View Full Version : TUESDAY ALL DAY

14-09-2010, 05:22 AM
Morning Everyone

Well can not tell what the weather is doing yet - I just see darkness outside my window ha ha :laughing:

Have early start today and very tired already after only 4 hours sleep

Not sure what my plans are today just go with the flow I think - Fingers crossed that baby does not cry today

What are your plans

Hope you all have a super day

Angel xxx

14-09-2010, 05:45 AM
Morning Angel. Weather here looks ok but rain is on the way.
No mindees today, Rose has her 1hr trial at nursery this morning then we're off to buy paint for the baby nursery as the decorator is coming tomorrow then meeting friends for lunch. I love these free days, only this week and next week of 2 working days each then 9mths off.
Have a good day.

14-09-2010, 06:25 AM
Morning Angel, Rose and Everyone

I can tell you what it's doing here Angel. raining :panic: I'm waiting for after schooler to arrive as I need to drop him at school this morning, he's just goig to love walking to school not.

We are painting today once late arrival mindee arrives. Also need to take Mitchells school trousers back as the clip broke off them yesterday :mad: he's been wearing them less than a week, so not happy :mad:

Have a great day everyone

Carol xxx

14-09-2010, 06:52 AM
Morning everyone

Dark here this morning too, looks like rain !

Hubs is home this week, today doing lots of paperwork ! Think I will be popping out ha :-)

Out to dinner with my dad tonight , have a good day everyone x

14-09-2010, 07:05 AM
Good morning Angel and everyone!

Grey and pretty miserable... :(
At least I know my colleagues at work always make me smile, so I will perk up in about an hour :D

Have a lovely day everyone!


miss mopple
14-09-2010, 07:10 AM
Grey here too :(

Day 2 of big school for my youngest today. Hope she goes in better than she did yesterday as she was sobbing bless her.

Then its just one mindee, so we will walk the dog and come home to play (probably dollies- again :rolleyes: ) while I wait in for my big box of new yankee candles to be delivered :clapping:

The Juggler
14-09-2010, 07:13 AM
I'm off to chessington (again!) today. Littlies starting nursery next week so little treat for them. Plus baby I normally have today is coming Friday instead as mum wanted to swap days so we're a lot more free to get about than normal.

Hope it doesn't rain!

14-09-2010, 07:14 AM
morning angel morning everyone well guess what its still raining here lol:laughing: thats a;ll it ever does so decided i got to get use to it so i have armed with wellys and waterproofs this rain aint gunna beat me:laughing: hope you all have a great day:)

14-09-2010, 07:17 AM
Morning everyone , grey and miserable here ( the weather , not me!)
Actually , scrub that ...should be the weather AND me!

One mindee off with probable glandular fever - so will be continuing with my mission to antibac everything in sight just in case.. then off for the school run and toddler group.
Hope everyones days are full of smiles x

14-09-2010, 07:24 AM
Morning everyone

Dark. grey and miserable here in Kent this morning :(

Off to a friends house this morning (she's a Nanny), we are going to do some cooking with the children. We have decided to make every Tuesday morning a cooking/craft morning. We will take it in turns to hoast & supply the activity.

I'm sucking Strepsils like theres no tomorrow, as I have a sore throat. I'm such a wimp when I get a sore throat :D

Have a good day :thumbsup:

14-09-2010, 08:11 AM
Grey here too :(

Day 2 of big school for my youngest today. Hope she goes in better than she did yesterday as she was sobbing bless her.

Then its just one mindee, so we will walk the dog and come home to play (probably dollies- again :rolleyes: ) while I wait in for my big box of new yankee candles to be delivered :clapping:

Jealous, love love Yankee :-)

Off to army and navy in our town soon , their range is huge, trouble my bank balance isn't !!! X enjoy sniffing x

14-09-2010, 08:15 AM
Jealous, love love Yankee :-)

Off to army and navy in our town soon , their range is huge, trouble my bank balance isn't !!! X enjoy sniffing x

Adds to my list of shops, Army and Navy for a look, was there on Sunday but never think of going into that shop.

Not working until 3.30, so just going to have a cuppa and then have a list of jobs writting in my diary that are going to get crossed off today. Then hopefully will get half an hour to chill and make a couple of cards, already started on my xmas ones