View Full Version : Moan

18-07-2010, 02:14 PM
Sorry for the moan. I have been up with DD since 5.50am and already I've done 3 loads of washing fed and walked my 2 dogs, taken my DD to indoor and outdoor pools and the park. I walked there and back as well. (25 min walk each way) DH works at weekends and has got my daughter into a habit of waking at silly hours by getting her out of bed :mad:

Feeling sleepy now :yawning:
Sorry for moaning

little chickee
18-07-2010, 03:37 PM
Hopefully she will be tired tonight and you all can get an early night.

When mine were small i refused to let them up before 7.30am - if they woke before that i would insist that they stayed in bed - just like you do if they wake up through the night.

Mind you i'm not a morning person!

18-07-2010, 04:42 PM
Hopefully she will be tired tonight and you all can get an early night.

When mine were small i refused to let them up before 7.30am - if they woke before that i would insist that they stayed in bed - just like you do if they wake up through the night.

Mind you i'm not a morning person!

i can't do this with the light morning's, my dd see's it and just refuses to stay in bed, she will play in her room but unfortunately not quietly! oh well hope u get an early night, i will be :-)

18-07-2010, 04:55 PM
Thanks guys, she will just cry and then in seconds scream and I cannot bear her crying she's my baby (18 months in 2 days). :blush:
I took her dummy away two weeks ago and replaced it with us patting her now she goes down with stories and then is left with some books. She does occasionally moan (but not cry and she is left as it only lasts a few mins and if she was to cry we would comfort her straight away). I cannot bear any child crying

I suppose I cannot moan really as that went smoothly.
Thanks again :)

18-07-2010, 07:36 PM
Ok so I spoke to soon, put DD to bed at 7 and I am still trying to get her off to sleep. As soon as I go into the room she lays down and starts to talk and take the mick out of me!! When she notices I am not there she crys.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArrgh:angry: :angry: so mad at DH and he's not home yet meant to be home by 8pm the latest. At least he's bringing me a curry!

:blush: Sorry for the moan AGAIN I am usually happy, honest!:o

little chickee
18-07-2010, 07:53 PM
Have pm'd you!