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16-07-2010, 08:19 AM
:angry: Why oh why can't parents send their children with appropriate clothing? We've had rain all week and today is going to be no exception it's dark and very windy and obviously going to rain again. So today I have 2 x 2yr olds sent to me with NO COATS :angry: . I sent out a newsletter and reminded parents that we have school runs to do and I never use the car and can they please remember that even if it's not raining when they drop off it MIGHT RAIN LATER!!!!!!!!! So I now have to do the school runs with 2 children with no raincoats. I GIVE UP. Can you tell I'm mad :angry:


16-07-2010, 08:21 AM
This is up in my hall....

We like to go outside to play ,
whatever the weather , every day..
so if you bring me in the car,
please bring along my jacket , ta!!

16-07-2010, 08:22 AM
I bet you can find 1001 posts on here saying exactly the same thing! It seems no matter how many times we tell some parents, they just don't get it!

We've had rain most of the week, but I've still had children come in sandals, no socks & no coats. It's not actually been cold, so it's fine that the children are still coming in t-shirts etc, but they at least need a coat :rolleyes:

16-07-2010, 08:26 AM
Ah it works the other way round too!
A few weeks ago when it was really, really hot, a mindee came to me in vest, long sleeved top, trousers, socks, fleece jacket and padded bodywarmer. And Mum put a coat in her bag too. Other mindee came in just shorts and tshirt. My son was too hot for clothes so played in just a nappy and cotton tshirt most of the day!

sonia ann
16-07-2010, 08:30 AM
:angry: Why oh why can't parents send their children with appropriate clothing? We've had rain all week and today is going to be no exception it's dark and very windy and obviously going to rain again. So today I have 2 x 2yr olds sent to me with NO COATS :angry: . I sent out a newsletter and reminded parents that we have school runs to do and I never use the car and can they please remember that even if it's not raining when they drop off it MIGHT RAIN LATER!!!!!!!!! So I now have to do the school runs with 2 children with no raincoats. I GIVE UP. Can you tell I'm mad :angry:


you are not alone I think we all have the same problem. I always keep spare waterproofs and wellies they can borrow but that's not the point is it..................some parents can remember, why can't the others??

16-07-2010, 08:30 AM
Ah it works the other way round too!
A few weeks ago when it was really, really hot, a mindee came to me in vest, long sleeved top, trousers, socks, fleece jacket and padded bodywarmer. And Mum put a coat in her bag too. Other mindee came in just shorts and tshirt. My son was too hot for clothes so played in just a nappy and cotton tshirt most of the day!

Oh yes I had that as well. One of the mindees came in a long sleeved top with a thick velour long dress over the top. It was about 30degrees outside. Same child arrives today with bare legs and NO COAT (I'm still mad).


16-07-2010, 08:30 AM
I've had a little girl turn up this morning, whilst its blowing a gale and pouring with rain, without her coat and her shoes!!!!! :eek:

16-07-2010, 08:38 AM
Mindee came this morning to go to school - no coat or cardigan!!!

And I haven't got my pac-a-mac back that they borrowed last week either! I hope it rains at school pickup because she will get very wet and I will phone parent to collect!

16-07-2010, 08:40 AM
Maybe you could get into the habit of checking the child has what you need him/her to have each morning and if they don't then turn them away so parent can go home and get what you need. You should only need to do it a few times :) . I know some will say this is not part of your job, but if the child not having their coat is a problem for your day then it will have to be part of your job unfortunately.
I had to turn one parent away one time, they were stood holding their child whilst the snow fell onto her bare arms as she was only dressed in a teeshirt in a snowfall!
Make sure the parent takes the child too though or they might not come back with the items you need. :)

16-07-2010, 09:11 AM
Maybe you could get into the habit of checking the child has what you need him/her to have each morning and if they don't then turn them away so parent can go home and get what you need. You should only need to do it a few times :) . I know some will say this is not part of your job, but if the child not having their coat is a problem for your day then it will have to be part of your job unfortunately.
I had to turn one parent away one time, they were stood holding their child whilst the snow fell onto her bare arms as she was only dressed in a teeshirt in a snowfall!
Make sure the parent takes the child too though or they might not come back with the items you need. :)

Trouble is one of the parents lives a good 20mins away from me so I can't really expect them to go back home and then come back again. I have spare layers for the children and have bought spare sun hats etc but I don't have any spare waterproof jackets. It makes me look like a bad childminder if I'm out with the children and they are not appropriately dressed. I was going to walk across to the park for an hour this morning but we can't go now.


