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View Full Version : Tax credits ARE being cut.......

17-06-2010, 07:57 PM
for those with an annual income of £30K and not £50k like they originally said :rolleyes:


17-06-2010, 08:01 PM
Hmmm, the Daily Mail...think I'll wait and see what actually happens :rolleyes:

17-06-2010, 08:02 PM
I actually think thats fair wish me and my oh was on 30k a year !!

17-06-2010, 08:03 PM
Do people earning over 30k need the extra money? probably not

17-06-2010, 08:04 PM
Do people earning over 30k need the extra money? probably not

Couldnt agree with you more !!

17-06-2010, 08:04 PM
:eek: this will really effect me i think. i knew it would make changes but i'm sure they could look else where 1st, like the big wigs with the big houses and cars etc, it really annoys me!
my oh earns just under this so with my wage we just hit the £30,000. after bills etc i would be stuck not having this extra and i'm sure the parents will struggle so there goes more children ;-( one good point my dd get funded nursery in Sept :clapping: well until they scrap that aswell!!!

17-06-2010, 08:05 PM
Haha, most couples in Wales would love to earn that much between them, if one person earned it they'd think they were rich.

17-06-2010, 08:06 PM
yes we do:D

Sorry but my hubby works blooming hard for his money and pays so much in tax it's nice to get something!

I hope it doesn't go, but we only get £40ish a month anyway:( but we do put it straight away for the kids.......looks like its a good job the way you some think we shouldn't get it:mad: thanks!

Carpet Monkeys
17-06-2010, 08:07 PM
I watched Nick Clegg on GMTV and he would not commit to what the 'cut off' point was going to be about the Tax Credits, and from what I gathered Child Benefit was not going to be affected.

17-06-2010, 08:08 PM
Do people earning over 30k need the extra money? probably not

it depends on where they live really and 2 adults working just above minimum wage will earn £30K between them so in reality it will affect millions of families
it will probably affect 2 of my families, which will probably see the help they get towards childcare reduced too so i wonder how it will affect my business :panic: :panic:

also the free swimming scheme is to be scrapped :(

Carpet Monkeys
17-06-2010, 08:09 PM
But supposedly there are going to be Income Tax Breaks too .....

17-06-2010, 08:11 PM
i doubt they'll come in straight away as they are trying to save money :panic:

17-06-2010, 08:14 PM
Trying to be the voice of reason here do any of you believe what you read in the daily mail?, it doesn't matter where you live we are all in this together the government will tell us what the government will do next week, so all i can do is ask why is everyone getting wound up over rumours and half truths :thumbsup:

17-06-2010, 08:14 PM
yes we do:D

Sorry but my hubby works blooming hard for his money and pays so much in tax it's nice to get something!

I hope it doesn't go, but we only get £40ish a month anyway:( but we do put it straight away for the kids.......looks like its a good job the way you some think we shouldn't get it:mad: thanks!

Hear, hear :thumbsup:

Carpet Monkeys
17-06-2010, 08:15 PM
Trying to be the voice of reason here do any of you believe what you read in the daily mail?, it doesn't matter where you live we are all in this together the government will tell us what the government will do next week, so all i can do is ask why is everyone getting wound up over rumours and half truths :thumbsup:

Totally agree ... what will be will be and that's all going to be revealed next week!

17-06-2010, 08:16 PM
Trying to be the voice of reason here do any of you believe what you read in the daily mail?, it doesn't matter where you live we are all in this together the government will tell us what the government will do next week, so all i can do is ask why is everyone getting wound up over rumours and half truths :thumbsup:

Because it's nearly the weekend baby:D

And I am defending the fact my hubby and me work hard for our money:p

17-06-2010, 08:16 PM
Trying to be the voice of reason here do any of you believe what you read in the daily mail?, it doesn't matter where you live we are all in this together the government will tell us what the government will do next week, so all i can do is ask why is everyone getting wound up over rumours and half truths :thumbsup:

:clapping: :clapping:

I have to laugh when people report stories from the Daily Mail & everyone gets all steamed up about it. It's the biggest load of tosh out there :laughing:

17-06-2010, 08:18 PM
never been anywhere near that amount in our family, the most ive ever been on was £11k and hubby was £18 before we were ever together

the £50k i could understand but £30k, if you live and work in expensive areas surely thats gonna really hit home:(

doesnt really give insentive to get people backto work does it?In one hand straight out the other

im a firm believer in if we stop buying produce from abroad and use our own, that would help immensley, create more jobs and get britain back to being GREAT!


x x

17-06-2010, 08:21 PM
It definately depends where you live, to those of you who live in the north 30k may sound alot to those of us in the London area £30k doesn't go far at all.We live in a a very modest 3 bed semi and our mortgage is well over a £1,000 a month and if you had to rent you could stick another couple of hundred on that and thats before you start on our extortinate council taxes :angry:

17-06-2010, 08:27 PM
It definately depends where you live, to those of you who live in the north 30k may sound alot to those of us in the London area £30k doesn't go far at all.We live in a a very modest 3 bed semi and our mortgage is well over a £1,000 a month and if you had to rent you could stick another couple of hundred on that and thats before you start on our extortinate council taxes :angry:

council tax...my mother in law has a higher tax rate than us and she has no public paths, street lights,road markings,no shops, one bus a day, and one post box

17-06-2010, 08:27 PM
It definately depends where you live, to those of you who live in the north 30k may sound alot to those of us in the London area £30k doesn't go far at all.We live in a a very modest 3 bed semi and our mortgage is well over a £1,000 a month and if you had to rent you could stick another couple of hundred on that and thats before you start on our extortinate council taxes :angry:

I agree, south of England - commuting distance of London and house prices etc are crazy. Houses like our old 3 bed, ex council, terraced house are about £200k :rolleyes:

Will wait and see

17-06-2010, 08:29 PM
council tax...my mother in law has a higher tax rate than us and she has no public paths, street lights,road markings,no shops, one bus a day, and one post box

same for me :angry: but we do have wonderful pot holes in the road and grass verges that need cutting :rolleyes:

17-06-2010, 08:31 PM
same for me :angry: but we do have wonderful pot holes in the road and grass verges that need cutting :rolleyes:

oooh yes potholes...they come free every year...how generous:rolleyes:

17-06-2010, 08:34 PM
It definately depends where you live, to those of you who live in the north 30k may sound alot to those of us in the London area £30k doesn't go far at all.

You have a very good point there!

£30k round my estate would be an absolute fortune! I don't know anyone earning anywhere near that.

Maybe in a 2 earner family on the posh side of town where both adults are working then perhaps.

Yet in London 16 years ago, before I left to come up here, I was on over £20k.

Ah well we'll see what they do with it when they announce it I suppose.

We have been warned we are in for some changes and that it's going to hurt, so it's not going to be a surprise is it? :rolleyes:

17-06-2010, 08:37 PM
yes we do:D

Sorry but my hubby works blooming hard for his money and pays so much in tax it's nice to get something!

I hope it doesn't go, but we only get £40ish a month anyway:( but we do put it straight away for the kids.......looks like its a good job the way you some think we shouldn't get it:mad: thanks!

Sorry Emma, but I have to agree if you have an annual income of 30k plus I don't think you should get anything.

It's not about working hard for your money or hubby working hard it's just that there is a finite pot of money so the money should be put where it's needed to buy clothes , food etc.

You said yourself you just pop it away for the kids bank account, some people would need that £40 to live on.

Am I making sense??

We know you work hard , we all do in our own way, just there's only one lot of money to go round :(

17-06-2010, 08:40 PM
I think what people 'need' and what they want are 2 different things and if people earning over £30k can't survive without £500-1000 extra a year then they are really doing something wrong. :rolleyes:

17-06-2010, 08:42 PM
im just thankful, for the roof over my head, the food in my cupboards and thatmy family havent been washed away in torrential flash floods, or starving to death picking bits from landfli sites, or dying from aids from contracted from thier mothers

think that puts most things into perspective

17-06-2010, 08:45 PM
I do worry how a lot of families will cope with any cut.

In todays society, I don't know many people who don't live month to month. There are a big majority of people who work to live, and still remain in overdrafts, huge loans & credit cards etc.

When I first heard that tax credits may be cut/stopped etc, then it did make me worry what will happen to these people. They are already struggling anyway, and to lose say £100 a month, could really affect them. I'll be interested to see the rise in IVA's & Bankruptcy's as a lot of families won't be able to cope without it.

Like someone else said, what about our business. Our families have their tax credits cut, therefore struggle to afford us, then give up & think what's the point!

Any cuts on tax credits are going to have a major affect on all of us, as parents & childminders.

I haven't read the report, as it always gets exagerated etc, but hope the government know what they are doing... :rolleyes:


17-06-2010, 09:41 PM
im just thankful, for the roof over my head, the food in my cupboards and thatmy family havent been washed away in torrential flash floods, or starving to death picking bits from landfli sites, or dying from aids from contracted from thier mothers

think that puts most things into perspective

Well said Jen :clapping:

18-06-2010, 06:28 AM
I going to put the tax at 10k before you start paying so that is going to help us all isn't it? Does that mean once our childmindin expenses are taken off most if not all of us will not be paying tax?

18-06-2010, 06:36 AM
if and when it happens then I will be worried from a business point of view , it could make the difference to whether a number of parents chooseto go back to work. We arent entitled to tax credits so it wont effect us as a family apart from the possibilty of affecting my income.

