View Full Version : Ecxema, will it ever end

21-08-2010, 02:17 AM
no need to reply, :rolleyes: i know the answer.
my son whos 4 has it, has had it from only a few months old.
im up at this silly hour again as iv just re bandaged him after waking screeming with scratching so mmuch that his arms no longer bleed they only weep and the blood was everywhere :panic:

AGH! im wide awake, and hes just dropped off (little love has never slept the whole night through) his temperment is not the best after a really bad night so we will have a difficult day tomorrow, just wish people could see how we live of a night time, they would then understand my little man and his behaviour.

I could take him the doctors but i know there is nothing they can do :panic: we have so many different creams for different parts of the body and more for when its infected and the bandaging of the limbs. i know i cant fix him so im left doing all i can to ease this flair and get the skin back under controle

oh how selfish do i sound, i dont mean to be. i know how i feel is nothing to how my boy feels and the pain he goes through.
just as a mum i feel so helpless that i cant take it away. :(

eczema is such a horrid thing :angry:

21-08-2010, 07:23 AM
It is horrible and debilitating and the whole family suffers.

I know, I have been there for years and years and years.

Hugs xx

21-08-2010, 09:32 AM
There is a need to reply hun, if only to send you hugs.... my littlest has asthma triggered by allergies and we spend many sleepless nights as it's worse then, especially in the winter! And yes she is very hard work the days after as she is so tired and feels rough..... it's very hard to watch your child suffer.... I feel for you and your little boy...... sending love, Jen x

charlie potato
21-08-2010, 07:40 PM
Big hugs and lots of understanding. Eczema is an enemy in our family. Nephew aged 5 is just the same as your lo. My son has alsorts health issues and suffers eczema made worse by allergy at times. It's the feeling of no support from health professionals thats worst. :crying:

21-08-2010, 07:58 PM
big hugs..we are sufferers too here.....breaks my heart when dd cries, last week i put socks on her hands when she was asleep...anything to stop her scratching poor luv:(

big hugs hun

21-08-2010, 07:59 PM
Investigate Dairy, Wheat, Soya, Fish Allergies. 90% of eczema is caused by allergies intolerances and if a doctor tells you there´s nothing you v´can do , that is utter rubbish!! My sons eczema (bad!!) went completely away after cutting out dairy, wheat and tomatoes. Also, we only use natural bath stuff (like weleda)...
Just some ideas!

also lots of omega 3 / 6 / 9 (supplements), zinc is good for skin!!

read optimum nutrition for your child of patrick holford, there is a whole chapter on skin problems. also adhd, autism etc. lots of things can be positively influenced by appropriate diet!

21-08-2010, 08:40 PM
Mindee I had was exactly the same as your son, had to be wet wrapped and scratched so much she constantly bled and was getting infections. Anyway they found this cream on when on holiday and along with the other bath products have almost cleared it.
It may just be a case of finding what helps your son, take care x


charlie potato
21-08-2010, 08:46 PM
what kimmy says is spot on. my sons tends to be flared by milk as he's milk intolerent. He has birds eye fish fingers he's fine but we bought Ross's fish fingers a few wks back. He's had them twice and broken out in a rash and started wheezing a few hours after having them. no more of them!! We mainly eat freshly cooked food as definately know whats in it.:)

22-08-2010, 10:02 AM
thank you all, its nice to know we are not the only ones that live like this.

For us i dont think food types make a difference (dont get me wrong some things do make him worse (toms, oranges etc) but his skin was far worse head to toe, red raw at just a few months old and he was a b/f baby had no solids added untill 6 months old. we had a chat with the doctors back then and agreed and acepted that its just how he is

now its mostly hands, arms, legs,feet, lower back, lower tum and just patches on his face so feel it has eased off from what it was.

back then when he was tiny i hated holding him incase i hurt his skin but knew that if he wanted comfort he would want it from me, 'it' (eczema) did take some of that lovely cuddleing time away from us though.

now hes bigger he comes to me for them cuddles and tells me if i squish im a little too much :blush:

22-08-2010, 10:39 AM
My son had it for a long long time, but did grow out of it. He is 18 now and only seems to get bad flare ups in the winter with the heating on. I really sympathise as it was so upsetting as you are doing your best but you just cant seem to get it under control.

Hugs xxxx

23-08-2010, 11:56 AM
Anyone with excema have a look at this link, it is about citric acid. if he´s reacting to tomatoes and oranges this could be a possibility,

use surcare washing up liquid, washing powder all the other things are in the link. it might be worth a 2 week trial, if it does get better then you know what it is !!:)


23-08-2010, 04:30 PM
DD2 is citric acid and milk.

She is worse at the mo because she's had a few ice creams over the summer and it's been dd1's birthday.

She knows what happens when she has dairy but chooses to have some occasionally and has to put up with it. She's 7 1/2(very with it for her age) and I feel she needs to know the consequenses. Usually she'll choose not to have stuff.

I do feel for these children, it's hard to miss out but also awful to be in pain from excema too.:(

She is better now than at the age of 1-6 so we're hoping it calms down even more.:thumbsup:

23-08-2010, 04:54 PM
I really feel for you and your son! It is so difficult to see them suffer, and add to that the strain of sleepless nights and worries.

My friend's son has had very bad excema since he was a baby (he is now 10). After a holiday I brought back Zam-buk oil from South Africa. They tried this and his skin just healed within a few days. I don't know if you can get it over here, but I know you can get the Zambuk ointment tins in Boots so they may have the oil too. The ointment is amazing by the way, I use it all the time for cuts, rashes, spots, insect bites, burns etc.

I hope you find some medical support and help somewhere.


charlie potato
23-08-2010, 10:37 PM
we use and swear by the zambuk antiseptic ointment. xx:D

24-08-2010, 12:10 AM
thanks for the link kimmy :)

Our health visitor was fantastic she was with us every step of the way with support and guidence and knew the whole back ground (but she retired :( ) now we have a lotto of health visitors, never see the same health visitor twice so when we do go for advice and his skin is not bad they have the reaction that it is really bad because they dont know how much its improved and give recommendetions that have already been tried out!
Iv given up going to the h/v over his skin.

doctors :panic: i asked for a referral to dermatology to be given an appointment two and a half months later! ended up taking little man up to a&e at 2.30 one morning, i was at my wits end and felt i couldnt do anything more to ease it.

i so understand what your saying, my little man knows what makes him sore so avoids it if he feels he cant deal with how it will make him feel. its giving them a chance to feel incontrol, i dont want to let the eczema take control of him and his life and to be in fear of what may and may not make him sore.

It does supprise me how children with really 'bad' eczema dont seem to complane so much about it. i know if it was me was me, id be moaning all day every day. they seem to get on with it and deal with it.

I worry for when he is older, :rolleyes: teens when image is everything!
or when hes a grown man, he'll be too big to come knocking on my door in the middle of the night to help put his creams on
( i know it could all be gone by then, but untill it does go ill still worry)

sonia ann
24-08-2010, 07:22 AM
[worry for when he is older, :rolleyes: teens when image is everything
or when hes a grown man, he'll be too big to come knocking on my door in the middle of the night to help put his creams on
( i know it could all be gone by then, but untill it does go ill still worry)[/quote]

my son is now 24yrs old and it breaks my heart to see him so stoical about his skin and i wish I could be there to try and sooth his poor skin as i did when he was a child, but he never complains, he just lives with it and manages as best he can :(