05-08-2010, 06:43 AM
Do you moan at anything - now come on be honest :laughing:

Do you get road rage , do you become a different person when driving ( not with the kids in the car of course!)

Do you get annoyed with people in the supermarket - do you get trolly rage :laughing:

Are you impatient ?

What do you do when you argue with your partner / hubby / wife do you shout , do you throw things , do you slam the door ?

Do you like to fight your corner ?

Or would you rather just walk away in certain situations ?

Do you think its easier not saying your piece but then feel angry and frustrated because you did not ?

Do you moan or do you plod along ?

Angel xxx

05-08-2010, 06:45 AM
I'm not sure I should answer - well, not honestly anyway! :laughing:

Miffy xx

05-08-2010, 06:47 AM
I'm not sure I should answer - well, not honestly anyway! :laughing:

Miffy xx

Oh come on Miffy :laughing: :laughing:

Angel xx

05-08-2010, 06:51 AM
Do you moan at anything - now come on be honest :laughing: No unless something has really bugged me
Do you get road rage , do you become a different person when driving ( not with the kids in the car of course!) Yes, have to watch my language as Rose listens to everything so my new cuss word at people is 'idiot'

Do you get annoyed with people in the supermarket - do you get trolly rage :laughing: Yes constantly rolling my eyes when people are dawdling or walk in front of me with their trolley.

Are you impatient ? Sometimes, depends on what, definatley for this baby to come along.

What do you do when you argue with your partner / hubby / wife do you shout , do you throw things , do you slam the door ? Never argue, if he annoys me i just ignore him.

Do you like to fight your corner ? Depends on what, over money yes.

Or would you rather just walk away in certain situations ?

Do you think its easier not saying your piece but then feel angry and frustrated because you did not ? Sometimes, usually with partner when he's annoyed me then it simmers inside.

Do you moan or do you plod along ?

Angel xxx


05-08-2010, 06:51 AM
But you haven't answered your own questions so................. after you :)

Miffy xx

05-08-2010, 06:55 AM
Daz would definately say I'm a moaner :blush: :laughing: and has actually refused to go with me sometimes when I have a complaint as he knows I won't back down if I'm right.

If I am right then I will stand my ground :thumbsup:

I don't have road rage but will comment if someone doesn't indicate, Mitchell now says 'That stupid man didn't indicate' :blush: so I do now hold back.

So I will hold my hands up and say yes I am a moaner BUT only when I have a reason to moan :D

Carol xx

05-08-2010, 06:55 AM
I moan!! I never used to but yes I am a moaner - I am trying hard not to be though! :)
I no longer shout at people in the car (other drivers) though as George started to copy his dad who does the same. :o
I don't so much shout as strop - i'll walk away and sort of do things a little louder than i would normally - usually the kettle doesn't know whats hit it.

My worst habit though has got to be gritting my teeth - i try very hard to keep my emotions under control when i get frustrated with the kids and end up with such sore teeth where my jaws have been locked together.

miss mopple
05-08-2010, 06:58 AM

I never argue, especially not with DH (we havent rowed in the 17yrs we have been together). I do get impatient with my 10yr old at times but then she is enough to test the patience of a saint :laughing:

I will complain if I get bad service somewhere,but I do it in a nice way

personally I dont see the point in getting stressed over stuff. Im one of lifes happy optomists most of the time :D

05-08-2010, 07:01 AM
I am a bit of both I think

It takes ages to get me angry then I can go off on one then be ok once I have had my say

I do not drive so I dont suppose its fair for me to say that I do not understand when people get mad when driving - hubby gets angry though and I tell him to calm down all the time :laughing:

I do tut at people in the supermarket if they run my feet over or something with the trolly but most of the time I still stay calm

I am also patient and try to look at both sides of the coin always in an argument

My kids laugh at me if I shout - they say I can not and its funny so I dont tend to do that now days either because it just does not get the affect that I want ha ha

I dont slam doors I dont throw things

I can sulk a little though if I dont get my own way - for example if hubby wont pop out to the shop for some chocolate then I huff and puff till he feels really guilty then off he goes :laughing: :laughing:

Over to you Miffy ha

Angel xx

05-08-2010, 07:14 AM
Do you like to fight your corner ?

oh yes, when i know i'm right i will stand my ground come hell or high water

but most of the time i just plod along in my own little world x

05-08-2010, 07:15 AM
I don't think I'm a plodder - it doesn't conjure up a nice image for me.

Hubby would definitely say I moan but that is only because he never does things quick enough or starts one job and then finds ten others that need to be done first so the original job never gets done!

