View Full Version : What to do?

29-07-2010, 08:17 AM
Hi all,

We try to keep this as short as possible, basically i begun the process of becoming a registered childminder back in Feb of this year and have spent a lot of time and money towards setting it all up. At present i am not working and claiming JSA, so have been looking for work as well as setting up the childminding. On Monday i had an interview at a nursery and i have been short listed and asked to go in next Monday for a couple of hours. I am a bit unsure what to do if i am offered the position as i am close to being registered now and not sure what is going to be the best route for me to take! I know its upto me to make the decision but just wondering if anyone has worked in a nursery before and what their experience of it was like?

29-07-2010, 08:24 AM
To be honest nurseries vary hugely and you might find you either totally love working there or hate it with a passion.

The only way you will know is to find out!

Good luck making your decision :D

29-07-2010, 08:31 AM
well it may take time to get your first mindee after you're registered. i registered in march and had fist mindee in august!

i would take the job at the nursery, keep on with advertising your business when you're registered and maybe you'll be able to juggle both for a while or if you have a mindee you can give your notice at nursery!

it would be a great opporunity to get used to observe and make learning journal and getting use to work within the eyfs for a while so you'll be more confident to do your own planning and maybe if the system work for you you can use their way of recording..... believe me this is valuable as a year down the line and i still haven't found the way to do it LOL

good luck

29-07-2010, 08:52 AM
Thanks for the replies :) I have someone who wants me to look after their children from October (if registered in time) for 25 hrs a week and obviously dont want to let them down, whereas the nursery position is a full time position with guarenteed income.
I have just done an NVQ2 in Childcare Learning and Development which included 10 hours a week on placement at a pre-school so have an idea of what to expect, although as it was a voluntary position i didnt get involved in planning, observations etc other than what was required for my course so the experience would definately be good and give me the opportunity to do a level 3 qualification as well.
Who knows, i might not get offered the job yet anyway as only been short listed so guess i will have to wait and see. Think if im offered it i will take it and if not i can continue with cm. Thankyou for your thoughts and support :D

29-07-2010, 09:02 AM
Personally I would keep going as you are for now. As you said, you have only been shortlisted for now (but does that not allay some of your earlier fears about your overall suitability ;) )

October is still a fair distance away and if you can get a full time job in the meantime it will certainly help with the pennies (and how long have been on JSA? When will your allowance end?), and it will help you "get known" with the local parents.

Still complete your registration though, I had a similar question on the forum quite recently and was advised that once you are registered then you have 3 years on the register before you have to renew.

Good luck.



29-07-2010, 09:20 AM
Yeah definately helps me realise that i am suitable for this work! :D Have been on JSA for about 18 months and really want to get back to work, the allowance doesnt end as long as you can prove you are actively looking for work.
I will definately finish my registration and keep as many doors open as possible as you never know what lies around the corner!

29-07-2010, 12:08 PM
You might want to look into how much the pay is at the nursery, compared to what you could be earning as a reasonably full childminder. Although you'd start off with 2 children to mind, you will have the potential to earn more than at a nursery when you get more mindees

29-07-2010, 09:35 PM
Not too worried about the money side of it too be honest. Just want to work in childcare and be a positive influence in the childrens lives. As long as i can pay the bills and putfood on the table then i am happy :D

12-08-2010, 02:51 PM
Just an update, never got offered the nursery position so the decision has been made for me :) Just goes to show its not worth worrying about things before they happen! Now to focus on everything i need to do with the childminding :thumbsup: