18-09-2010, 07:58 AM
Morning Everyone

So what are your plans for the weekend ? You doing anything nice ?

Any one going to Silverstone this weekend with the free tickets - we can not go now so my daughter and son are going instead . I still have 4 spare tickets and can not give them away no one wants them :eek:

I am off shopping and the cinema

Hope you all have a super weekend

Angel xxx

18-09-2010, 08:02 AM
I dont know what im doing yet.
Might have a T away tonight:)
I woke up with a head ache and a sore throat:(

Have a lovely weekend Angel and enjoy your film.:thumbsup:


18-09-2010, 08:14 AM
Sister has invited us to skegg vegas for the night to sat over

Trouble is lil one goes to her dads tmoz an its her bday monday so cant go :(

The joys ..........so as yet relaxing kiddies playing ...there will be cleaning going down today me thinks and visiting :) xxxxxx

Have a lovelly day x

18-09-2010, 08:16 AM
Morning, sunny skys here, bet its freezing though :laughing:

Have had a restless night, our injections are killing us, arms so sore !
Poor hubs had 2 in one arm, the nurse said it looked nice and muscley :laughing:

Going to have a tidy up today, where does everything come from !

Have a great day everyone x

18-09-2010, 08:17 AM
Morning everyone

I am going to look at front doors this morning! Then do my stint in the charity shop this afternoon.

Tomorrow is a wedding fair am, lunch out and ww2 thingy pm

Have fun

Miffy xx

Daddy Day Care
18-09-2010, 08:17 AM
Working today then going to my brother inlaws tonight for a few beers and to watch the boxing.

Not sure tomorrow hoping to go pub to watch united stuff the scousers but the mate i was plannnig to go out with is still in trouble with his mrs for going out last sunday, we were only gonig for a coule at 10.00am got in gone 11pm :panic:


18-09-2010, 08:21 AM
Hubby has told me to stay in Bed!

I've been strugling over the last 3 days with a realy heavy cold. My sinuses are all blocked, my head is thumping, my eyes are streaming and my chest is killing me :(

So I am going to do as I'm told and stay in bed for the day :)

18-09-2010, 08:29 AM
Hubby has told me to stay in Bed!

I've been strugling over the last 3 days with a realy heavy cold. My sinuses are all blocked, my head is thumping, my eyes are streaming and my chest is killing me :(

So I am going to do as I'm told and stay in bed for the day :)

Oh poor you

Get well soon and enjoy your day in bed

Angel xx

miss mopple
18-09-2010, 08:34 AM
Just about to tuck into a cooked brekkie then hubby and I are dropping the munchkin off at nannys and taking the dog on a long tromp over Watership Down. Glad the suns shining for us :clapping:

Then tonight its chinese (to undo all the good work walking :laughing: ) and maybe a dvd :thumbsup:

Have a good day all

18-09-2010, 08:37 AM
I'm sitting at the PC having a Lemsip as I've got a rotten cold :( But I'm quite busy today as my brother is coming over to stay a couple of nights (not seen him for almost 6 months) and this afternoon we are picking up a rescue cat which is only 8 months old.
Fingers crossed that our cat accepts him.

I will get a dog eventualy but maybe in 2-3yrs time when my own kids are older.

18-09-2010, 08:39 AM
I was out last night with the girls, had a fab time but feeling a little fragile. When hubby finishes work we are off to Toys R Us and then the Harvester.

Tomorrow we are off to a steam day at Amberley chalkpits and later hubby is going to our local free music festival to watch a band, some of whom used to play in 'The Jam' and I will be doing the ironing :(