24-08-2010, 06:38 AM
So who has a child starting school soon?

It is a big step no matter what year they are going into

How are all you moms coping - the kids are usually ok I think :laughing:

Hope they all enjoy it

Our schools are not back till the end of next week but I know some are earlier

Has your child started yet ?

Angel xxx

24-08-2010, 06:41 AM
No, I've got all this to come, my little girl is only 2, but I think she is ready for GCSE's never mind nursery ha ha.

I was a nursery nurse for 9 years so I know the process well, it made me so sad when the children left for school and one day it will be my turn.

24-08-2010, 07:12 AM
Mitchell will be starting full time infants on the 7th September :clapping: :blush: and so will mindee leaving me with just one mindee Tuesday to Friday till next year when I have 2 los starting :thumbsup:

Mitchell really needs to go now as he will be 5 November, he can't wait, which is a good thing so I know there won't be any tears and as he has been going half days for the last year I know he will settle in well.

This may sound awful but I am looking forward to my Mondays off so I can do the jobs I can't get done due to having the children here. Oh and no more 3 school runs a day :clapping: :clapping:

Carol xx

24-08-2010, 07:13 AM
My youngest who is 4 on 29th August is starting full time school in Sept. :( My last little one going and she will be the youngest in the whole school. She is very sensitive to noise and came out crying from her induction sessions as there were 32 in the class. I've already decided that if she is struggling she is staying part time until Christmas. Luckily or unluckily I have spaces at the moment so this is possible.

24-08-2010, 07:14 AM
Mitchell will be starting full time infants on the 7th September :clapping: :blush: and so will mindee leaving me with just one mindee Tuesday to Friday till next year when I have 2 los starting :thumbsup:

Mitchell really needs to go now as he will be 5 November, he can't wait, which is a good thing so I know there won't be any tears and as he has been going half days for the last year I know he will settle in well.

This may sound awful but I am looking forward to my Mondays off so I can do the jobs I can't get done due to having the children here. Oh and no more 3 school runs a day :clapping: :clapping:

Carol xx

Bet he cant wait Carol

I love having Mondays off because I also wanted to catch up - its not happened yet though lets see how you go ha ha

Angel xx

miss mopple
24-08-2010, 07:15 AM
My youngest starts on the 13th and I'm dreading it :( She'll be ok I think, but I'll be a blubbering wreck in the playground :blush:

24-08-2010, 07:17 AM
My youngest starts on the 13th and I'm dreading it :( She'll be ok I think, but I'll be a blubbering wreck in the playground :blush:

Oh yeah I used to be the same

Kids run off and you are left standing there crying

Hope all goes well and you are ok

Angel xx

24-08-2010, 07:17 AM
Bet he cant wait CarolI love having Mondays off because I also wanted to catch up - its not happened yet though lets see how you go ha ha

Angel xx

Not sure the teachers feel the same :laughing: :laughing: Everyone knows Mitchell, he's a proper little character at school :D

Carol xx

24-08-2010, 07:18 AM
my dd starts on tues 7th and does mornings for a week and then starts full time the week after

i can't wait :laughing: she is 5 in november and has been ready to go for a while.

She tried all of her uniform on at the weekend and looked so cute because she is so small


24-08-2010, 07:57 AM
Gosh ds seems young to be starting but he is going to start in the school nursery on the 20th sept does part time for 4 weeks and then full time and wont they know it :eek:

Dd starts high school, ds1 goes into yr5 and then just got dd2 with me till next year then its nursery for her :thumbsup:

24-08-2010, 11:54 AM
My little guy starts primary school next week too :( . I think they start full time way too early, I want to keep my kids home with me for so much longer than the short 4 years that the government allow us.
My eldest 2 had only turned 4 a few days before they started full time, so we made sure we did not get another july/august birthday with my littlest, just so I could eak a couple extra months out.
My little one will be absolutely fine, already achieved all but a couple of the early learning goals by the time he left his nursery in June, so no worries about that. But I had kids to be able to care for them full time for more than those short months.
My eldest 2 begin their GCSE's this year - they are almost grown men now - only 2 years left and they could leave home if they chose. I know they won't, they will go on to college but the time we get is so very very short :(
I just wish the government would give us more time in their early years, maybe make school part time.

24-08-2010, 05:02 PM
dd starts on the 7th, she has all her uniform, bag socks even found blue clips ect for her hair.

She is more than ready for school, way more ready than me, she is my baby and I cannot get my head round the fact she is off to school. :eek:

She wants to go in on her first day on the school bus :eek: dh says she can if she wants, so mummmy is practising her brave face and hoping she won't cry :laughing:

On the plus side means I will have more time to ride and work all the horses, so every cloud and all that ......

24-08-2010, 05:16 PM
my eldest is starting the 2nd. she'll be 5 end of december. she can't wait. last week i was feeling sad, weird; but now i'm ordering label to put on clothes and will be the first mum at the door:angry: we just had a great week in france with family my children have been so good, funny, happy, polite....i was such a proud mummy but 2days back and she's bored and chat back, up to mischief, argue.......she's counting nights until school ....so do I!!!!:blush:

24-08-2010, 07:28 PM
Rose starts nursery sometime next month. I can't wait, not only 2 1/2 hrs peace a day but it may tire her out.

25-08-2010, 07:38 PM
My oldest ds (middle child) started high school last week, he has settled well, no probs so far and my dd is due to start uni on 13th Sept! Gosh I'm beginning to feel old!

25-08-2010, 09:38 PM
E starts secondary school on the 6th September. She's just 11 but so looking forward to it.:thumbsup:

Good luck and hugs to all mums/dads and children off on a new adventure.:)