View Full Version : What's The Pre Registration Course For Childminders Like?

07-09-2010, 08:39 PM
Hi all,

I'm booked on a Pre Registration Course for Childminders - it's 20 hours of God Knows What? If any of you seasoned War Heroes & battle scarred veterans can enlighten me as to the format, content & boredom death likelihood I would be extremely grateful.

I attended a pre-registration "briefing" which lasted for a torturous 2 hours, they could have crammed the whole shooting match into a 4 minute slide show, but you know these state sponsored masochist love to hear themselves YAP!

All I can remember from the Briefing was CRB Check, £30 cost, insurance, first aid course & Early Years.

Any comments relating to course illumination would be greatly appreciated.

Best Wishes

08-09-2010, 06:25 AM
It depends where you live, I honestly can't remember mine, I must have fallen asleep :) every area does it differently. Have fun!

09-09-2010, 12:46 PM

mine starts this saturday and is 5 sat morning's long. when's yours? we could be on the same one lol.

my understanding is that they will be going through the eyfs pack and explaining all the paperwork to us.


11-09-2010, 01:38 PM
Mine was over 10 weeks, 2 hours on a weds evening.

Yep they went slow apart from the one where we made gloop and made buildings with household rubbish :blush:
The one that really dragged for me was child protection, it didnt consist of much, i have done a longer one since and fully understand the ins and outs.
Each session we had where different subjects, the business one was very interesting.
Last session was shorter because once we had done our question paper we were allowed to go.

I got to the end and still had all the questions i had before, but i made a great friend on there who is my back up childminder now so make sure you network.

Enjoy xxxxx

11-09-2010, 04:12 PM
It really does depend on where you live!

In East Cheshire the course is over 12 weeks ... in other areas it is a few Saturdays.

Don't forget to let us know how you get on! :D

11-10-2010, 10:43 PM
I am in Reading and mine was 2 days of 9-5. It went over what you needed to get registered, we didnt make any buildings though!? (feel slightly short changed)

We had some one from HMRC come in and go through expenses, NI and taxes etc.. also we went through paperwork needed once registered.

We were also given a pack of paperwork with examples of everything that you would need to get started.

The Fire Brigade came in to go through fire safety and evacuations.

15-10-2010, 02:05 PM
Sorry, can't help much as I am due to be starting mine in November. I will be doing the new version (home-based unit of the diploma for young people's workforce) via distance learning. The plus side is that I don't have to sit through any boring classroom stuff but on the other hand it means I need to be really motivated and learn in all on my own at home :eek:

17-10-2010, 08:12 PM
we are doing the new diploma, all i can say is good luck...4 sessions into the course, still no handbook to do the course with, all 9 assignments to be in by end of dec...they are hoping!!