View Full Version : SUGAR!!!!

27-08-2010, 07:16 AM
I am cutting out sugar from my diet - or rather cutting down - I have rather too much and I am missing it a lot.
I have gone from 2 spoons in tea and coffee to half, no chocolate, no sweets, none on my wheetabix and none on my fruit (yes I used to douse melon and strawberrys with sugar :blush: )
I am just getting used to hot drinks and haven't really missed choc. etc but as a treat tonight i am going to get myself a tub of ben and jerry's for being so good.:o I am not trying to loose weight as I only weigh 50kg's (a small size 8) but more to make my lifestyle and internal body a bit healthier - and also so i don't suddenly find myself ballooning up which I read can happen to women with PCOS.
next step is more exercise but goodness knows when i'll find the time for that! :rolleyes:

The Juggler
27-08-2010, 07:41 AM
hon, watch with the ice cream as a treat, ice cream not only has sugar, but cream and choc in (depending on flavour) so triple amounts of sugar.:eek: unless it's one of those tiny ones.

Not saying you can't afford it being a size 8 and all but a little choc every day is probably better than a tub of b and j's.

I'd go for little and often and low sugar - like dark choc

27-08-2010, 09:34 AM
We switched to Halfspoon sugar (which costs twice the price :rolleyes: ). It's really concentrated so you only need half the amount you would normally use but for the same calories. I can't go without sugar in my tea and I hate the flavour of sweeteners so this is a good compromise. But then, I don;t eat a lot of sweet. Savories are my downfall.

27-08-2010, 09:45 AM
If you cut sugar, please don't start using aspartame based sweeteners instead, aspartame is nasty stuff and has been linked to all manner of nasty illnesses etc. x (Sorry this sounds bossy, not meant to be)

27-08-2010, 11:47 AM
nothing wrong with a bit of sugar,

i would rather have it than artificial sweetners thats why if i buy cordail (i like it hot!) then i never buy the no sugar one as its full chemicals!

its a good idea to cut down on sugar in tea and coffee and def on fruit! lol. tho i do like a sprinkle on strawberries too:blush:

if you cut it out too much then you will just crave it even more. i sometimes buy a bar of good dark chocolate as it satifies cravings but i dont eat too much as its strong.

27-08-2010, 12:02 PM
If you cut sugar, please don't start using aspartame based sweeteners instead, aspartame is nasty stuff and has been linked to all manner of nasty illnesses etc. x (Sorry this sounds bossy, not meant to be)
yep they even put it in fruit shoots which are for children..

I am doing the same at the moment, cutting out all sweets ( i dont eat sugar in anything else to be honest) but have to say its harder than giving up smoking which i did 5 years ago :eek:
But I am getting there. have told myself that every sunday i can have a couple of sweets ..

Kimmy x

27-08-2010, 12:41 PM
i can't stand artifical sweetner but wouldn't have it anyway i don't like anything artificial its no good for you.