View Full Version : TUESDAY

07-09-2010, 06:37 AM
Morning Everyone

Hope you are all ok

It poured here all through the night

Sun is shining now although rain is forcast again for later

So what is everyone doing today ? I have new baby starting so just go with the flow today I think

Hope you all have a lovely day

Angel xxx

07-09-2010, 06:42 AM
it rained here too last night....the allotment was gasping!

I am off with two LOs into town (we walk) and will be visiting the market or dunelm mill to get some wool and blunt darning needles. LO A and i will do some basic sewing onto some leaf shaped card to put on our Autumn themed board.

Saw this idea on another thread...thank you to who ever put the idea on the forum!:thumbsup:

mandy xxx

07-09-2010, 06:43 AM
Good Morning,

Mindees go back to school but my own kids are still off (son goes back tomorrow daughter back on thursday)

It's raining here, still dark (wooohooooo love the dark mornings/nights)

just got 2 mindees during the day today so nice relaxing day today x

07-09-2010, 06:51 AM
Morning Angel and everyone

Rain woke me up last night, stopped now but very dull.

Our school isn't back until Thursday (having 2 inset days :rolleyes: ) so I've got a house full today and tomorrow!

Going to make something with the enormous box our Sainsbury's stuff came in, not sure what yet though.

Have a lovely day

Miffy xx

07-09-2010, 06:52 AM
Well my plan for today is fairly full - starting with me, DS and mindee making croissants for breakfast (why I wanted to do a cooking activity so early is beyond me a little right now, but hey ho) Then I have to fit in mindee painting the memory box for her parents wedding and she finishes by 3pm today - got to fit in a sleep and a 2 hour lunch (slow eater) so its going to be a busy one - might try to get my paperwork up to date this afternoon as I am very very very behind and its like a noose round my neck at the minute! :rolleyes:

07-09-2010, 06:57 AM
Morning Everyone

Good luck with the new baby :thumbsup:

Well today is Mitchells first day at school :clapping: :panic: Although he is a handful at times I'm so going to miss him being at home, I can feel myself welling up now about him going. At least he'll have Charley there if he needs someone. Charley starts the juniors today so it's a big day for her too.

Roll on 3.15 when I can collect them:D

Just one mindee most of this week so I will see what he wants to do.

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

07-09-2010, 07:01 AM
Morning everyone. Well after a rubbish last few days with sickness bug and terrible toothache i have woke up from sleeping all night and feel GREAT.
It is pouring down here, woke me up once last night but was so tired fell straight back asleep. Good to have some rain and water the veggies and plants.
No mindees today, so Rose and i are off food shopping and have loads of housework to do today. After this week only 2 weeks left working before i go on maternity and i can't wait. Have only been working 3 day weeks since August but they have been killing me. The next 2 weeks only working Thurs and Fri as my baby mindee is leaving for nursery as his mum has a new job nearer to where they live.
Have a good day everyone.

07-09-2010, 07:02 AM

Lovely and sunny here today but we expect it to rain later. Hopefully not before lunch cos I've put washing on the line!!!

We're off to toddlers this morning then a chilled afternoon me thinks! I'm going to go with the flow. It's my last day today and then I have 12 days off!!! Whoop whoop!!!! This time tomorrow I'll be sat in Birmingham airport ready to fly off to the sun and leave all this rain behind!! :clapping: :clapping:

07-09-2010, 07:03 AM
Morning Everyone

Good luck with the new baby :thumbsup:

Well today is Mitchells first day at school :clapping: :panic: Although he is a handful at times I'm so going to miss him being at home, I can feel myself welling up now about him going. At least he'll have Charley there if he needs someone. Charley starts the juniors today so it's a big day for her too.

Roll on 3.15 when I can collect them:D

Just one mindee most of this week so I will see what he wants to do.

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

Oh hope he will be ok Carol I am sure he will love it and soon the teacher will be eating out of his hand ha ha
Good luck to Mitchell
Let me know how he goes
Bet you will have a few tears
love me xx

07-09-2010, 07:03 AM

Love your new profile pic


07-09-2010, 07:06 AM
Hope your baby settles well!

I have my hardwork 14month old here today and a just turned 3 year old, we are off out to our craft group this morning.

I have a head cold, so cant really be bothered, just want to get through the day!

07-09-2010, 07:07 AM
well the plan for us was to go to toddler group as its the first one back but the weather is gorgeous and is too nice to sit in a church hall so we will prob go off to the local park or the zoo instead.

there will be plenty of rainy and cold morns to go to toddlers over the winter :rolleyes:

07-09-2010, 08:41 AM

Love your new profile pic


I love the photo too :thumbsup:

Mitchell went in fine and was really excited that he can go again tomorrow :laughing:

Carol xx

07-09-2010, 10:24 AM
My 2 mindees are slobbing on the sofa, think the holidays have caught up with them!

07-09-2010, 10:25 AM
My 2 mindees are slobbing on the sofa, think the holidays have caught up with them!

I looked at that quick and thought you said " Sobbing "

:laughing: :laughing:

Angel xx

07-09-2010, 10:41 AM
Lol, one goes home in half an hour so im taking my 2 plus mindee to mcdonalds as a treat x

07-09-2010, 02:18 PM
Can I come?!?!? :laughing: Hubby has taken the car this week and I feel so cut off I really want some junk food!! :thumbsup:

07-09-2010, 05:04 PM
awww yeahy anytime :D