View Full Version : Rabbits

19-10-2010, 12:20 PM
Daft question but last time I had rabbits I was a child.... if it's raining can they still go in the run or should they go back in their hutch?

19-10-2010, 12:23 PM
our rabbits got caught in rain numerous times but our run as a sheltered area, didnt ever leave them though once id realised and it was a heavy shower i would put them back in hutch, id it was a passing sprinkle they were fine

both have now recently passed to mixi :crying:


19-10-2010, 12:28 PM
Thank you - ours has a sheltered area too so they can hide if they want too. I'm mindful of the big black cloud up in the sky and not sure if I should take them out of the run or not. Only had them 2 days!

19-10-2010, 12:30 PM
Thank you - ours has a sheltered area too so they can hide if they want too. I'm mindful of the big black cloud up in the sky and not sure if I should take them out of the run or not. Only had them 2 days!

are they wee ones, youngsters? depends whether theyve been used to lots fresh air, your right to be careful

bless em, you sound like a new mummy;)


19-10-2010, 12:33 PM
Im like this with my guinea pigs :laughing:

They live indoors and i always worry its too cold outside and there feet will get cold :D

One of my cats loves being out in the rain :rolleyes:

19-10-2010, 12:35 PM
are they wee ones, youngsters? depends whether theyve been used to lots fresh air, your right to be careful

bless em, you sound like a new mummy;)


:laughing: I am like a new mummy, keep looking out of the window to check they're ok! I'm out all day tomorrow and caught myself wondering if they would be OK without me :blush:
They're not fully grown but not babies. They lived in a barn with exposed sides, I don't know if they ever ran outside, I think they would have run in an inside run. But fresh air is no problem and they're absolutely loving the grass :)

19-10-2010, 12:36 PM
Im like this with my guinea pigs :laughing:

They live indoors and i always worry its too cold outside and there feet will get cold :D

One of my cats loves being out in the rain :rolleyes:

:laughing: I hadn't thought about their feet! But they have the most adorable big fluffy feet so I think they'll be fine :D My cats absolutely loathe the rain - they'll sit and stare outside all mournfully when the weather's wet

19-10-2010, 12:38 PM
dont forget to move the run round daily and get ya grass evenly nibbles, saving hoiking the moweer out;) :clapping: :D

19-10-2010, 12:39 PM
I have a 'free range' rabbit he has the run of the garden ( and sometimes the house too ! )
Sometimes he seeks shelter if it rains ( he has free access to his hutch too ) and sometimes he just sits in the rain nibbling on the grass :rolleyes:

19-10-2010, 12:44 PM
Definately moving the run, my grass is embarrasingly long!

I like the idea of a free range rabbit but I'm not sure the cats would.... plus we have dogs either side and there's a hole under the fence one side. Anyway, we've had them free in the house both days since we had them for a bit, to get them used to being with us, being handled etc, and being around the cats (one cat jealous, the other curious, but ran away when the rabbit came too close :rolleyes: )

19-10-2010, 12:46 PM
My rabbit is definitely the boss ! The cats are terrified of him and he even chases the dog ! :laughing:

19-10-2010, 01:09 PM
We had a rabbit :panic:

We acquire it, didn't know how old boy / girl ... well it was....... different :blush:

My neighbour rang me one day , it had got out and was hoping down the road :laughing: hubs was the only one who could get it back in its cage, with a broom up its bum ! nicely though, then he would thump all around the cage :laughing: hence we have only ever had 1 rabbit :D

mrs coops
19-10-2010, 03:12 PM
I have two rabbits and they used to come in my house untill they decided to chew the mobile phone charger and baby moniter lead:mad: lol didn't realise untill went to charge my phone :laughing: