View Full Version : fertility treatment?

23-08-2010, 12:33 PM
I was just wondering if anyone is having IVF or any fertility treatment. Me and my hubbie are hoping to have round 2 soon. :eek:

23-08-2010, 12:56 PM
my friends are due to be starting there 1st round of IVF in around 6 weeks. :clapping:

23-08-2010, 05:54 PM
Nope, but when we were trying for our dd we tried 3 rounds of IUI which all failed. We had booked on to an info evening for ivf when i found out I was pregnant. We were VERY lucky and have accepted that our dd is likely o be our only child!

Going through all the motions of infertility investigations again at the moment. Been told that my weight is the big issue now so on a mission to lose weight now!!! Got to go back in Feb with a considerably lower bmi. But not willing to pay for treatment this time around as we feel it would be money better spent on our dd! (well hubby does and i know i wont change his mind on this one!)

Good luck!!!

23-08-2010, 07:59 PM
We had IVF on the NHS and have a gorgeous 14month DS to show for it! We were very lucky as it was our first attempt. Feel sad that he probably won't have any siblings unless we win the lottery! All the best x

Chimps Childminding
23-08-2010, 09:26 PM
We had IVF 19 years ago :eek: Had to pay, but at that time it was £1,500 per go, as I understand it, its a LOT more now!!!! We took out a loan that would pay for 3 attempts, working on the theory that if it didn't work at least we had tried!!! :(

It worked .................................................. ............................................. first attempt TRIPLETS :panic:
Three boys who are now strapping 6 footers eating me out of house and home:laughing: plus surprise (actually more shock) 4th son made an appearance 18 months later (conceived naturally :eek: ).

Good luck, hope it works, I know how stressful it is :(