18-06-2010, 06:51 AM
personnaly i think cuts should aslo be made to non working families income who keep shelling kids as if their peas expecting us as wrokers to pay for them why punish the hard working regardless if they earn 29 k or 30k at the end of the day our taxes pay for these benefits why shouldnt we get them
my friend is a single mum of 5 with no qualifications she had her first at 15 and is now 32 her youngest is starting school in september guess who is trying for another baby with who ever will sleep with her cause she would need £600 cash per week to come off benefits to cover what she is getting now it makes my blood boil n heres me 16 weeks pregnant, single parent n cant afford to have maternity leave as MA doesnt anywhere near cover my mortgage where is my help etc
rant over and breathe
sorry but i dont see y we should be penalised for working

18-06-2010, 06:55 AM
My husband earns over 30K but he works very very hard for it, so a little bit back is nice for ALL the tax he pays each year.

But I think it is a good move, we need to get the country back to a good economic state so if we can save the country money by stopping these payouts for us who earn over 30K a year then I am all for it after all we only receive about £40 a month anyway, so it won't be missed

But I do think it will effect us as childminders - parents not getting as much for childcare, eek!

18-06-2010, 07:01 AM
personnaly i think cuts should aslo be made to non working families income who keep shelling kids as if their peas expecting us as wrokers to pay for them why punish the hard working regardless if they earn 29 k or 30k at the end of the day our taxes pay for these benefits why shouldnt we get them
my friend is a single mum of 5 with no qualifications she had her first at 15 and is now 32 her youngest is starting school in september guess who is trying for another baby with who ever will sleep with her cause she would need £600 cash per week to come off benefits to cover what she is getting now it makes my blood boil n heres me 16 weeks pregnant, single parent n cant afford to have maternity leave as MA doesnt anywhere near cover my mortgage where is my help etc
rant over and breathe
sorry but i dont see y we should be penalised for working

I agree i think child benefits/tax credits should be capped at a certain no. of children if you haven't worked in x amount of years. I also think child benefit should be means tested - i mean if you're earning £60k a year for eg. you do not need £20 a week coming in extra - whereas I have been on the breadline before my son was born and we didn't even have £1 to put in the electric meter on occassions - my husband was working very low hours and being peanalised for it. :rolleyes:

Carol M
18-06-2010, 07:14 AM
Last year was a financial disaster for us. My dh was made redundant from a well paid job, due to the recession our government had caused, and I was ill. I don't blame that on the government:laughing: , but prior to this we received the family element of tax credits, £42 a month. We did not need this money then but now is a different matter!
Dh took a lower paid job and I am struggling to build my business up again . We need the tax credits now.
Will still be under the £30k but further cuts will cripple us, after years of not claiming other benefits I will be very angry if we do not get the support now we need it!

18-06-2010, 07:16 AM
NOW THEY'VE CHANGED IT TO 25K!!!!:eek: :rolleyes:



18-06-2010, 07:19 AM
i also agree with money for kids being capped, as there isnt an unlimited ammount of money available

i know someone 2 parent family who have 7 kids she is pregnant with her 8th because she wants a bigger house :angry:

i had 2 kids, wont have any more right now as i know i cant afford them (well i could if i cut back on holidays and treats for my kids but i dont want to :blush: )

we also need to reduce how munch benefits people get so it IS worthwhile going to work, i think in this country we have gotten so lazy, there are countries out there where they dont earnt hey dont eat, benefits should cover the bare basics, like heating, food andfd housing and nothing else as it annoys me when i hear unemployed people who can drink like fish and smoke like chimneys complain how hard off they are :angry:

18-06-2010, 07:57 AM
I cant believe some of you think 30k is plenty to live on. My hubby earns just below this amount and i am a stay at home mum.

The only reason we can live is because he is in the RAF and get cheap housing and discounted council tax and all the other benefits that come with it.

If he wasnt in the RAF we wouldnt survive on 30k because the mortgage/rent and all the bills wouldnt be covered!

However i do agree with there being cuts but feel for the people on 30k that will miss out and struggle (although the daily mail is probably wrong anyway!)

I agree with whoever it was that said you should only be able to claim benefots for a certain number of children and only claim for a certain number of years before being forced to work etc.

My cousin and his g/f have a little boy whos 2. He works part time as a bin man so doesnt earn alot and she doesnt work at all (shes lazy she hasnt even tried to find work!) they are always moaning about money saying they havent got any and are always borrowing off his mum. Now his mum has her son every saturday so surely she could get a saturday job at least? Oh and the best bit is shes just announced shes pregnant again planned aswell!!!! grrrr:censored:

18-06-2010, 08:13 AM
Sorry but I disgree - I am sure there are plenty of things that you pay on a regular basis that are not essential but you feel are. I mean when I buy a car i spend about £500 - i expect most people earning over £30k pay that every 2 months on their car - mine will do the same job as a much more expensive car its just that some people need NEEDS as wants.
I have a friend who is always moaning about being broke - i know for a fact she has several thousand pounds in savings and goes out for meals etc regularly. I am broke when the overdraft is maxed out and i rarely spend money on meals out/drinks in the pub/holidays.

Carol M
18-06-2010, 08:15 AM
Not much has changed in 30 yrs.
I had a friend who had a child ,planned so as she would get a flat and plenty of benefits. I on the other hand worked full time so as I could save for a deposit to buy a house, pay my way,support my own social life and pay into a pension to support myself when I retired.
Said friend is still claiming all she can, her children also single mothers and claiming(two of them have never worked) , multiple fathers not supporting their offspring, whinging they need more money, not worth finding work as get more on benefits. It makes my blood boil, no wonder this country is in such a mess, and now when I need it for the first time in my life they are talking of cuts!!!:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

18-06-2010, 08:25 AM
I cant afford a mortgage! And dont earn enough to get one!

18-06-2010, 08:27 AM
I really do think it depends on the area you live in......to give you an example the rent on our old place (3 bed technically, though the 3rd bedroom was sooo small you could only fit a cot in there - literally! Nothing fancy & the rent was considered cheap because it was run down...£1,500 a month)! ...Council tax is £210 ....this list goes on!!!!

18-06-2010, 08:28 AM
I cant afford a mortgage! And dont earn enough to get one!

Same & the list for a council place round her is 12 years!:rolleyes:

18-06-2010, 08:32 AM
I stand corrected. :eek: Blaze that is extortionate rent - if you don't mind me asking, are you in an area where you can charge higher fee's to compensate?!?
I pay £550 rent for a 2 bedroomed bungalow and feel it is overpriced. :panic:

18-06-2010, 08:34 AM
Yes I do charge higher fees (Going rate is £5-£5.50 on average) - not sure enough to compensate though!:rolleyes: :laughing:

...tell you what I really miss - woolworths & their sales!:(

18-06-2010, 08:37 AM
Sorry but I disgree - I am sure there are plenty of things that you pay on a regular basis that are not essential but you feel are. I mean when I buy a car i spend about £500 - i expect most people earning over £30k pay that every 2 months on their car - mine will do the same job as a much more expensive car its just that some people need NEEDS as wants. I have a friend who is always moaning about being broke - i know for a fact she has several thousand pounds in savings and goes out for meals etc regularly. I am broke when the overdraft is maxed out and i rarely spend money on meals out/drinks in the pub/holidays.

this is me too, we dont go out we cant afford it, we have to ourselves after all bills paid etc etc £36 and thats from my sat job!!!!

£30K a year that about £2500 a month, think we will find people will be selling their houses to afford cheaper, selling cars for cheaper
as with years ago, we will all be cutiing back on everything and will soon get used to it, youll have to, we will all have too!

£36 a week and im using that to try and start my childminding business!

we usually go to clacton for aweek every year with hubbys family, cant afford that thi syear, cant afford to lose the time from work:(

18-06-2010, 08:37 AM
Yeah here too!
I couldnt afford to live without my tax credits income last year was really low

I scrape together every penny i can to be able to go on holiday with the kids, i dont drink (maybe a bottle or 2 a year!!) I dont go out on a weekend as i work them dont smoke either so i far from waste money,

18-06-2010, 08:45 AM
Sorry Emma, but I have to agree if you have an annual income of 30k plus I don't think you should get anything.

It's not about working hard for your money or hubby working hard it's just that there is a finite pot of money so the money should be put where it's needed to buy clothes , food etc.

You said yourself you just pop it away for the kids bank account, some people would need that £40 to live on.

Am I making sense??

We know you work hard , we all do in our own way, just there's only one lot of money to go round :(

you are making perfect sense flora, thefact people can SAVE means they don't need it. The money is meant to live on and not save.

Si has just accepted a new job, but it means a cut in wages and further to travel so hopefully our tax credits will go up. He brings home £16500 at the mo andwill go down to £15000 .

It's funny as mindees mum said this morning about it and she has only just started claiming this month but said if I lose that £10 a week I'll go mad.....:eek::eek::eek: Both of them work and she said that even though they don't earn the £50000 originally planned they arenot far off!!!! but have a high mortgage and loans etc to pay of...Sorry but if you cant afford to pay things like that off you shouldnt have them in the first place.

Her hubby told me how much their house was and it was about the same as ours but granted we have a low mortgage but still it is not that high!!!

sorry offsoapbox now

18-06-2010, 08:54 AM
I find this thread quite interesting as we earn well in excess of £30k a year and we have four children now ages 15 - 25. Because I have worked as a childminder since the youngest was a baby we have managed to have a reasonable standard of living and have not had to claim benefits ever but we are entitled to about £40 a month tax credits. We have supported our children through their education, given them the opportunity to travel a bit, got them driving and brought them their first car. The older ones we have also supported them in buying their first house but this has all been done because we have worked hard and managed our money well. We are not spendthrifts but we do enjoy the odd nice holiday.

It does make me cross when people assume just because you earn a good living that you should not be entitled to things like tax credits and i'm not suggesting that we need the money to live on but we have used the money towards helping and supporting our children to give them the opportunities that we didn't have.

18-06-2010, 08:58 AM
It does make me cross when people assume just because you earn a good living that you should not be entitled to things like tax credits and i'm not suggesting that we need the money to live on but we have used the money towards helping and supporting our children to give them the opportunities that we didn't have.

but how did people manage whne there were no taxcredits?

18-06-2010, 09:02 AM
I stand corrected. :eek: Blaze that is extortionate rent - if you don't mind me asking, are you in an area where you can charge higher fee's to compensate?!?
I pay £550 rent for a 2 bedroomed bungalow and feel it is overpriced. :panic:

you wouldn't get a shed for that round here!

Our house is being rented out at the moment as we are living in farmhouse owned by DH and other family who own/work the farm. We get £850/month from house rent (3 bed terraced ex council) which covers mortgage there and then pay £500 nominal rent to farm, with council tax here double what it was at the old place.

£850 is the cheapest rent locally as it's not the greatest area of town - not the worst though! :o CM rates locally are about £4- £4.50

Ok so not getting the £40 odd extra a month won't break us but we have never claimed a penny in any benefits (only child benefit), we only have 2 children as that is what we felt we could afford, have only had holidays since having children and only in UK. Don't have credit cards and live within our means. We save for extras and buy treats when we have the money.

DH pays a lot in taxes, a lot of which goes to people on benefits who flaunt the system - I am not putting everyone on benefits in this category - circumstances can change for any of us. They should be a helping hand to get you on your feet not a lifestyle choice.

18-06-2010, 09:09 AM
but how did people manage whne there were no taxcredits?

Family credits


18-06-2010, 09:47 AM
this is me too, we dont go out we cant afford it, we have to ourselves after all bills paid etc etc £36 and thats from my sat job!!!!

£30K a year that about £2500 a month, think we will find people will be selling their houses to afford cheaper, selling cars for cheaper
as with years ago, we will all be cutiing back on everything and will soon get used to it, youll have to, we will all have too!

£36 a week and im using that to try and start my childminding business!

we usually go to clacton for aweek every year with hubbys family, cant afford that thi syear, cant afford to lose the time from work:(

My husband earns 30k a year but hes in the army and has to work 90hours a week and go away every few months. My 4 year old crys her eyes out all the time because daddys away again or becasue of the hours he works she can go 4 days a week without seeing him.

Then i have a friend whos husband earns 15k but her works 9-2pm everyday his wife doesnt work, HOWEVER becasue they have 4 kids they get every benifit going if you look at their yearly income they get 30k, :angry: :angry:

SO im sorry but i think its soo wrong that becasue they choose not to work full time they get this money but my hard working husband who has been to war for this country should get nothing becasue he earns 30k a year its DISCUSTING :angry: :angry: How is this fair for us?

Oh and we dont go out for meals becasue he doesnt get home till 9pm most nights and he works shifts so we get one weekend off together every 6 weeks and we dont spend losts of money on expensive cars every month.

18-06-2010, 09:53 AM
My husband earns 30k a year but hes in the army and has to work 90hours a week and go away every few months. My 4 year old crys her eyes out all the time because daddys away again or becasue of the hours he works she can go 4 days a week without seeing him.

Then i have a friend whos husband earns 15k but her works 9-2pm everyday his wife doesnt work, HOWEVER becasue they have 4 kids they get every benifit going if you look at their yearly income they get 30k, :angry: :angry:

SO im sorry but i think its soo wrong that becasue they choose not to work full time they get this money but my hard working husband who has been to war for this country should get nothing becasue he earns 30k a year its DISCUSTING :angry: :angry: How is this fair for us?

Oh and we dont go out for meals becasue he doesnt get home till 9pm most nights and he works shifts so we get one weekend off together every 6 weeks and we dont spend losts of money on expensive cars every month.

well said.

My hubby is RAF so i completely understand.

Also 30k is not £2500 a month once all the tax and N.I has come out its more like £1600

18-06-2010, 10:12 AM
well said.

My hubby is RAF so i completely understand.

Also 30k is not £2500 a month once all the tax and N.I has come out its more like £1600

Exactly my husband pays out £700 a month on tax and NI thats not including what i pay :angry:

18-06-2010, 11:30 AM
This thread has made very interesting reading.

At the end of the day though the country has to do what a lot of us do every week and that is live within it means.