16-07-2010, 09:22 AM
:angry: Why oh why can't parents send their children with appropriate clothing? We've had rain all week and today is going to be no exception it's dark and very windy and obviously going to rain again. So today I have 2 x 2yr olds sent to me with NO COATS :angry: . I sent out a newsletter and reminded parents that we have school runs to do and I never use the car and can they please remember that even if it's not raining when they drop off it MIGHT RAIN LATER!!!!!!!!! So I now have to do the school runs with 2 children with no raincoats. I GIVE UP. Can you tell I'm mad :angry:


It is very annoying and I have the same problem

Have you noticed though that parents always always wear the correct clothing to suit the weather ?
You dont see them arrive with no coat when its raining do you

Angel xx

16-07-2010, 09:26 AM
glad it's not just me!

I have a lo just walking and loves the park, but he never arrives with shoes! Even though he has loads they don't fit or give him blisters! Mum said she needed to wait until pay day, well she had her hair and nails done but still no shoes for lo:rolleyes:

16-07-2010, 09:34 AM
Trouble is one of the parents lives a good 20mins away from me so I can't really expect them to go back home and then come back again. I have spare layers for the children and have bought spare sun hats etc but I don't have any spare waterproof jackets. It makes me look like a bad childminder if I'm out with the children and they are not appropriately dressed. I was going to walk across to the park for an hour this morning but we can't go now.


I would and have. It doesn't matter how far away they live. They have signed a contract with me that states that they will provide the correct clothing and a spare set for the weather and the activities we do. I like others do school runs, i walk and use the car but even if you are in the car you can't park right outside the door.

I have sent parents home, they don't forget a second time :laughing:

16-07-2010, 09:44 AM
I would and have. It doesn't matter how far away they live. They have signed a contract with me that states that they will provide the correct clothing and a spare set for the weather and the activities we do. I like others do school runs, i walk and use the car but even if you are in the car you can't park right outside the door.

I have sent parents home, they don't forget a second time :laughing:

:laughing: You're braver than me.


16-07-2010, 09:47 AM

:laughing: You're braver than me.


Braver than me also :laughing:

Oooooooh I would love to do it though imagine their faces :eek:

Angel xx

16-07-2010, 10:34 AM
My 4yr old mindee was just in sandals yesterday, not even shoes and it was tipping down most of the day.
Her toes were all wet and muddy by the time we got in and I had to wash her feet and dry them and try and get the worst of the mud off the sandals.
Rest of the day, she borrowed some socks and wellies and had great fun jumping in the puddles when we did the school run :)
I just keep spares of everything just in case, at home I had 10 pairs of wellies all different sizes, most are old wellies from my own two girls and any that I can find in charity shops :thumbsup:

The Juggler
16-07-2010, 01:02 PM
This is up in my hall....

We like to go outside to play ,
whatever the weather , every day..
so if you bring me in the car,
please bring along my jacket , ta!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: do they READ it though??

16-07-2010, 03:46 PM
I had a child arrive without shoes and she said 'he wouldnt put them on and you wont be going out anyway'. Err yes I have the school run and just send them with the child, he wouldnt have any choice on to wear or not to wear with me :laughing:

16-07-2010, 04:08 PM
Ah it works the other way round too!
A few weeks ago when it was really, really hot, a mindee came to me in vest, long sleeved top, trousers, socks, fleece jacket and padded bodywarmer. And Mum put a coat in her bag too. Other mindee came in just shorts and tshirt. My son was too hot for clothes so played in just a nappy and cotton tshirt most of the day!

Monday's weather was hot, humid and sunny here Monday's children....
LO1 (15 months) - thick wooly tights, lined wool skirt, vest, thick long sleeve top, jumper & coat with plastic sandals:rolleyes:
LO2 (1) - t-shirt, leggings and nappy!
LO3 (3) - Lined trousers, t-shirt, long-sleeved top, thick fleece jacket

Luckily weather held for mindee 2. 1 & 3 got stripped down quickly due to red hot faces.

I am building a supply of clothes for all weathers for all ages including waterproof trousers, coats and welies. Already keep sun hats so I am now collecting shorts & t-shirts:rolleyes:

16-07-2010, 04:38 PM
Well the 2 LO's concerned are leaving anyway, one next week and one in October so I have decided that for future children I will be supplying parents with a list of clothing items which MUST be left with me. I had to do this with my DS when he was at nursery and I will now be doing the same. I don't ask much from parents but I'm no longer prepared to be inconvenienced and look bad because parents can't use their common sense.


16-07-2010, 04:44 PM
i ask that ALL children that come to me, keep a waterproof coat at my house! the only ones i don't ask this of, are those that i only collect from school, as they are supposed to always have a waterproof at school!

if they don't send a coat or it needs replacing etc i ask EVERYDAY, morning and night etc and usually get one pretty quick! all LOs keep wellies at my house too, as does an older child i have before & afterschool and in the holidays! (actually, have full spare clothes for him!)

carol cameron
16-07-2010, 05:18 PM
I gave up keeping spare clothesfor mindees some years ago when I was completely fed up with my spare things going home with parents and me not seeing them unless mindee came wearing them!! Must admit it still frustrates me when they come inappropriately dressed but I make sure that I say ( in a very loud voice) "my goodness your mummy needs to remember to bring your coat when you come to Carol's house" when I am doing a school run just to let people know that it's not me being neglectful:blush:

16-07-2010, 05:32 PM
I ask for a spare set of clothes when a child starts with me and keep an eye on the size for the small ones. I also have a spare set of clothes for my older ones too as we have got soaked on the way home from school before. I must admit my current mindies are pretty good about updating the clothes, but in the past I have put on my sons and not got the back

16-07-2010, 09:01 PM
I too am collecting bits and pieces. I have a charity shop nearby that does children's clothes 3 for £1 also the Sure Start centre has boxes of free clothes that people have donated. I don't have any shoes though. I really should start buying wellies I think they will work for all weathers. x
Monday's weather was hot, humid and sunny here Monday's children....
LO1 (15 months) - thick wooly tights, lined wool skirt, vest, thick long sleeve top, jumper & coat with plastic sandals:rolleyes:
LO2 (1) - t-shirt, leggings and nappy!
LO3 (3) - Lined trousers, t-shirt, long-sleeved top, thick fleece jacket

Luckily weather held for mindee 2. 1 & 3 got stripped down quickly due to red hot faces.

I am building a supply of clothes for all weathers for all ages including waterproof trousers, coats and welies. Already keep sun hats so I am now collecting shorts & t-shirts:rolleyes:

17-07-2010, 11:37 AM
I have been out and bought spare:

wellies in all sizes between 4 and 9
complete outfits from birth to two years
vests and pants from birth to three/four
rainproofs from toddler to 6 years (same size coats just roll up sleeves)
sunhats from birth to 7
and lately sunsuits from age 2 to 7 as we live at the beach adn LOs never brings beachwear...

I've a rule about shoes, no flip flops or crocs but I've had little ones turn up in fake uggs in 26 degree (c) weather and sandals in the rain, fur coats in midsummer and thin raincoats when it snows. Nothing surprises me any more, which is kind of sad really.

However I am as bad cos I forget to take a LOs coat over to nursery when I dropped him over the other day, thankfully it didn't pour down until he would have been tucked up soundly in bed at night.:eek: