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View Full Version : whats the cheekiest question a mindee has asked you?

happy days
21-07-2010, 08:56 AM
yesterday mindee asked if i had my wallet when I picked her up from school! i was so shocked at the cheekiness of it as she always asks for a ice cream after school and I normally say I dont have any money. Has anyone been shocked by their little ones?

21-07-2010, 09:02 AM
No so much a question but still cheeky- Today on the way to school E (5) saw a friend and they started chatting. The LOs Mum and i had never met before but just made polite conversation. My mindee said to her 'feel how heavy this is' and handed her his school bag, then ran off! Little monkey. He is constantly asking me to carry his bag but i don't i have a double buggy to push and his bag usually only has a reading folder in it so not heavy. I took it from her and he refused to have it back until i told him i'd just have to leave it on the floor in the playground!

21-07-2010, 11:56 AM
A 7 year old once said as Mum was paying me, why are you taking all our money, it's not fair we never have enough because you take it all :censored:


21-07-2010, 12:18 PM
A 7 year old once said as Mum was paying me, why are you taking all our money, it's not fair we never have enough because you take it all :censored:


little monkey

21-07-2010, 12:54 PM
Lol did that come from overhearing mum ?
Iv had a few Cheeky ones over the years, one of my mindees use to refuse to eat tea and when picked up would turn to mum and say im starving I want a biscuit now!
Oh how I loved that moment.

21-07-2010, 01:03 PM
One of my LO's was being extremely noisy, whilst a baby was trying to sleep. I asked him on numerous occasions to be a little bit quieter, in the end I removed him from the room. I asked him after a few minutes why he thought that I had done this? his reply, because you are moody!!

Couldn't help but smile!!!:D

21-07-2010, 01:25 PM
I had the same with the school bag,, I also had one that wouldnt ask if i would carry it but would constantly moan that he hadto carry it and that it was heavy,
I bought a 10ft pool for the older ones to play in, it does take up about half the garden, today the schoolie asked if i could make more room in the garden cause he had nowhere to play!! theres just no pleasing some,,, thought i was being nice letting them have the pool up

Helen Dempster
21-07-2010, 05:27 PM
"what's your job?"

21-07-2010, 05:41 PM
I haven't really been asked a cheeky question but this conversation happened here today:

Mindee: My mummy works in ****

Me: She does darling, you're right! Clever girl!

Mindee: She works really really hard, so does my daddy in his office

Me: they do sweetie. 'Blue' works really hard too...

Mindee: Silly Blue, you don't work hard! (and walks off chuckling to herself)

Me: (full of snot and aching all over from stinking cold shared to me by a different mindee, and starving hungry cos I missed my lunch) hmm yeah, thanks for that hunnie.

Tippy Toes
21-07-2010, 06:06 PM
I look after a little one (7) who tells me I have to buy him a present or give him chocolate! arghh. :mad: And when I say no he keeps demanding it!

21-07-2010, 07:17 PM
I look after a little 4yr old girl and although it's only for 5hrs a week, it's enough! She constantly wants what others have, you can't go anywhere near a shop, cafe or even a vending machine without her demand to have something and she will screech about it :mad:
I've got a couple of places that I take her for outings and even plan the route in and out of areas so that she does not see the sweets or vending machines.
My other escape plans are not having coins on me or any money or I just carry on walking saying we are going to be late collecting the others from school.
I think she is realising that I'm not a pushover like her mum ;)

21-07-2010, 07:32 PM
I look after an 8 year old and we have to walk past Asda on the way to school. He said to me "You never buy me anything from Asda" to which I said that his birthday present had come from Asda and all the food he eats at my house comes from there too. He then said
"yeah but thats not really buying me anything nice" (!!!!!)
I told him quite firmly that my job was to look after him when his parents are at work, not to buy him things. His parents live separately and are both with new partners so he has about 4 sets of grandparents and he's an only child so he's quite spoiled for day to day presents really.

Another time we'd been to our local soft play centre during half term and I was talking to all the children about what else we could get up to during the coming week. The same boy suggested we go to the other soft play centre in town. I laughed and kindly said I'm afraid I don't have enough money to do it again this week to which he replied:
"What about that £300 cheque my mum gave you? "! :eek:

Cheekey but kind of logical I guess LOL :laughing: