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View Full Version : Adult tonsilitis nightmare!!

07-07-2010, 09:10 AM
OMG my daughter who is 20 and had her tonsils out at 7 is SOOOOOOOOOOOO ill :( Started with earache then went to sore throat then went to not being able to swallow or breath properly and freezing yet boiling, yet our lovely Doc wouldnt come out. Had to take her to surgery and wait for almost an hour looking like a zombie, crying in pain and dribbling as unable to swallow in the waiting room with about 15 other people all watching. Given anti biotics. Mon night got so much worse didnt know what to do - almost called ambulance, but managed to wait til morning and phoned Doc again. Wouldnt come out, but said if I got her straight there she would be seen. Took her. Had to wait almost an hour again with her sitting on the floor outside as too ill to even go in. Prescribed a local anaesthetic throat spray. Dropped her at home while I went to get it. After almost 2 hours and 7 chemists later still no-one had it. Phoned Doc. Again after battle with receptionist Doc faxed alternative prescription to biggest Boots around. Guess what? After another 20 min wait they didnt have that either!:angry: So worried for daughter after leaving her for so long decided to give up and went home. OMG what a state she was in. :angry: Phoned NHS direct. After repeating the same thing for 15 mins the Nurse said "well, if you go to the phamacist with what shes been taking theyl be able to give you something else for her as there are lots of cold remedies about"! Sorry, but ***?? Cold remedies?? By now she is dribbling a mixture of saliva,puss and blood . Phoned Doc. Ha, closed for the afternoon for training!
Very long story I know. Seriously what are you supposed to do?? I know one thing for sure am changing Doc asap. Managed to go off and buy over the counter Eludril think its called, which is a throat spray, and a gargle and pumped her with crushed diclofenic, paracetomol and anti biotics then gave her a sleeping pill. May have been the wrong thing to do but ?????????
Just hope when she wakes up it doesnt all start up again - sorry, but it it does i'll be phoning 999.:eek: Can hear coughing, off to investigate.:panic:

07-07-2010, 09:18 AM
Oh no

I have this a lot and its flipping painful I know

Your poor daughter hope she is ok

Also your doc sounds no better than mine he was the same when I was ill and I ended up being admitted to hospital

Anyway back to your daughter hope she is ok when she wakes up

Take her back to the doctor if she is still unwell

You know your own daughter dont you and he does not so sit there and make a stand

Sending hugs

Keep us posted

Angel xxx

07-07-2010, 09:28 AM
How awful for your daughter!!:mad:

I have had tonsilitis, had it last year and it was awful but nowhere near as bad your your daughter has it

If she is still as poorly take her to A&E now!!!

07-07-2010, 09:45 AM
Goodness me poor thing x

Let us know how she is x

07-07-2010, 11:40 AM
Hi, did one reply and it vanished so sorry if it suddenly re-appears!
Woken up feeling not quite so desperate and managed to drink some warm milk, which i read somewhere is good for sore throats as it sticks. Taken more crushed anti biotics and pain relief and not dribbling!! Please let her be on the right side of it now - really blinking horrible and just hope shes not going to get it again. Used to be really ill with it as a child and hospitalised twice, but after having them out at 7 all seemed ok. Who knew the damned things can apparently grow back?????????:huh: :eek: Just about to phone new GP practice to see if we can register with them. Thanks:)