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05-09-2010, 06:21 PM
-on how you fill an average day! what is an average day for you? I sometimes worry that i dont do enough and worry parents are thinking is that all :panic:
over 5s
they all have free time so choose their own such as ds, maths/english work books,drawing,tv and board games before i take them to school
under 5s
i usually take them out in the mornings(toddler groups, soft play or parks) they do free play, have lunch, do puzzles, tv and painting but when written down in childrens diary i doesn't look much even though i always try to do as much as i can with them but seem to be struggling for new ideas

green puppy
05-09-2010, 06:41 PM
My mindees are aged 2,2,2.5 and 2.9. Mornings are either cm group, music and toddlers. When we dont have a group we do lots in the garden, bug hunts, collecting things, play equipment, bats and balls, tents, messy activities, painting etc..... If we are indoors we sing, dance, read stories, do drawing, gluing,cutting,threading,puzzles. I always have construction toys, role play, small world toys, dress up, garage and cars, dolls house out so the children free play. We never seem to have time for tv, if I put it on at all it's usually for 10 mins while I get lunch. My diaries often sound repetitive but thats because the children may choose the same things for a week. This is fine, repitition is how they learn and they are doing what they find interesting. I also note things in the diaries like how well they have played with each other, what held their attention the most, if they got better at something they have been trying to do along with a quick summery of what they have played with.

05-09-2010, 06:49 PM
some days i have lots planned and others days not! one day in the holidays i was exhausted - we'd done loads and i thought it must be lunchtime - nope, it was 10 to 10 !!! :rolleyes: i'd only started work at 8!

before school we look at books/quet play and get ready to walk to school!

during school hours i usually have available some form of small world/role play, books, instruments, cars, construction of some sort, dolls, currently baby toys or treasure/sensory basket ( i have babe! ), and drawing bits.

we either go to a toddler group, or see friends, or go for a walk/park etc in the morning, with a bit of free play either side, sometimes an organised activity, or following on something we were doing whilst we were out. ( one day, having seen lots of buses on the school run, we went on a bus ride, came home and made buses, role played buses, wheels on the bus song & book ... it lasted all week! ) then lunch, LO sleep or have quiet time listening to music/story, sometimes some tv, play games & puzzles that are hard to do with babies around!

school run again!

then chaos reigns! when its nice the children all run around the garden like loonies!:D otherwise we might do a craft before tea, but usually they invent and play their own games, with the older ones involving the younger ones.

sometimes i feel like i haven't done much myself in the day, but the children are always busy and happy, and i am there to assist/extend the play.