View Full Version : Has anyone had a french door put in?

miss mopple
21-06-2010, 12:34 PM
If so could you give me an idea how much it costs? We are thinking of having the playroom window taken out and french doors put in, but dont have a clue how much we'd be looking at. I will get some people in to quote but I hate feeling pressurised by salesmen :panic: so I wondered if any of you have had it done?

It would mean moving a radiator too, but that shouldnt be a major job hopefully.

It would be great if its affordable as I could let the kids have proper freeflow :clapping: , which is impossible at the minute as the only access to the garden is through the kitchen, which is where my puppy is during the day.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
21-06-2010, 01:28 PM
We have had it done but we did it all ourselves hubby is very handy with diy, we bought the patio door from B & Q which was around £250 I think and we then did the rest and my uncle helped out as well.

Sorry not much help really but it will make such a different so it you can afford it I would def go for it. :clapping:

miss mopple
21-06-2010, 01:29 PM
thanks Lorraine :thumbsup:

DH suggested having a go himself but I dont trust him so would rather pay out :laughing:

21-06-2010, 01:38 PM
Our builder charged £650 plus the door and window (Only cut out half of the wall below the old window - so i could still get air into the playroom) which was about £600, also included moving and fitting a new radiator.

It is brilliant as the kids can now get outside from the playroom.

21-06-2010, 01:44 PM
We had a quote a couple of months ago to remove old patio door and put in french doors which was £930.00, that was from a company
We did have this done but my DH knows a friend who works for a window company and we got it trade and only paid £670 all done :)

21-06-2010, 03:14 PM
We are having two sets of Patio doors done at the moment.

One just two doors for the playroom and the other two doors and a window.

They are part of a big new extension we are having built. All I know is that all the new windows 23 of them (that includes replacing all the windows in the existing house) and the 2 Patio doors cost a total of £6100 so the patio doors are not too expensive.

21-06-2010, 05:23 PM
Ours cost about £700, but that was about 5 years ago.

21-06-2010, 05:36 PM
we had our doorway widened and french doors put in and a window put in to increase natural light and it came to £1350