View Full Version : Am I stressing over nothing

Carpet Monkeys
08-07-2010, 04:22 PM
As some of you are aware, we've made fantastic progress with my DS this year at school. Well, the school have just announced the teachers for next year and ... he's got a new teacher to the school. My heart sank, I was hoping that he would have a teacher he was familiar with within the current school setting! Feeling very anxious about it all, really don't want to go back to square one with him in September.

I've asked his current teacher if I can meet her when she's visiting his class next week to see if she would be up for emails from him, possible calls over the summer hols etc. According to his current teacher, she is aware of the issues with DS and I shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I'm half expecting a little hiccup when he goes back, but not back to square one .... stressy head doing overtime now!

08-07-2010, 04:55 PM
It is a worry but I'm sure the new teacher will be fine, sounds like his current teacher has 'filled him in' and that should help.

Going in for a chat should hopefully put your mind at rest - I hope so anyway :thumbsup: