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View Full Version : Uniform etc?

29-08-2010, 11:29 AM

I have a lot of plans and ideasto put in place while im going through the pre registration course, i plan once registered (hopefully) to make a website, business cards, posters etc to promote my childminding - One little question i want to ask is what would be your general opinion on a casual uniform? Is that a good idea, i plan simply just to have a logo designed up and have that printed on some t-shirts / Jumpers i'll wear, i want to look professional in a sense that im serious aboout childminding and want to make a lasting effect when Ofsted come to inspect my house (Sorry if i sound a bit technical).

29-08-2010, 01:56 PM
Lots of us wear printed / embroidered work shirts!

They are great for getting business, they look professional and they save your own clothes.

I get mine embroidered by www.amaranthembroidery.co.uk - the owner is a childminder and member on here.

Hth :D

Tina O
29-08-2010, 02:16 PM
I wear a casual 'uniform' black trousers (with pockets and more pockets to hold everything!!!) and a white or blue t-shirt... but I also have a logo (designed by a wonderfull young designer - my 14yrs old son!) that is printed on all my paperwork and I use iron on transfers to put it on t shirt and my cloth carry bag .... it helps promote a professional look.... My son has also printed the word CHILDMINDER on the back of some of my t-shirts which is great to wear on pre-school run, gets you noticed!!! (and I find iron transfers cheap and easy to use, just be carefull how you wash them!..) xx

29-08-2010, 02:23 PM
Thankyou both for the replies and the website could come in useful and Tina, Im really sorry but im stealing your idea of Childminder on the Back of T Shirts lol.

My house only has a small yard and isnt really suitable to turn into a play area so i'll be taking the kids to the park daily for activities and such so having a t shirt like that is bound to attract attention from possible customers.

One question too, Before i even have the official visit from Ofsted would it be wise to get the uniform in order and the personalized paperwork etc, or would that look like too much planning ahead?

Tina O
29-08-2010, 02:30 PM
Hey I don't mind you stealing ideas, we are here to help each other (and I don't live in UK anyway xx lol) As for planning ahead, I think ofsted would be pleased that you are taking time to plan what you are doing and thinking about your business, shows a professional side! x

29-08-2010, 02:35 PM
Your pre-reg Ofsted Inspector is going to be more concerned about whether you and your premises are suitable for childminding so personally I wouldn't wear anything that states you are a childminder (cos officially you are not yet, and you aren't allowed to advertise being a (registered) childminder before your registration comes through).

However, there is nothing stopping you putting your logo etc onto all your paperwork / t-shirts etc to show your inspector.

Trust me when you are registered and working there seems like so much to do, so if you can sort out some of this type of stuff ahead of time, you'll be thankful.

Good luck, when is your registration.

29-08-2010, 04:23 PM
Thanks Alot,

Ive attended the pre registration meeting and been booked onto the ICP course, that starts in November, But i have got to attend for my First Aid and Child Protection in September.

Looking forward to it, My course ends in January so all been well come January / February of next year I'll be having the Ofsted visit.