View Full Version : Laminate Flooring Policy?

22-09-2010, 09:53 AM
Does anybody have 1?

22-09-2010, 10:00 AM
I have laminate floor, but do not have a policy, not quite sure why I should?

22-09-2010, 10:08 AM
The Bromley site have one.


22-09-2010, 10:13 AM
I have laminate flooring throughout downstairs , no policy , but it does warrant a mention in my Risk Assessments.. I dont see the need for a policy just for the sake of it.

22-09-2010, 10:37 AM
So it won't go down as bad thing when Ofsted come and inspect?

22-09-2010, 11:16 AM
cant see why it would - as long as they can see youre aware of any risks ..same as with most things really. Certainly didnt affect me , but Ofsted arent known for their consistency!

22-09-2010, 12:36 PM
I remember the first time I saw that BCMA had a laminate floor policy on their site and thinking "what on earth??!!" But now I know its been useful for at least one person :)

Chatterbox Childcare
22-09-2010, 01:17 PM
Sorry but I think this is overboard - not required

22-09-2010, 01:30 PM
Sorry but I think this is overboard - not required


I had a Lamiate floor throughout the ground floor of my house for 6yrs. I had 2 inspections in that time and I was never pulled up for not having a Policy about Laminate floors.

I have Karndean flooring throughout now. Wonder if I should do a policy? :rolleyes:

Heaven Scent
22-09-2010, 01:31 PM
OMG :eek: :eek: that takes the biscuit what a waste of paper and ink that would be I have laminate floors, ceramic tiled floors, vynal floors, staied wooden floor boards all witha and without rugs plus carpets I even have stair rods do I need policies for all of those - NO I don't but, as somone says we just need to risk assess them!!!!

22-09-2010, 03:11 PM
Sorry but I think this is overboard - not required

I second this - although perhaps i should write a policy about writing policies or would that be too daft:rolleyes:

22-09-2010, 05:01 PM
Thats a policy for policies sake.
Fair enough put it into a risk assessment as yes laminate flooring can have the potential to be a big risk. Gosh I would probably have to do 3 types of policy then, as i have three types of laminate throughout my house. should we have a carpet policy - because carpets can be full of harmful bacteria and bugs, loose threads etc. Sorry OP i am not carping at you.

Just because Bromley have one doesn't mean we NEED it.

23-09-2010, 11:18 AM
Quite unnecessary in my view. What you do need however is a clear risk assessment to show you have looked at any issues that may arise from having laminate floors and what you are doing to mitigate any risks.

What I am seeing more and more is policies being put in place when in fact what is required is a risk assessment.

At my inspection in May, I showed the inspector my 12 policies which fully met her expectations. She was quite scathing of some of the policies that are appearing and cited one particular policy that seems to be doing the rounds as a step too far and an utter waste of time. She is fed up with being inundated by paperwork at some of the inspections she does - at a previous inspection she was given over 30 policies and politely suggested that a lot of them could be condensed and replaced with a "common sense policy" - I think that was the first time I have laughed out loud at an Ofsted inspector's remarks!!

The gospel according to the Bromley group is not one I personally choose to follow.