View Full Version : Shopping challengers- hows it going?

miss mopple
01-09-2010, 05:24 PM
are you all doing as badly as me :laughing: ?

August was a rubbish month for my food budget :blush: so am trying afresh from today. I seriously need to save some money as need to find a grand between now and January for the tax man

My budget is £400. Had a £65 delivery come today which should do us for a week :thumbsup:

Am using up store cupboard stuff for treats and deserts. As I type I have a raisin bread loaf in the breadmaker and a homemade apple and blackberry crumble in the oven (made with yummy FREE blackberries from when I took the kids out the other day :clapping: )

anyone joining me this month?

01-09-2010, 05:26 PM
Badly! :blush: I spent £109 (including delivery) this week. And my childrens birthdays are coming up at the beginning of next month so it's an expensive time anyway..... Oops, must try harder......

01-09-2010, 05:33 PM
restarting today

i think i went way over budget and i was away for two weeks of august
so starting from today

spent so far £0

budget for the month for all food including top ups £400

keep this pinned up near the top to remind me that i said that

PS please can i have an extra £100 as my son is moving out on the 17th so i will need to go shopping with him to fill his kitchen ( toilet roll, deoderant soap etc for him too)

01-09-2010, 05:44 PM
Did badly in July, even worse in August :rolleyes: - had lots of extra mindees to feed and lost the plot completely :o

need to pull myself together.
Had a sainsburys delivery yesterday - £83.12

lets see how long that lasts. got meals planned up till the weekend so fingers crossed

01-09-2010, 06:00 PM
Badly very badly and thats just this last week - no cooking just junk and takeaways.

Budget is £400 for the month and I will stick to it - go back to planning out menus not leaving it till last minute then feeling I can't be bothered to cook.

01-09-2010, 08:03 PM
I'll join you this month. I spend a rediculous amount on food. Does the £400 include take-aways when I really can't be bothered to cook :blush:

miss mopple
01-09-2010, 08:05 PM
I have a seperate budget for takeaways- the bank of DH :laughing:

01-09-2010, 08:22 PM
Doing quite rubbish!
Starting again from now!!!!
Did do an Aldi shop this week after planning the weeks menu - but took DH with me who filled 1/4 of the trolley with bottles of beer:rolleyes:

Have told the kids we will be cutting out fizzy pop and crisps (except for lunch boxes) - I recon that alone will save about £40 a mnth:eek:

Marian x