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View Full Version : Latest job requirement- mind reader!

29-07-2010, 07:55 PM
Parent has swapped her LOs Friday to a Thursday because her employers changed her hours. But she didn't think to tell me!! She mentioned a few weeks ago that it might be in the pipeline and asked if i had space on a Thursday but that was it.
She called this evening to say she didn't bring LO today because she presumed my son was still ill (hes not, hes fine, not sure why she didnt call to check or wonder why i hadn't kept her up to date) so does she still have to pay me. We both got very confused, i was wondering if i was going mad and its actually Friday today. But no, it turns out she just didn't tell me she needed to swap. How flamin' rude! Needless to say, she is paying full for today.
And now i have an unexpected day off tomorrow :clapping:

29-07-2010, 07:59 PM
Enjoy your day off:clapping:

The Juggler
29-07-2010, 08:16 PM
of course you must read minds - didn't you know it's a key requirement of our job.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Hey at least you have a bonus day off tomorrow:clapping: :clapping: