View Full Version : Mobile phone

06-07-2010, 10:34 AM
What age would you say is the right age for a mobile phone?

06-07-2010, 11:16 AM
my 8 year old has aphone but he doesnt take it out with him as he is only out the front [plus i dont trust the boys he plays with]

depends really what type etc.

06-07-2010, 11:32 AM
my 3 year old has a phone :huh: he only uses it to ring his brother and sister though as they are the only 2 in his phone book. :laughing:

06-07-2010, 11:35 AM
My grandson is 10 and has a mobile his brother who is 7 does not

Its more so he can keep in touch with his dad though and he does not take it to school

I think it depends a lot on the child - and circumstances really

Angel xx

06-07-2010, 12:51 PM
my 3 year old has a phone :huh: he only uses it to ring his brother and sister though as they are the only 2 in his phone book. :laughing:
lol my 5yo and nearly 3 yo both want a phone...pop has my very old battered one that does not work :p

06-07-2010, 12:56 PM
I bought one for my daughters 10th birthday as she pestered the life out of me for one - and guess what it was a novelty for a few weeks and now it has run out of battery and hasn't been charged for months :rolleyes:

06-07-2010, 01:43 PM
We got DS1 his first mobile when he was 13 (now grown up). DS 2 got his at 11 when he got all grade 5's in his sats. He's 15 now and still has the same phone. He rarely uses it, generally has to be prompted to charge it up and take it with him if he doing things after school or going out with mates. We did ask him if he wanted a more trendy model of phone last birthday but he opted for an ipod touch instead which seems to be permanently glued to his hand.

We really got them mobiles so that if they wanted to do things after school etc they could ring up and check it was ok. I don't think children really need a mobile until they are at secondary school and actually doing lots of things that no longer involve you being there.

06-07-2010, 01:57 PM
hi there, i gave all my children phones when they started secondary school, mainly because thats when they get much more independent and their social circle widens. It meant they could get in touch if they needed me for any reason or if their plans changed. choose your provider carefully tho-vodafone and O2 have family packages where you can pay a small fee monthly and your kids dont need credit to ring you, even on PAYG phones.
Hope that helps!!:) :)

Ali x

Chatterbox Childcare
06-07-2010, 02:07 PM
I think it depends on the freedom you give your children. If mine went up the park at age 8 I would send a phone with them

06-07-2010, 03:32 PM
My dd was 9 or 10 can't remember

Even more so now she is 12 and at high school :thumbsup:

06-07-2010, 03:38 PM
My Ds got an old phone of mine when he started socialising more and i wanted to know I could contact him.
My DD asks for one and she's just 7.She doesn't need one as I only let her play in the street in front of my house.I see mobiles as a form of comminicating more than a gadget so they will only get the use of when when one is needed.Even now my Ds who's 16 has a phone that's pretty basic, he's got a camera and a mp3 player so i don't see the need for him to have an all singing all dancing mobile.If he wants to work and save to buy one then that's his choice.

06-07-2010, 08:38 PM
The day the child starts to go out by him/herself and learn the child all about the phone they are using but properly the child will teach you :)

John :)

Carpet Monkeys
06-07-2010, 08:55 PM
My DD has one, she's 8 almost 9, we live right next door to the park and instead of sounding like a fish wife shouting across the park for her to come in I'll call her.

My DS has one, he's 7, we've only given him one as a communication aid (he has selective mutism) and with this it's encouraging him to talk to people and taking away the fear of doing it face to face, only the house and my mobile number are on it, but occasionally my sister or parents will call him for a chat! He never takes it out of the house!

miss mopple
06-07-2010, 08:58 PM
My DD was 9 when we gave her one for playing out with. We pay £5 a month on vodafone so she can call us without credit :thumbsup: