View Full Version : A SUNNY SUNDAY

22-08-2010, 09:16 AM
Hello Everyone

Sun is shining here seems like a lovely day - do you all have the same ?

Steves birthday today :clapping: :clapping: so we have a busy day with lots of family visits

What is everyone else doing ?

Have a great day

Angel xxx

22-08-2010, 09:29 AM
No sun here - could do with it to get the holiday washing out on the line instead of having to tumble it.

Hope you have a good day Angel and Steve has a happy birthday.

Going to pick up our photos and some shelves so can finish getting my craft room sorted.

Roast chicken for dinner

22-08-2010, 09:40 AM
No sun here - could do with it to get the holiday washing out on the line instead of having to tumble it.

Hope you have a good day Angel and Steve has a happy birthday.

Going to pick up our photos and some shelves so can finish getting my craft room sorted.

Roast chicken for dinner

ooooooooh I could just eat your roast chicken

Have a good day


22-08-2010, 09:42 AM
Sunny here too Angel,

Huge beef casserole in the slow ccooker, church in a bit then the park with my mum (i haven't told her yet but there's a brass band playing and she love them.... her yorkshire mining town roots!) My dad is clearing out my guttering so it doesn't overflow!

jen x

22-08-2010, 09:43 AM
Sunny here too Angel,

Huge beef casserole in the slow ccooker, church in a bit then the park with my mum (i haven't told her yet but there's a brass band playing and she love them.... her yorkshire mining town roots!) My dad is clearing out my guttering so it doesn't overflow!

jen x

Sounds lovely Jen

Hope the sun stays out for you all have a lovely time

Angel xxx

22-08-2010, 11:40 AM

It's pouring with rain here :(

Just dragged hubs and dd round tescos !!

Now chillin before a visit from my dad later

Have a good day x:thumbsup:

22-08-2010, 12:42 PM
we have had bucket loads of rain thunder and lightening down here on the south coast but i think its clearing which is good as we are celebrating mother in laws 80 th birthday later......could you pass the sun this way please as im back to work mon after nearly 3 weeks off as went to turkey karen x:blush: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

22-08-2010, 12:51 PM
lovely and sunny here in bristol! my husband has just taken the 3 kids camping for 3 nights and im home alone which for me is bliss as i never get any time to myself! im not one for camping so decided to stay behind its like a little holiday at home for me!!!:clapping:
gonna join them on tues though for the day, dont want to miss out on ALL the fun!!

22-08-2010, 02:05 PM
Me and Rose are spending the day alone as oh is off shooting for the day. We've had lovely pork and mash for dinner and some profiteroles dipped in chocolate and now i'm watching Xfactor which i taped last night. Have done some housework and the rest will now get done tomorrow.

22-08-2010, 03:15 PM
im bouncing on my birthing ball all day in the hope it will trigger something im 9 days over and very very fed up

22-08-2010, 03:39 PM
sunny here in the northwest, we have been to the park and my ds has learnt to ride his bike without stabalisers, he is sooooo happy and we are soooooo proud of him, it's been a great end to our week break, back to it tomorrow!
Happy Sunday everyone xxx

22-08-2010, 04:23 PM
had a lazy morning, dd frieds birthday party, then the inlaws and best friend with her new boyfriend just popped over for coffee which ended up in a ball fight
very funny

am ready for bed though lol

enjoy ther est of the day peep


22-08-2010, 05:43 PM
im bouncing on my birthing ball all day in the hope it will trigger something im 9 days over and very very fed up

Hope he/she pops out soon x :D