View Full Version : Following on from what Estrelas asked......

08-09-2010, 08:53 AM
it has got me wondering.

My eldest son is nearly 18, never had a minutes trouble with him.

Now, he has been going out with a sweet girl who is the same age for 6 months.

If she is not here he is at her house - but he does still go out with his friends (cinema, game of footie in the park etc).

They seem to totally adore each other and I know that she would marry him tomorrow!!!

Estrelas asked how old everyone was when they got together - and there were mostly older ages but a couple quite young and I thought "What if they decide they want to get married!!!"

He is going to be going to University (local one so no staying in digs) so I was thinking a whole new world is going to be opening up for him.

I would be very interested to hear people's views - do you think their relationship will last (from experience).

These days with Facebook and mobile phones and landlines where you can talk for up to 1 hour for a few pence I feel that they must know each other inside out - when I first met my husband I had only met him for a total of about 100 hours before I moved in with him 200 miles away.

08-09-2010, 09:10 AM
My sister-in-law and brother in-law have been together since she was 18 and he was 21, she went to uni in Exeter and he went to college in Lowestoft.

They both travelled to see each other every other weekend.

They have just got married and they are both 35 and 38!!!

So yes I think it can work if you really love someone xx

08-09-2010, 09:27 AM
Depends if he's a good lad ;) Only joking, I am sure he is!! I think that if they are really 'meant' for each other then it could be the start of something special - although a lot of people head off to uni - even if living at home - and meet new people and want new opportunities - travelling the world etc.
My stepson is 20 and i am dreading when he gets married/has kids as it will make me a very young granny!! :laughing:

08-09-2010, 09:46 AM
My friend from primary school meet her boyfriend when they were 12/13 and are still together 25 years later :) Never married though - when it works it works :)

08-09-2010, 10:25 AM
Hi - of course!! met my hubby when we were 15! When he was at university we took it in turns to visit each other (made it even more special to be honest), and now we've been together for (gulp) 27 years:eek: just had our 18th wedding anniversary (he bought me an apron:rolleyes: :laughing: )
Hope they're very happy together

08-09-2010, 10:52 AM
Sorry :blush: here is my story :blush:
I met my dd's dad at 15 while on holiday we had a long distance relationship for a few months i ended it as was hard to keep up. I got back together with him at aged 17 and we were together for 7 years had dd at aged 19yrs and moved to be with him.
Problems started with us when dd was a baby and i knew i wasnt happy we tried to make it work for a few years but i believe we were too young and just grew apart we wanted different things which didnt appear until after dd was born. My mum and dad have been together since they were 19 and married since they were 21 so i suppose it depends.

08-09-2010, 11:34 AM
My 18 year old DS is off to uni in 2 weeks, he had been with his girlfriend for 18 months and they have just mutually agreed to split as they are going to different uni's about 150 miles apart. I'm quite upset about it and have told them that I think they have been a bit hasty. It's a big step leaving home and I think they could have done without the extra stress of getting through a split on top of fending for yourself for the first time. I feel they should have waited to see how things went before they made a decision.

08-09-2010, 12:14 PM
If it's meant to be it will happen, marriage or not.

In a way I think it's lovely to meet someone so young and have a forever soulmate but also I think at such a young age they change,grow,develop radical/different ideas.

Hubbys brother and wife met aged 13/14 and are still together in their 40's.

08-09-2010, 05:37 PM
I was 17 when I met my other half. He was 23.

We got married when I was 19 and he was 25.

We've now been married 23 years. We are the only couple out of all our friends(about 6) who got married about the same time who are still together!!!

My daughter's friend's have just got married going in to the final year of Uni. They are both 21.

It seems really weird that her friend's are now getting married. She is 21 and I was 21 when I had her. That's scary!!!

08-09-2010, 05:43 PM
I met hubby when I was 17 now 30:) he was 22 aww so young!

We got married when I was 20 and just had our 10yr anniversary:clapping:

08-09-2010, 06:36 PM
who knows but uni will either make or break the relationship..

my son starts uni next week and his girlfriend of about 6 months starts in a uni about 40 miles away, i think they are planning on weekends together but i can't see that lasting very long as he will be working every saturday, but as long as he makes time for his old mum i will be fine.