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View Full Version : Summer weather ideas

22-07-2010, 09:23 PM
Hoping for a little help please.As part of a course i'm doing I'm woking with a group to do the theme Summer holidays.we've each been given a topic within this to research and come up with activities planning ideas thet meet the EYFS.
I've come up with activities such as weather chart, sunshine hand prints, wind sock, lacing sunshine card, rainmaker, dress the teddy(sunglasses cap ect) and other stuff.

would like something a bit different though.Any one help????

01-08-2010, 10:43 AM
make a sunflower using sunflower seeds to stick in the middle :rolleyes:

sorry brain is really slow today...it's sunday LOL

01-08-2010, 12:02 PM
Sun safety for PSED?

matching cards with sandcastle, bucket and spade, sunglasses, icecream, shell etc PSRN

making icecream---- look for a recipe, can be done without a machine, just needs stirring every hour.... go strawberry picking first to go in the icecream
- communities, places, KUW
