01-10-2010, 07:04 AM
Morning Everyone

FRIDAY YIPPIEEEEEEEE :clapping: :clapping:

Who has been singing ? Ater the gorgeous day we had yesterday it is now raining :crying:

So what have you all got planned today

Day off for me but maybe I will catch up with some paperwork , but there again ..................... :laughing:

Hope you all have a great day

Angel xx

01-10-2010, 07:09 AM
Morning Angel and Everyone

Horrible rain here too but I have the morning off :clapping: So Tescos here I come :thumbsup: Have shredding to do when I get back and before lunchtime pick up.

Have a great day everyone

Enjoy your day off Angel :thumbsup:

Carol xx

01-10-2010, 07:12 AM
I aint bin singing......but I am dancin....Its Friday YaY:clapping: :clapping:

Going shopping this morning to a new discount shop that is opening this morning...gonna see if I can pick up some bargains:thumbsup:

Have a ggod one.

Oh and its nearly wine O clock :jump for joy: well in 8 hrs it is :D

01-10-2010, 07:14 AM
I aint bin sunging......but I an dancin....Its Friday YaY:clapping: :clapping:

Going shopping this morning to a new discount shop that is opening this morning...gonna see if I can pick up some bargains:thumbsup:

Have a ggod one.

Oh and its nearly wine O clock :jump for joy: well in 8 hrs it is :D


I have heard about your dancing orksie so I think it could be you who made it rain :laughing: :laughing:

Enjoy your shopping Carol and get me something nice pleaseeeeee

Enjoy your shopping too orks and you too can see if you can get me a good bargain ha

Angel xx

01-10-2010, 07:16 AM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Will do Angel:thumbsup:

01-10-2010, 07:58 AM
Wet and grey here :(

Mindees are all tired so we will have a day playing with lots of stories and snuggles!

Early finish today at 3:clapping:

Have a good day everyone:)

Marian x

01-10-2010, 08:24 AM
morning everyone.. its raining here to just got in from school run
got soaked, baby asleep, house clean, lunch already for later warm cuppa in hand, not much else for me to do all paperwork up to date to all i can do is obs on a sleeping baby :laughing: :laughing:

Cammie Doodle
01-10-2010, 08:53 AM
Morning all, yuk heavy rain today, but never mind all my holiday washing done dried and ironing almost done (only a few items left to do.) Carolyn and I were planning on popping into town, but not seen her yet so will wait and see. I might just have to spend all day on here trying to catch up after almost 3 weeks away :D

01-10-2010, 08:55 AM
Day off here as well and no DD either!!!! Got a million and one things to do around the house and should be catching up on my paperwork and coursework but instead I'm sat watching tv, on here with a mug of tea.

Off out with the MIL in a bit....that'll be fun!!!!:panic:

Hope you all have a lovely day!

01-10-2010, 09:02 AM
Morning all, yuk heavy rain today, but never mind all my holiday washing done dried and ironing almost done (only a few items left to do.) Carolyn and I were planning on popping into town, but not seen her yet so will wait and see. I might just have to spend all day on here trying to catch up after almost 3 weeks away :D

Nice to see you back June

Did you have a lovely time how did it go ?

Angel xx

01-10-2010, 09:07 AM
Morning all, no rain here yet but have just seen the weather on the news and it's definatly on it's way.
Rose at nursery so i'm going to sort my kitchen out, i'm sick of it looking messy all the time and need to make room for baby bottles, steriliser etc..... Have picked loads of tomatoes of my plants, fed the dog and chucks so am now having a cuppa before i start on the kitchen. It's been my 1st week of maternity and i'm so glad i finished 5 weeks early as i'm knackered and can't be bothered to do much apart from go at my own pace which is impossible when there's children around. Having a night in watching tv tonight and i think tomorrow we have friends coming for tea.
Have a good day everyone.

01-10-2010, 09:12 AM
Sorry I apologise it was me! I have learnt a new squirrel song

Squirrel Squirrel shake your bushy tail
Squirrel Squirrel shake your bushy tail
Wrinkle up your little nose
hold a nut between your toes
Squirrel Squirrel shake your bushy tail

and its such a catchy tune! I'm not working until 11.30am today so think we are going to the soft play!

01-10-2010, 09:55 AM
Pouring here !

Just been and done some shopping , bought another winter coat , that's 2 in 2 days :blush: well today's was £45 down to £11.25 it had to be done :-) a girl can never have too many coats and too much of a bargain !

Have a fab day everyone x

01-10-2010, 11:47 AM
Well I did my shopping this morning only to return home to find my door key still in the door (on the outside) :blush: I had locked it though and set the alarm :laughing:

Just had a phone call to say parent would pick up lo from preschool and keep him this afternoon, so now I'm not working till 3.15 :clapping:

Then opened to post to find I've got a £400 grant to spend on resources :jump for joy: :jump for joy:

My day is just getting better and better :clapping:

Great price for the coat Lisa, where was it from?:thumbsup:

Carol xx

01-10-2010, 11:58 AM
Horrible and wet here, got soaked this morning on school run and in town. Girls both asleep so catching up on here and searching the web for kids waterproofs!

It's also my wedding anniversary - 5 years - so looking forward to a take away and a few glasses of wine tonight! We had a weekend away back in May while the weather was sunny so pretty low key today!:)

01-10-2010, 11:59 AM
Pouring here !

Just been and done some shopping , bought another winter coat , that's 2 in 2 days :blush: well today's was £45 down to £11.25 it had to be done :-) a girl can never have too many coats and too much of a bargain !

Have a fab day everyone x

That's a great bargain, can't feel guilty about that!

Carol M
01-10-2010, 12:55 PM
It's absolutely chucking it down here.
Went out this morning after dropping dd1 at college but soon came back.
Only have 1 lo on a friday so we have been playing with his fav Happyland .
He is spark out now, he's had a horrible cold all week and I will probably have to wake him for the school run.
Hope it's not raining tomorrow as I'm off to Bromsgrove to my fav cake makers shop to buy stuff to make dd1's birthday cake.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Carol xx