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View Full Version : NCMA Certificate

04-10-2010, 12:18 PM
My CM friend has renewed her NCMA membership and public liability after first year of minding. She did this two weeks before it ran out. The telephone operartor offered her a yearly direct debit so that it would automatically renew each year. They gave her two weeks free but no certificate came only a slip of paper saying paid but it now looks like she was not insured for the two free weeks IYSWIM. She has since had her inspection and they said she must have her PL ins certificate available to be seen by Oct 15th. NCMA has said they will see what they can do :eek: . Has this happened to anyone else or some advice would be appriciatted.

Thanks in advance.

04-10-2010, 12:22 PM
Yep - they done that to me and that is what my inspector said.
NCMA said the inspector could ring them and they would confirm I had insurance - inspector said she wasn't ringing anyone blah blah

I shoved a rocket under NCMA - they got my certificate to me.

Ring richard aris - customer services and explain - he is a very good customer services manager

04-10-2010, 12:23 PM
Thanks Pip :thumbsup: