

:laughing: :laughing:

i would have if i had spaces :thumbsup:

31-10-2010, 07:24 PM
thats really funny, cheeky little thing. xxx

31-10-2010, 08:52 PM
We ran out of chocolates & sweets so started giving out party bag toys that we had left over...the first kid that came & got a clacker - screamed out when he got to the top of our drive "That house is giving away toys" - pointing back towards our house - needless to say they came in drocves after that!:rolleyes: :laughing: (we've had about 200 kids)!:eek:

31-10-2010, 08:53 PM
We ran out of chocolates & sweets so started giving out party bag toys that we had left over...the first kid that came & got a clacker - screamed out when he got to the top of our drive "That house is giving away toys" - pointing back towards our house - needless to say they came in drocves after that!:rolleyes: :laughing: (we've had about 200 kids)!:eek:

good idea for next year, noisy toys that'll teach the parents to bring their kids to my door :clapping:

31-10-2010, 09:01 PM
good idea for next year, noisy toys that'll teach the parents to bring their kids to my door :clapping:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You should move to a village Hebs, we're lucky if we get 2 lots of treaters, mind you we were out tonight :laughing:

Carol xx

31-10-2010, 09:12 PM
We've not had any here so we've been eating the goody bags I had made up

Chimps Childminding
31-10-2010, 09:13 PM
We have loads where we live!!! Most I don't even recognise I am sure they come in by the bus load from somewhere!!! :laughing:

I bought referee sweet whistles from Tesco (25p a bag of 10) left over from World Cup (still in date) and they went really well - guess I won't be very popular with a lot of mums :rolleyes: Also the cheap bugs, spiders etc that you get from the supermarket went really well - saves me putting them away for next year :thumbsup:

01-11-2010, 12:15 AM
we have had about 30 tonight....

01-11-2010, 12:38 AM
I had............................

none ...not 1 trick or treater knocked on my door lol loads of little goody bags... dunno what I gonna do with em all lol

01-11-2010, 01:29 AM
None here either. DD1 has gone trick or treating to another village and DD2 is opening the door at Grandma's and giving out the sweets.

I live outside the village and no footpath up from village so main hoards don't come. Only ones possible are from our little group of houses but they all stayed at home today.

Mindee & mum are pagan and she said no-one has knocked on her door tonight she thinks they are scared she will hex them or something!

01-11-2010, 03:05 AM
my door went and i refused to answer it. hubby in computer room in hall shouted through for me to answer, kids heard so had to answer, 4 polish children who just said trick or treat, i asked them if they had a joke or a song to sing they said no. After that i sat on my laptop in the dark refusing to answer my door.

certain kids knew to come to my back door as i had told them i was not going to answer the front.

Last year my lo was so dissapointed that hardly anyone opened their doors to her. we had made up loads of bags last year and ended up making more. So this year i just said stuff it, im not bothering.again i gave a little one a row for going round in the dark himself.

god i sound like a bah humbug, didnt even put up decorations this year, although had a halloween party for minded kids and my lo friends on friday.

01-11-2010, 08:25 AM
my door went and i refused to answer it. hubby in computer room in hall shouted through for me to answer, kids heard so had to answer, 4 polish children who just said trick or treat, i asked them if they had a joke or a song to sing they said no. After that i sat on my laptop in the dark refusing to answer my door.

certain kids knew to come to my back door as i had told them i was not going to answer the front.

Last year my lo was so dissapointed that hardly anyone opened their doors to her. we had made up loads of bags last year and ended up making more. So this year i just said stuff it, im not bothering.again i gave a little one a row for going round in the dark himself.

god i sound like a bah humbug, didnt even put up decorations this year, although had a halloween party for minded kids and my lo friends on friday.

That made me laugh - Dh says he wouldnt give them anything unless they do a turn - Apparantly thats what happens when they go guising where he grew up!

01-11-2010, 08:38 AM
We had at least two groups dropped off by car! Think they were driving round looking for houses who were playing. We did two long streets and knocked on 6 or 7 doors which was more than enough, they cant eat much more than that anyway. But I think its a bit sad that people are so miserable about it all, fair enough if you dont have kids but of houses on here that kids live in had no pumpkins or anything. Only problems trick or treaters were loud drunken men at about 12.30 who banged on every door on the street :censored: