View Full Version : teenagers.......

19-08-2010, 06:41 PM
should be put down before they become teenagers :angry:

I love her dearly but I have my freind's dd here, she moves in for the summer.

And OMG do I know I have her this visit :panic: moody good ness she could write a book on it, mood swings, tantrums that put my 4yr old dd to shame.

And as for the fat I can't eat thing god I am so fat, god I can't go out looking like this I am so done with it .

I am such an old bag aren't I .

This rant is sparked as I won't let her have tv or fb as she hasn't eaten all day, only doing it for attention so if she can play silly wotsits, so can I.:p

19-08-2010, 07:06 PM
I believe it gets better as they head towards 20 :laughing:

Hugs xx

Carol M
19-08-2010, 07:10 PM
I believe it gets better as they head towards the front door!!!!!
Carol xx

19-08-2010, 07:14 PM
No:rolleyes: mines coming up for 23 and still can be great one minute and grumpy next! and his a young man (get told of for refering to him as my boy!)

19-08-2010, 07:16 PM
I believe it gets better as they head towards the front door!!!!!
Carol xx

Oh thats brilliant Carol :laughing: :laughing:

Thing is I don't have her for much longer, she goes home on the 30th :clapping:

My ds is moody but she really should write a book :D

That said I do love her to bits and I will miss her when she goes but this mardy grump has been going on all day :D

19-08-2010, 07:19 PM
I believe it gets better as they head towards the front door!!!!!
Carol xx

Sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't even get better then :p :laughing:

19-08-2010, 07:19 PM
u know where i am if you need to escape, am always here xxxxxxxxx

19-08-2010, 07:25 PM
I am out 2moro with friends so if she keeps it up I am not going to be around to witness :D

I will prob escape sometime nxt week Jen :thumbsup:

19-08-2010, 07:28 PM
No:rolleyes: mines coming up for 23 and still can be great one minute and grumpy next! and his a young man (get told of for refering to him as my boy!)

Mines coming up for 23 too and is completely unapproachable until the week before pay day when he's run out of money THEN he loves his Mummy:D
The other one is 20 and more demanding every day than ever she was as a child or teenager. Shown them both the door several times but just get told they don't like the colour:rolleyes:

19-08-2010, 07:45 PM
Ha! Ha! doesnt like colour of the door so good.
My 20 year old is totally different natured from the older one never a cross word.I know what you mean about the mood changing when they run out of money or need something:)

19-08-2010, 09:53 PM
wow lots of you lovely mums still have 'them' living with you in their 20's . . . .
anyone want to be my mum ??? :D

20-08-2010, 02:01 PM
wow lots of you lovely mums still have 'them' living with you in their 20's . . . .
anyone want to be my mum ??? :D

mt best freind has her son still living at home he is 29 :eek: :eek: :eek:

They have given him till he is 30 and then he HAS to move out.

He has a job , car, no social life and he says he just "likes" living at home :panic:

They are fed up with no privacy haveing a 3rd adult alwasy lurking around every corner :D

20-08-2010, 02:22 PM
mt best freind has her son still living at home he is 29 :eek:

They have given him till he is 30 and then he HAS to move out.

He has a job , car, no social life and he says he just "likes" living at home

They are fed up with no privacy haveing a 3rd adult alwasy lurking around every corner

My brother still lives at home with my dad, he is 35 :eek: He got married in May and has moved his wife in too:eek: :eek: Also, when they have kids, they STILL plan on living with my dad :eek: :eek: :eek:

My dad loves it though as it is company for him.:rolleyes:

Carol M
20-08-2010, 03:11 PM
When my two move out ( 18 and 16 ) I am moving to a 1 bed flat so they can't come back:laughing:
Love em to bits really but , teenagers, give me strength !!
Carol xx

20-08-2010, 04:07 PM
When my two move out ( 18 and 16 ) I am moving to a 1 bed flat so they can't come back:laughing:
Love em to bits really but , teenagers, give me strength !!
Carol xx

That's what my sister has done! Had to find somewhere cheaper to rent so number of bedrooms had to be less. Her 3 have their own rented places now so no going back :)

20-08-2010, 04:55 PM
My brother still lives at home with my dad, he is 35 :eek: He got married in May and has moved his wife in too:eek: Also, when they have kids, they STILL plan on living with my dad :eek:

My dad loves it though as it is company for him.:rolleyes:

OHs best friend is 47!!! and still living at home with mum and dad:eek:

He doesnt work or get any benefits...lives on pocket money from his parents. We take him out every month or so....he pays one round (two pints and a diet coke-me) and then we pay the rest. He waits for us to phone him and when OH rings him, the mate moans at OH for taking so long!:mad:

This bloke is a source of great debate between OH and i..i think the bloke is depressed. he lost his job years and years ago and i dont think he ever got over it. he is a bit miffed because he and OH had this "pact" that if they got to 40 and still single he would move into OHs place.......

I met OH 3 months before his 40th.:thumbsup:

Joking aside...it does upset me a bit. I have DD2 who has quite severe learning problems and the chance of her living an independent life is minimal. My parents have just retired and are planning all their lovely trips away....foot loose and fancy free. I wont have that. I will always have her at home. Oh dont think i dont want her here...i do...she has been away for 4 days respite and my heart has ached for her. Really ached.

bit of a cry now

feeling sorry for myself...pull yourself together you silly old woman


mandy xxx

20-08-2010, 05:30 PM
OHs best friend is 47!!! and still living at home with mum and dad:eek:

He doesnt work or get any benefits...lives on pocket money from his parents. We take him out every month or so....he pays one round (two pints and a diet coke-me) and then we pay the rest. He waits for us to phone him and when OH rings him, the mate moans at OH for taking so long!:mad:

This bloke is a source of great debate between OH and i..i think the bloke is depressed. he lost his job years and years ago and i dont think he ever got over it. he is a bit miffed because he and OH had this "pact" that if they got to 40 and still single he would move into OHs place.......

I met OH 3 months before his 40th.:thumbsup:

Joking aside...it does upset me a bit. I have DD2 who has quite severe learning problems and the chance of her living an independent life is minimal. My parents have just retired and are planning all their lovely trips away....foot loose and fancy free. I wont have that. I will always have her at home. Oh dont think i dont want her here...i do...she has been away for 4 days respite and my heart has ached for her. Really ached.

bit of a cry now

feeling sorry for myself...pull yourself together you silly old woman


mandy xxx

I dont want to plan lovely trips away without my "kids" though, moan as I might about them. I suppose I have the choice which you dont, but I cant bear to think of them going off for good:panic: We live in a 4 storey house,so dont live on top of one another and they are out almost every night, but the idea of them not being here is awful:( I too am a silly old woman, cheer up:D