There is no such thing a a bottomless purse and because Mr Blair and Mr Brown thought this was the case we are in a dreadful mess.

We are all going to have to tighten our belts hard to get through this. There have got to be big cuts have got to be within the Benifits system that is supporting endless families who choose not to work and have endless numbers of children. I firmly believe that it is not a right to have children but a gift that comes with a big responsibility and its about time some people accepted this. A child is your responsibility not anyone elses

Technically I should be able to retire in 5yrs time, ha, ha. I currently work 55hrs a week which don't get me wrong, I throughly enjoy, but it would be good to slow down a bit!

We have only had two children would have loved more but knew we wouldn't be able to afford them. Why should my taxes pay for someone to have countless kids and never work? My way of being able to be a stay at home mum was to register as a Childminder and so be able to earn a living!

18-06-2010, 11:39 AM
This thread has made very interesting reading.

At the end of the day though the country has to do what a lot of us do every week and that is live within it means.

There is no such thing a a bottomless purse and because Mr Blair and Mr Brown thought this was the case we are in a dreadful mess.

We are all going to have to tighten our belts hard to get through this. There have got to be big cuts have got to be within the Benifits system that is supporting endless families who choose not to work and have endless numbers of children. I firmly believe that it is not a right to have children but a gift that comes with a big responsibility and its about time some people accepted this. A child is your responsibility not anyone elses

Technically I should be able to retire in 5yrs time, ha, ha. I currently work 55hrs a week which don't get me wrong, I throughly enjoy, but it would be good to slow down a bit!

We have only had two children would have loved more but knew we wouldn't be able to afford them. Why should my taxes pay for someone to have countless kids and never work? My way of being able to be a stay at home mum was to register as a Childminder and so be able to earn a living!
I completely agree with this.

My first son was by someone else..he doesnt work, he tries all sorts to get out of working {he is a drunk -paid by ourtaxmoney - and did dabble in some drugs]...I do not get any payment from him, he doesnt see my son {but im happy about that actually} and he has quite a few other kids around so personally I think HE should be penalised like cameron suggested about people not going out to work.

I work hard and have done since leaving school at 1, straight into a job. and believe those that genuinely need it should get it.

18-06-2010, 12:21 PM
Its saying on the internet now that they are cutting the limit to 25.000. :rolleyes:

Carol M
18-06-2010, 12:34 PM
Might as well jump on the bandwagon then, give up working my ass off and claim full benefit, make excuse after excuse for not working, play the game, I'm sure I would pick up all the ways to get money for nothing just like so many others do.
Can you tell I'm thoroughly p****d off.
Carol :angry:

18-06-2010, 12:42 PM
Its saying on the internet now that they are cutting the limit to 25.000. :rolleyes:


they arealso saying they want to stop the free swim for kids and oaps too in england!!..
that is wrong especially when they keep going about exercise etc

18-06-2010, 12:44 PM

they arealso saying they want to stop the free swim for kids and oaps too in england!!..
that is wrong especially when they keep going about exercise etc

There are free ways to exercise!

At the end of the day they need to make cuts somewhere.

18-06-2010, 12:50 PM
This thread has made very interesting reading.

At the end of the day though the country has to do what a lot of us do every week and that is live within it means.

There is no such thing a a bottomless purse and because Mr Blair and Mr Brown thought this was the case we are in a dreadful mess.

We are all going to have to tighten our belts hard to get through this. There have got to be big cuts have got to be within the Benifits system that is supporting endless families who choose not to work and have endless numbers of children. I firmly believe that it is not a right to have children but a gift that comes with a big responsibility and its about time some people accepted this. A child is your responsibility not anyone elses

Technically I should be able to retire in 5yrs time, ha, ha. I currently work 55hrs a week which don't get me wrong, I throughly enjoy, but it would be good to slow down a bit!

We have only had two children would have loved more but knew we wouldn't be able to afford them. Why should my taxes pay for someone to have countless kids and never work? My way of being able to be a stay at home mum was to register as a Childminder and so be able to earn a living!

I had a 'friend' i say that as im ashamed to call her one anymore, she is 31 and has 7 kids, yes 7 :panic:
Why........ for more money, bigger house , makes me sick :angry:

God i hope all this gets stopped :angry:

Btw, not everyone with big familys are like this :thumbsup:

18-06-2010, 12:50 PM

they arealso saying they want to stop the free swim for kids and oaps too in england!!..
that is wrong especially when they keep going about exercise etc
That is a shame, in our town there isn't anything indoor for children to do other than swimming. We've also got a really high obesity rate (well I personally haven't :p ).

18-06-2010, 12:51 PM
There are free ways to exercise!

