View Full Version : Planning and Observations

01-07-2010, 08:41 PM
Hi All, I have only just become registered as a childminder and I really need help on planning and observations. I do not know where to start and how to record all the information I am suppose to be recording ??? Please help. I have purchased many learning journals from ebay/childminding shops, but my development worker said Ofsted wont like me using them, I should create something myself. I just really need some good points and tips, on what im suppose to be actually doing / how often / how im suppose to record everything ??? Please help. Thank you.

01-07-2010, 09:11 PM
Don't chuck out what you already have... just tweak it so it works for you!

First you need observations - notes of what the child says and does.

These include info from parents - about what the child is saying and doing at home.

If the child goes somewhere else you can add in comments from there as well.

Put all the obs together and you are showing that you are learning about the child.

Then think about where the child is within the Eyfs... and how you can help the child to move forward.

these are your assessments and next steps / individual planning thoughts.

Make the child a folder - let him decorate it - put his photo on the front - add his pictures, photos of his models, things he is proud of etc.

You have an individual learning journey for the child that will be a lovely keepsake in years to come... and is great for Ofsted.

Hth :D