View Full Version : What Are Your Christmas Plans?

15-10-2010, 04:29 PM
Can't believe Christmas is only a few months away now. Just wondered what everyone does for Xmas? Work, go away, stay home, family over?

we won't be working and tend to stay home on Christmas Day with parents-in-law and then go to my sisters for boxing day, and who knows might even see my brother after 5+ years :laughing: ...

15-10-2010, 04:40 PM
i spoke to my mum last night about xmas. I have a brother in London and a sister in nottingham. Sister and i take turns either having parents over or going to their house. This will be mum and dads first xmas as pensioners-mum has always worked xmas as she was a nurse. dad was a uni lecturer.

We HOPE the golden boy (brother) steps up to the plate and invites them down there. Not that i dont want mum and dad over....its just they dont see their little grandsons very often (mum and dad live 40 mins away from me in cheshire) and i think they miss out. My lot are grown up so xmas is a bit different here.

so i invited mum and dad over but on the understanding that if the boy wonder does invite them they can accept his invite i wont be upset.

sorry for ramble

bet you wish you didnt ask!

mandy xxx

15-10-2010, 04:40 PM
At home as always - decide later if to ask my brother/mum to stay. Also SIL and her son.

We never get to go away as DH is a farmer and the cows don't know it's Christmas and still want/need feeding/milking :laughing:

No parents in law or dad :( , so not too many people to try and please. Wish it were different.

15-10-2010, 04:46 PM
I always stay at home on xmas day, I love the kids being able to stay in and play with their new toys. We normally have my mother in law round for day and think we are doing that this year too. As for the other days, I am not sure yet, all I know is I am off work from 23rd Dec to 3rd Jan which I never do but this year just want to spend xmas with the family :clapping:

15-10-2010, 05:10 PM
Home just the 4 of us, has been that way since my dad died :( family never visit and we now dont visit them now. do wish it was different but there we go, at least we dont have the stress others seem to have :)

am I horrible to say I find christmas a bit boring now, we open pressents and eat then watch TV, thats it. any suggestions to make it better muchly appreiciated :)

15-10-2010, 05:18 PM
We usually go abroad over Xmas znd new yr but what with hubs accident and op at the begining of dec and going to Egypy nov we are staying home ;-)

we will have my mum and patner for dinner , and open house for tea :)

real 6ft tree and turkey snd all the trimmings :clapping:

15-10-2010, 05:22 PM
My Christmas plans are to try & get out of going to my MIL's (it's her turn this year) - but I'm sick of it - so may have a tantrum & just stay home!:thumbsup:

15-10-2010, 05:24 PM
my hubby and i are hoping to have a quiet xmas by ourselves but mum ison her own and we have her most xmases, younger brother and sister...well i wont bother about them not worth it but they never offer mum and older brother always go to wales with his wifes family

i may be in hospital on 23rd so might not have to worry about doing anything hehehe

will be very upset if im in on xmmas day though cos will miss my dd opening presents :o(


15-10-2010, 05:30 PM
We are staying at home again but we are eating out on christmas day:) My mum & dad go to Egypt every year so we dont see them, I dont get on with my sister and my brother & his wife and baby go to her parents in leeds every year. My Oh has no family around anymore
Boxing Day we will be having a party inviting friends:)

15-10-2010, 05:32 PM
Not sure yet. Dont know what dh will be working fingers crossed he is off christmas day.

Have no plans to invite any of the family over :thumbsup:

Chatterbox Childcare
15-10-2010, 05:37 PM
Just asked all my parents about when we are needed and so far it is "none"!!!! but still 5 to come in...

We are hoping to be at home on CD with family and then go away for a long weekend from 31st Dec until 3rd Jan for new years.

15-10-2010, 05:39 PM
Missing the old days when there was no question as to where anyone were going for Christmas. We all just went to my nan and everyone had a blast (at least as far as all us kids knew...). :(

I'm going HOME HOME HOME to the snowy winter wonderland, to stay with my auntie and her husband for 10 DAYS!!!

Aaargh, I don't know how to quote after starting a reply... But Jennie, why may you be in hospital? Hope you are ok.

Happy Holidays everyone!!! :thumbsup: :clapping:

15-10-2010, 05:45 PM
Staying home " quite time " with my family and kiddies

I have sent calanders tonight for the parents to let me know when they need me etc over xmas and the new year . :)

Hopefully they will say they dont need me :laughing: as i dont have any
" paid " time off and all of it os alot to loose to be honest........if they decide they are off they pay :) if i take time off they dont :( .

15-10-2010, 06:13 PM
my hubby and i are hoping to have a quiet xmas by ourselves but mum ison her own and we have her most xmases, younger brother and sister...well i wont bother about them not worth it but they never offer mum and older brother always go to wales with his wifes family

i may be in hospital on 23rd so might not have to worry about doing anything hehehe

will be very upset if im in on xmmas day though cos will miss my dd opening presents :o(


Are you ok ? x

15-10-2010, 06:34 PM
Xmas day and boxing day at home then off to Northamptonshire on the 27th (hubbys birthday) for 3 nights in a chalet.

Going to see family, mum, nan, in-laws and hubbys brother and sister.:clapping:

Mookins, hope you spend xmas with your family. Hugs to you.x

15-10-2010, 07:43 PM
Home just the 4 of us, has been that way since my dad died :( family never visit and we now dont visit them now. do wish it was different but there we go, at least we dont have the stress others seem to have :)

am I horrible to say I find christmas a bit boring now, we open pressents and eat then watch TV, thats it. any suggestions to make it better muchly appreiciated :)

our christmas sounds similar, not the same without dad and inlaws. Maybe we should get together :rolleyes: :laughing:

15-10-2010, 07:46 PM
I am cooking for the first time :panic: :panic:

My bro is coming up with his wife for a few day's, quite looking forward to it

Will be the first one without partner but i am super excited :jump for joy: :jump for joy:

15-10-2010, 07:50 PM
I'm working till xmas eve then back on Tues 28th :( We go out for Xmas dinner so looking forward to that. think it's only 71 sleeps

miss mopple
15-10-2010, 07:59 PM
Ours will be a quiet one. We always stay at home for Christmas, just the 4 of us as we live away from family. MIL lives locally so will pop in for coffee, but that will be it for socialising.

Don't think it will be a very special one this year as we are trying hard to save money so won't be splashing out much, and don't feel like it anyway having just lost my Dad :( Can't get motivated to think Christmas at the minute.

15-10-2010, 08:03 PM
I'm going out for lunch this year :clapping:

me, my kids and my mum and stepdad.... can't wait
no cooking, now dishes, bliss :D

15-10-2010, 08:12 PM
off over xmas will have nieces over with the nieces boxing day then new years eve whole family booked into hotel as hubby does disco there every year always a great night...

The Juggler
15-10-2010, 09:43 PM
absolutely nothing. Lunch only for us and the kids (but brother and gf may rock up) maybe go iceskating at hampton court but other than that - total chill fest. might invite neighbours in for a new years bring a bottle party (dh is scottish). used to have one every year but stopped when i was studying. Time to reinvent the ny party methings:)

15-10-2010, 09:52 PM
We usually go to my Grandparents for lunch (my Mum and brother will be there too) then on to MILs in the afternoon/ evening, with his that side of the family there. Used to go to FILs in between before DS came along but that's too much to fit in now, with DS's nap etc, so we will see him and also my Dad either xmas eve or boxing day. Then 27th is my birthday! :) But everyone is fed up by then and on that awful post-xmas comedown so it's never much fun :(
Probably off work from 24th-3rd and OH is the same but has to be on 24 hour emergency callout for his company for 2 days in that period.

15-10-2010, 09:56 PM
We never get to go away as DH is a farmer and the cows don't know it's Christmas and still want/need feeding/milking :laughing:

I know that feeling! We usually have the in-laws over, which I quite like, they are very easy going! See the SIL at new year and other family close to christmas.
I don't mind not going away, I like to be home :)
70 days and counting.........:clapping: :clapping:

16-10-2010, 07:22 AM
Not sure what we're doing. I'm on maternity so no need to worry about working but not sure if we'll have lunch here and have both mothers over or hopefully we'll be invited to sil. Last year we went skiing for Christmas Day and it was fun and less stressful but baby will only be 6wks old so not doing that this year.

Carpet Monkeys
16-10-2010, 08:01 AM
We are going to be a family again after hubby returns from a 7 month deployment a week or two before xmas, then we are off to Northern Ireland to visit his family! Xmas eve at 1 sisters, Xmas day at another sisters, Boxing Day at another sisters, New Years Eve at another sisters and New Years Day at another sister, the final sister I'm sure we'll squeeze a dinner in with her somewhere :)

16-10-2010, 08:05 AM

well hoping to knock this one out abit before xmas day, so festive curries, sex, pineapples, and raspberry leaf tea for me!

MIL will be coming up to help out as it will also be our first xmas without my FIL:(

16-10-2010, 08:19 AM
In between being on duty at the Emergency Unit I have a busy Xmas planned.
My sisters marriage has broken down so she is coming to stay for a few days over xmas with her 17y old daughter. They are coming xmas eve and going home bank Holiday Monday. I also have my Mum and her partmer coming Boxing day too.

On the Wednesday between xmas and new year, our eldest DD(26), her finance and my 2 grandchildren are coming down for a 2nd xmas day. She has told me she wants the works! So that 2 xmas dinners I've got to do :D

I don't need to worry about New Years Eve as I am on duty. So think of me when you raise your glasses as I will be stitching people back up, mopping up blood and trying to calm crying relatives :rolleyes: Happy new year to me! :D

16-10-2010, 09:49 AM
Quiet one for us as its just hubby, me and little DS. Big DS and Big DD came last year, so they have to spend it with others this year, but hope they will put in an appearance at some point, trouble is they both work in pubs and restuarants so it dependant on time off.

We often go out and about on Boxing day, like to walk along the beach if its nice, will just go with the flow and see what happens