26-06-2010, 09:50 AM
What you all got planned this weekend

It is sooooo hot here already

Hope you all have a good one

Enjoy the weather

Angel xxx

26-06-2010, 09:52 AM
Im getting all my paperwork up together ready for my inspection :(

I am off out tonight though, a girls night out that has been planned for months so i cant miss it even though i will be worrying about all the stuff i should be doing!

26-06-2010, 10:45 AM

and as for the weather ............ :( its tooooooo darned hot for me , i'm hybernating til autumn :laughing:

26-06-2010, 11:05 AM
hi all its beautiful here just been shopping taking my 2 dd to our local summer fayre so should be good then just gunna chill out this weekend and relax and maybe ave a look at my paperwork:laughing: its upto date so not to bothered if england wasnt playing tomos would of gone to the beach but i will do a barbecue instead have a great weekend x:clapping:

26-06-2010, 12:40 PM
As little as possible today still recovering from wine and Just Dance last night with friends

Then going to go a carboot tomorrow hopefully then watch the England match

Have a lovely weekend everyone :thumbsup:

26-06-2010, 12:47 PM
hhhmmmmmmmmmm where???? It's cloudy here in Bucks:(

Although I have done all my house work and working through my big list of things to do:panic: Although not much left on it now :clapping:

26-06-2010, 01:00 PM
Housework this morning and then at 3pm me and my 2 daughters are going swimming.

tomorrow maybe car boot depends on how hot it is:laughing:

26-06-2010, 01:16 PM
How warm its boiling :clapping:

Bbq tonight :thumbsup:

Have a good one x

26-06-2010, 01:28 PM
We've just got back from Whitby, lovely and hot there and even hot here at home. Rose now watching tv, think it's too hot for her. Tomorrow housework, go in the garden and probably bbq

26-06-2010, 01:43 PM
Got my Housework done this morning. DS is in the paddling pool and we are having the picnic food I ordered to have on a day out tomorrow, for tea this evening.

As the footie is now on, bang goes our day out but we are going to a BBQ with friends. Men will watch the footie and the women will chill and chat....sounds good to me.

26-06-2010, 02:25 PM
Its my daughter's birthday party. So swimming, cinema and mcdonalds. Then a nice glass of chilled wine later. And its a scorcher here too!

26-06-2010, 02:37 PM
I took my youngest to our local gala - it was £2.50 for hook a duck!!!!!!!!:mad:

26-06-2010, 02:58 PM
Cleaning and tidying, avoiding the sun as it is so hot :blush:

Got sofa/chair covers off, washed and on the line - will be good to get them back on minus the snot and dribbles!

Sorting kitchen cupboards too - where to all the extra plastic pots come from ? - sure we have not had that many takeaways :laughing:

Been meaning to sort my 'baking' cupboard too for ages - get rid of out of date choc chips/nuts/desicated coconut and write list of what I DO need :thumbsup:

Productive day while DH is out working - then a relaxing one tomorrow. :D

26-06-2010, 03:16 PM
We've been relaxing :clapping: Ok then we went to Hanley, Festival Park and Tescos first :D Relaxing to me is shopping :laughing:

Got loads and the children got a treat again :rolleyes: Me I got some more sandels and so did Charley, well you can never have enough footwear :laughing: Daz got a new game that he's playing on now.

Having a little bbq later just for us. Then tomorrow we're off to Brum to visit my mom and dad

PixiePetal - Good luck with your cupboards, that's a job I need to do too but been putting it off :panic:

Carol xx

26-06-2010, 04:10 PM
ive just got back from lytham club day and fair. it was lovely but its just a bit too hot for me! need to cool off a bit now.:D

26-06-2010, 06:30 PM
PixiePetal - Good luck with your cupboards, that's a job I need to do too but been putting it off :panic:

Carol xx

Cupboard cleaned :thumbsup:

3 half packets of choc chips, 2 bags of nuts, 100s and 1000s, ground almonds, coconut, chopped dates (when on earth did I buy them and why?!), golden syrup (does everyone have a tin of that going black around the rim :laughing: ) and custard powder - all out of date.

I also now have red fingers due to leaky food colouring :blush:

So pleased it is done, been driving me nuts for months and we have only lived in this house nearly 1 year :o

26-06-2010, 06:39 PM
[QUOTE=PixiePetal;733772]Cupboard cleaned :thumbsup:

3 half packets of choc chips, 2 bags of nuts, 100s and 1000s, ground almonds, coconut, chopped dates (when on earth did I buy them and why?!), golden syrup (does everyone have a tin of that going black around the rim :laughing: ) all out of date.

It sounds just like my baking cupboard and I can never find what I want in it so just buy a new packet :laughing: A job for next week I think :thumbsup:

Well done on getting yours done :clapping:

Carol xx