View Full Version : do you apply for your own CRB's?

04-08-2010, 10:39 AM
I was just reading netmums guidance on becoming a childminder and it says you need to apply for CRB's - i was under the impression that this was done by OFSTED. surely if you could do it yourself you could apply when you have only just started the training/info sessions to ensure that it doesn't delay things too much? was their information correct - can you apply yourself?

I do already have one for working at a college, but know this cannot be transferred to childminding - or can it?


04-08-2010, 02:25 PM
i was aloud to use my crb from the playschool i help at as it was done by ofsted in the first place and it is only 5 moths old.
and in your info sessions was you given a pack of paper work and in that pack is the forms to fill in for your crb and you send then to ofsted :) and the paper work forms for anyone over 16 year in you house i hope that helps

Chatterbox Childcare
04-08-2010, 02:54 PM
When you apply Ofsted will organise this for you