At the end of the day they need to make cuts somewhere.

yes BUT swimming is a easier way for some to exercise, esp those with mobility problems.


learning to swim is a life skill :thumbsup:

18-06-2010, 12:54 PM
yes BUT swimming is a easier way for some to exercise, esp those with mobility problems.


learning to swim is a life skill :thumbsup:

i cant swim and i havent missed out on anything.

maybe people with mobility problems should have it free but i dont see why all children should

18-06-2010, 12:55 PM
I had a 'friend' i say that as im ashamed to call her one anymore, she is 31 and has 7 kids, yes 7 :panic:
Why........ for more money, bigger house , makes me sick :angry:

God i hope all this gets stopped :angry:

Btw, not everyone with big familys are like this :thumbsup:

It's nice to see someone say that! We have 5 children, but don't claim any benefits. I know for a fact we'd be much better off if I gave up working & claimed everything I could, but I couldn't do that & wouldn't do that - we chose to have lots of kids, so we're responsible for paying for them :thumbsup:

I do get a bit pee'd off when all big families are tarred with the same brush.

18-06-2010, 12:57 PM
It's nice to see someone say that! We have 5 children, but don't claim any benefits. I know for a fact we'd be much better off if I gave up working & claimed everything I could, but I couldn't do that & wouldn't do that - we chose to have lots of kids, so we're responsible for paying for them :thumbsup:

I agree, you are doing things the right way, taking responsibility for your family. If a family arent working then the amount of children they can claim for should be capped

18-06-2010, 01:02 PM
It's nice to see someone say that! We have 5 children, but don't claim any benefits. I know for a fact we'd be much better off if I gave up working & claimed everything I could, but I couldn't do that & wouldn't do that - we chose to have lots of kids, so we're responsible for paying for them :thumbsup:

I do get a bit pee'd off when all big families are tarred with the same brush.

yesquite right...but I think we mean those that do it for their own benefit...ie that couple that had about 13 kids {cant remember how many} and were gettign £30000 just in benefits!!

18-06-2010, 01:03 PM
It's nice to see someone say that! We have 5 children, but don't claim any benefits. I know for a fact we'd be much better off if I gave up working & claimed everything I could, but I couldn't do that & wouldn't do that - we chose to have lots of kids, so we're responsible for paying for them :thumbsup:

I do get a bit pee'd off when all big families are tarred with the same brush.

No not at all, everyone is different :thumbsup:

18-06-2010, 01:10 PM
My husband earns 30k a year but hes in the army and has to work 90hours a week and go away every few months. My 4 year old crys her eyes out all the time because daddys away again or becasue of the hours he works she can go 4 days a week without seeing him.

Then i have a friend whos husband earns 15k but her works 9-2pm everyday his wife doesnt work, HOWEVER becasue they have 4 kids they get every benifit going if you look at their yearly income they get 30k, :angry: :angry:

SO im sorry but i think its soo wrong that becasue they choose not to work full time they get this money but my hard working husband who has been to war for this country should get nothing becasue he earns 30k a year its DISCUSTING :angry: :angry: How is this fair for us?

Oh and we dont go out for meals becasue he doesnt get home till 9pm most nights and he works shifts so we get one weekend off together every 6 weeks and we dont spend losts of money on expensive cars every month.

please dont think this is what im accusng anyone of,its none of my business how people spend their money, i was just sayinh how things are gonna have to change people will find they will possibly have to sell up and move to cheaper reas etc

we already lost our beautifulhome whenhubby was made redundant when i fellpregnant, we survived on my maternity pay and credit cards for nearly a year and than thankfully sopmeone bought our house,we are now in a council house trying to start again

a very dear friend of mine fell pregnant staight out of school and has NEVER had a job just more children, shes forever telling me to have more its easier than working:angry:

i personally would rather struggle than sponge of socity for the rest of my life

oh and my older brother is in the forces and has missed most of his now 13yr old groing up and have had him sobbing on me how much hes missed out

so i understand

18-06-2010, 01:12 PM
yes BUT swimming is a easier way for some to exercise, esp those with mobility problems.


learning to swim is a life skill :thumbsup:

iagree....i can just about swim, and myboys are having lessons as i think it is a life skill, those who havent well that is their choice..but a free swim should be a good thing! and not taken off them..

yes they have to cut some things but not things they brought in for a good reason ie exercise etc...why not scrap rubbish ideas on building stupid things..ie the millenium thing.:panic:

18-06-2010, 01:37 PM
iagree....i can just about swim, and myboys are having lessons as i think it is a life skill, those who havent well that is their choice..but a free swim should be a good thing! and not taken off them..

yes they have to cut some things but not things they brought in for a good reason ie exercise etc...why not scrap rubbish ideas on building stupid things..ie the millenium thing.:panic:

We dont get free swimming in our area anyway!