I am not a patient person - I can't stand unfairness or liars.

I can drive but don't and would definitely suffer from road rage - hubby is always saying I could sit in the back (actually, I think he means the boot!)

I don't usually shout, have been known to slam doors and throw things though :blush: Now I'm "grown-up" I try not to do that! :rolleyes:

I don't sulk, I say my piece and that's it, over and done with for me. I have no patience if others do not do the same!

Oh dear, I'm not sure I like me any more! :laughing:

Miffy xx

05-08-2010, 07:17 AM
I don't think I'm a plodder - it doesn't conjure up a nice image for me.

Hubby would definitely say I moan but that is only because he never does things quick enough or starts one job and then finds ten others that need to be done first so the original job never gets done!

I am not a patient person - I can't stand unfairness or liars.

I can drive but don't and would definitely suffer from road rage - hubby is always saying I could sit in the back (actually, I think he means the boot!)

I don't usually shout, have been known to slam doors and throw things though :blush: Now I'm "grown-up" I try not to do that! :rolleyes:

I don't sulk, I say my piece and that's it, over and done with for me. I have no patience if others do not do the same!

Oh dear, I'm not sure I like me any more! :laughing:

Miffy xx

Your hubby sounds like my hubby

He stopped the car the other day and asked if I wanted to drive or just get out :eek: :eek:

Angel xx

05-08-2010, 07:20 AM
He stopped the car the other day and asked if I wanted to drive

Angel xx

Mine will not do that in case I say yes! :laughing:

Miffy xx

05-08-2010, 07:22 AM
QUOTE=Hebs;757584]oh yes, when i know i'm right i will stand my ground come hell or high water

but most of the time i just plod along in my own little world x[/QUOTE]

Me to a tee. :thumbsup:

I will fight to the bitter end but the fight has to be important. I cant waste me energy on the little traumas.

The one area where i do come out all guns firing is my children. :angry:

05-08-2010, 07:32 AM
Plod, Plod, plod then I get in the car, tell me which way you are going! dont pull out in front of me! ......... enough said :laughing:

I am quite impatient once I have my mind set on something, where is my membership pack? where are all my enquires? Why am I not rich yet!! lol!

I'm not really a moaner, I'm more if you don't like something then sort it out or get on with it. I have had to learn the hard way over the years and stress is really not worth it. :laughing: :laughing:

05-08-2010, 07:35 AM
Mostly a plodder - but not in the car or if I feel my children are under threat ;)
Dont argue but do stew and mutter a lot :laughing:

05-08-2010, 07:43 AM
I'd say i'm quite an easy going , patient person ......... but must admit i'm becoming a bit of a grumpy old woman !!!:eek: ( think that comes with old age !!)

Rudness, lateness, inconcideration ( thats aimed at drivers who decide to park half on the pavement and i can't get past with a buggy :angry: )

Don't mess with a childminder is what i say :D

05-08-2010, 07:51 AM

I don't argue or shout but do give out the 'silent treatment' on occasion :laughing:

05-08-2010, 07:51 AM
mostly a plodder, I think I am too lazy to have arguments or moan all the time (my family may say different!)

I don't drive but do moan about DH going too fast - justified I think, he has had a speeding ticket once when I was not with him.

I did moan when I didn't get a card for my birthday from DH and just a DVD from Tescos - lack of effort there :rolleyes:

He called me selfish the other week - he is still hearing repercussions on that one - I think I am anything but selfish, seeing as I organise most of the house, work 4 days a week and do cleaning, washing etc

So today - it's his birthday and he has no card (yet) no present - no idea what to get anyway, but selfish old me has made him his fave carrot cake :rolleyes:

I only moan if I think it is justified and it will make a difference - no use moaning if at the end of it things don't change. I complain for bad service but in a nice way. I have a friend who admits she holds grudges way too long - I forgive but don't forget. Well I am selfish after all! :laughing:

05-08-2010, 07:59 AM
I'm afraid that I'm a boring ole plodder, I hate confrontation..... I'm one of those people that think things rather than say them out loud :blush:

My other half is very laid back and we never argue...I do give my point of view though :laughing: :laughing:

Where my children are concerned I would stand up for their rights come hell or high water :mad: :mad: :mad:

05-08-2010, 08:03 AM
Do you moan at anything - now come on be honest :laughing: only if its something that really winds me up

Do you get road rage , do you become a different person when driving ( not with the kids in the car of course!) its not worth it, i get upset but then carnt change the idiots on the road, hubby gets it bad (yells at them)

Do you get annoyed with people in the supermarket - do you get trolly rage :laughing: only if i say excuse me and they ignore you, or push the trolley into your ankles, that winds me up, or when you see parents shouting and screaming at the kids who are playing up stuck in the trolley, what do they expect, the kids going to love being there! dont think so! ooppps of on soap box, lol

Are you impatient ? very impatient, i like to know whats going on and when, i hate waiting for something, dd came on her due date and i hated waiting as ds who came 3 years before came 2 weeks early, so i assumed that she would too, well i drove everyone mad for 2 weeks untils he came out and meet us

What do you do when you argue with your partner / hubby / wife do you shout , do you throw things , do you slam the door ? shout first, then leave the room then have a sulk, he always comes after a "discussion" with a cuppa tea and we never go to bed on an "discussion" we always talk through things and clear the air, we dont have big arguments just little squabbles really, especially if we both tires, lol,

Do you like to fight your corner ? if i think that i am right then yeah but i really hate confrontation

Or would you rather just walk away in certain situations ? i have tried in the past to deal with a situation ( see other threads a while ago) and tried to stand and deal with it and it ended badly and i was very let down by people who i trusted and cared for, so now i am more likey to walk away unless i knew that i was right and had the proper support network around me

Do you think its easier not saying your piece but then feel angry and frustrated because you did not ?sometimes but then it only catches up with you when you at least expect it

Do you moan or do you plod along ?bit of both, dpeends on the subject, i am very passionate about things that i hold dear to me and andy is always telling me to relax and not take other peoples problems on which they frustrate me so i then moan to him so he hears everyones moans through me i suppose, lol, lol, lol, i tend to get to the point where i know that i need to do something so i just do it.

Angel xxx

sound like a right wingy bum now, lol....

05-08-2010, 08:04 AM
I think I must have a split personality disorder!

With Dh Im all meek , never argue back , it just makes everything worse...Im bubbling inside and angry yet find it impossible to say much except sorry! I really dislike this part of me ...

My teenagers drive me to distraction and I regularly blow my top ....I also really dislike this part of me.....

With liitlies I have all the patience I wish I had the rest of the time...

And yes I swear at other road users ..whenever dh and the kids arent in the car!!!

Got environmental health coming out this morning , maybe its mental health i need!!!

05-08-2010, 08:12 AM
I'm afraid that I'm a boring ole plodder, I hate confrontation..... I'm one of those people that think things rather than say them out loud :blush:

That sounds just like me I am definitely a plodder. Things have to be really bad for me to get annoyed and complain about anything.

As for arguing with my other half................we very rarely have a cross word, I just do as I am told.:D

Curly Quavers
05-08-2010, 11:27 AM
I am a moaner and a ***** however I am all mouth never do anything about it then just get on with it. So I guess I am both :rolleyes:

05-08-2010, 12:03 PM
i am impatient! i want things done yesterday, on the double, yalla yalla! chop chop! i havent got all day!!

i do shout and i try my hardest not to but my big mouth ALWAYS has the volume on full...

i dont have road rage, i only get annoyed if someone is driving dangerously near me - i have been known to lose my temper with white van men and boy racers....:eek:

I am far too honest

i can stand up for others but never for myself unless it is against dp or family/friends and then i will fight for myself like a caged tiger - things always go too far because i can be incredibly defensive and take things to heart far to easily!

i have thrown a great many things and slammed a fair few doors but i dont do that anymore - that was pre-children!

i sound dreadful dont i? :blush:

on the flipside i am incredibly loyal, i do have deep reserves of patience for the children and animals, i would and often do, stop to help anyone that may be in distress and i am learning diplomacy...
i am trying to teach myself to be more calm and count to ten before i actually react to anything and it is slowly paying off!


The Juggler
05-08-2010, 01:22 PM
i like to get it off my chest but do it privately. then when I calm down if I need to tell someone or speak to the person who has upset me I do.

I try not to share my upset around but I won't put up with unfairness happily or quietly.

05-08-2010, 01:39 PM
My dh says I will not back down even if i am wrong :D

05-08-2010, 01:57 PM
Do you moan at anything - now come on be honest I always moan, its what I do best :D

Do you get road rage , do you become a different person when driving ( not with the kids in the car of course!) I do all the time and especially if i stop to let someone through and they dont say thanks :angry:

Do you get annoyed with people in the supermarket - do you get trolly rage I do my shopping online :laughing:

Are you impatient ? Very i'll sit in the doctors or dentist etc huffing and puffing :laughing:

What do you do when you argue with your partner / hubby / wife do you shout , do you throw things , do you slam the door ? I used to argue and keep it going with my ex, he'd walk off and i'd follw him :blush:

Do you like to fight your corner ? definately :thumbsup:

Or would you rather just walk away in certain situations ? I do sometimes just walk away it depends really what the situation is!
Do you think its easier not saying your piece but then feel angry and frustrated because you did not ?

Do you moan or do you plod along ? I moan moan moan!

Angel xxx

definately a moaner!!

05-08-2010, 04:34 PM
Im def a moaner :D

Have no patience at all :D

I get road rage too :blush: :D

Me and hubs hardley argue though :thumbsup:

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
05-08-2010, 08:06 PM
Do you moan at anything - No not really the only person I seem to moan about is my brother he is really up himself and winds me up.

Do you get road rage , do you become a different person when driving ( not with the kids in the car of course!) Yes I have to admit I am terrible at it will shout and swear if I have no one in the car hubby says I drive like a man :eek:

Do you get annoyed with people in the supermarket - do you get trolly rage Yes sometimes especially when people just stop right in front of you.

Are you impatient ? I would say no but I no hubby would say yes.

What do you do when you argue with your partner / hubby / wife do you shout , do you throw things , do you slam the door ?
Gave up arguing with hubby as he just sits there and nods his head going yes dear on dear because he knows it winds me up, I don't through things or slam doors.

Do you like to fight your corner ?

Or would you rather just walk away in certain situations ? Depending on the situation.

Do you think its easier not saying your piece but then feel angry and frustrated because you did not ? Yes and it also depends who with.

Do you moan or do you plod along ?
A bit of both I think

05-08-2010, 10:29 PM
I'm a plodder but if anyone crosses me I remember it for years :mad: And take years to plot my revenge :D

I do take things to heart and some people do like to wind me up on purpose.
But I'm very patient and it takes a lot for me to get angry, but again if it's consistent and warnings have not been taken on board, then I'll explode like a volcano :o

I used to get road rage when younger, but went on the IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) course and had the extended test with a police officer and it's made me a better and calmer driver and as long as I know that I'm a good driver, the nutters can just keep away from me.

I'm quite patient in the supermarket queue but 15 min wait is my limit and I won't use those 'self service' tills :mad:

The Juggler
06-08-2010, 06:53 AM
I'm a plodder but if anyone crosses me I remember it for years :mad: And take years to plot my revenge :D

oh blimey - must remember to always be nice to ripeberry:laughing:

06-08-2010, 07:41 AM
oh blimey - must remember to always be nice to ripeberry:laughing:

Yeah I was thinking the same :laughing: :laughing:

Angel xx

06-08-2010, 07:59 AM
I'm definately a moaner today, no more plodding where certain people are concerned:mad:

Carol xx

06-08-2010, 08:04 AM
I'm definately a moaner today, no more plodding where certain people are concerned:mad:

Carol xx

So I see ha ha ha


06-08-2010, 08:36 AM
Do you moan at anything - now come on be honest :laughing: Yes, I moan at everything!

Do you get road rage , do you become a different person when driving ( not with the kids in the car of course!)Yes, usually at dh telling me how to drive!

Do you get annoyed with people in the supermarket - do you get trolly rage :laughing: Trolley rage, car park rage, till rage, anything rage when slow people get in my way.

Are you impatient ? Very, I want everything done yesterday.

What do you do when you argue with your partner / hubby / wife do you shout , do you throw things , do you slam the door ? We dont really argue but when we do we just silent treatment each other

Do you like to fight your corner ?Yes, even if im wrong!

Or would you rather just walk away in certain situations ? I dont tend to walk away until ive got my own way

Do you think its easier not saying your piece but then feel angry and frustrated because you did not ? Sometimes if dh really annoys me i tend to stay quiet but get annoyed that i didn't say anything

Do you moan or do you plod along ? Definatley moan!

Angel xxx

I am most definately a moaner, so much so my dsd (step daughter) thinks that moaning is my favourite hobby! It has proved useful in the past though as i have had loads of free things by complaining. My philosophy is to complain if your not happy about something and more often that not it works.

06-08-2010, 09:17 AM
Yeah I was thinking the same :laughing: :laughing:

Angel xx

I am quite nice......honest :D ;)

06-08-2010, 09:25 AM
I am quite nice......honest :D ;)


there they were saying I was scary yesterday in green members and really its YOU we have to watch out for :laughing: :laughing:


06-08-2010, 11:58 AM
Well you know what they say about 'Dark horses'. ;)

06-08-2010, 12:48 PM
Im a moaner and proud!