View Full Version : Breakages policy

08-09-2010, 08:42 AM
Hi everyone, pretty new to this.

My first child started today, a 17 mth old buy and as i was carrying him down the stairs, he dropped his milk bottle and it broke. I don't have a breakages policy and realise now i need one! Should i replace it this time but then say in the policy that items of the child come into my hoem at their own risk and will not be replaced if broken?

I suppose i also need to say something about breakages to my property which i suppose i don't do anything about as i can claim 10% wear and tear?

I will also add about checking for breakages to toys etc.

any advice greatly appreciated!

thanks guys!

08-09-2010, 10:18 AM
Its not something I had ever thought of tbh - I would just explain to mum when she picks up. I certainly wouldnt replace it. Damage to my home and toys comes under wear and tear. if damage was malicious i would possibly tell parents that if it happened again they would be liable for costs. maybe a policy would be useful actually!!

08-09-2010, 10:51 AM
Thanks. I feel bad though as didn't have a policy in place before he started!

08-09-2010, 11:33 AM
Accidents happen.

I lost a Mindees winter hat one day after she threw it out of the pram and I didnt notice (she dropped it down a gap in the side of the rain cover and I was more concerned about getting out of the torrential rain to keep her warm and dry). Explained to mum and she was more than happy that it was not done on purpose.

You could offer to replace it, more than likely the parent will tell you not to worry x

08-09-2010, 12:20 PM
Thanks everyone!