18-06-2010, 01:38 PM
I had a 'friend' i say that as im ashamed to call her one anymore, she is 31 and has 7 kids, yes 7 :panic:
Why........ for more money, bigger house , makes me sick :angry:

God i hope all this gets stopped :angry:

Btw, not everyone with big familys are like this :thumbsup:

Oh no I didn't mean to imply that at all. I know lots of lovely large families who have always worked hard and supported themselves.

18-06-2010, 01:43 PM
I think it should be for people who need it not everyone does, i should go on personal circumstances,there are people who claim in and go on holidays every year and drive fancy new cars they dont deserve it.:angry:

people who cant survive and cant feed their kids should get it:thumbsup:

and people should come out unannounced to check if you still do:cool: :thumbsup:

we get 40 a month and we asked them not to send it as we can afford to live id sooner it went to those who do

18-06-2010, 01:44 PM

Oh no I didn't mean to imply that at all. I know lots of lovely large families who have always worked hard and supported themselves.

No i know you didnt :thumbsup:

18-06-2010, 01:45 PM
well said.

Also 30k is not £2500 a month once all the tax and N.I has come out its more like £1600

It's 24k once all tax has been taken out. Hubs bring in about 500 a week x

18-06-2010, 01:49 PM
My DH and I are on nowhere near 30k a year and we manage ok with our tax credits but would struggle without them. We will never be rich, and dont have some of the luxury things that our childless friends have but we dont need them.

We have plenty of food in our cupboards, we have a nice house, rented admittedly but no shame in that is there! We have a good quality of life. We make the most of free and cheap days out and enjoy. And if our tax credits were cut we would manage. We'd have to make a few sacrifices but we'd cope ok I think.

we knew that cuts were coming. We've just got to grin and bear it! we'll be even more annoyed next week when duty on alcohol and petrol goes up. Wouldnt be surprised if we pay more tax either, or VAT going up more either. We're all going to be poorer but it means we'll keep the NHS and keep a decent education system so I hope it'll be worth it.

18-06-2010, 02:04 PM
It's 24k once all tax has been taken out. Hubs bring in about 500 a week x

yea thats right i was going on hubbys wage of 27k and he brings home 1600 a month but i was forgetting that our rent and council tax goes out before it reaches our account aswell lol

18-06-2010, 02:49 PM
Its saying on the internet now that they are cutting the limit to 25.000. :rolleyes:

If you'd look back earlier on this thread you would see that I posted that with a link:rolleyes: , so there wuwu's:p

18-06-2010, 03:26 PM
It's 24k once all tax has been taken out. Hubs bring in about 500 a week x

What is 500 per week? if you earn 25k then you fetch in around £1596 after tax and ni.

bit confused with the figures you have



18-06-2010, 03:29 PM
yea thats right i was going on hubbys wage of 27k and he brings home 1600 a month but i was forgetting that our rent and council tax goes out before it reaches our account aswell lol

AM confused, have you got the figures right? my hubby is on 25k and fetches me 1596 per month, after tax and insurance.


18-06-2010, 03:40 PM
AM confused, have you got the figures right? my hubby is on 25k and fetches me 1596 per month, after tax and insurance.


Yes my hubby is in the RAF he earns 27k a year. But the money that goes into the bank account is after tax, N.I. rent and council tax this means we get around 1600 our rent and council tax is discounted because we live in RAF housing.

Mollymops figures were based on her hubby earning 30k i think

sorry hubby has just told me hes on almost 29k not 27k

18-06-2010, 03:55 PM
I going to put the tax at 10k before you start paying so that is going to help us all isn't it? Does that mean once our childmindin expenses are taken off most if not all of us will not be paying tax?

It will help of course but I think you will find that there are still quite a few who will still pay tax and I will be one of them!

18-06-2010, 05:01 PM
my hubby about £29k im on about 8k before my earning were taken in we got £10 a week for 2 kids not much good to us i think it shoukld be means tested i wouldnt miss my tax credits . 2 of my step sis have never worked have huge flat screen tvs go abroad kids all in fancy gear and they go out drinking every weekend (their mum is proud off this :eek: )we can not afford this and have never clsimed any benifts it makes me mad the one time we did need to try and claim benefits (hubby lost his job and our rented house was being sold they wounldnt let us have nything even thouuh we have both worked all our life
it makes me so mad the benfits system needs a shake up

18-06-2010, 05:23 PM
I going to put the tax at 10k before you start paying so that is going to help us all isn't it? Does that mean once our childmindin expenses are taken off most if not all of us will not be paying tax?

The speculation is that it will slowly increase to 10,000 over the next 5 years - so not instant. It was a Lib Dem policy and a key one for joining the coalition apparantly.

Something will happen in the budget next week about cutting tax credits both Con & LibDem want to cut them & said so before election. Con said from £50,000 & LibDem said from £25,000 in their mainifestoes. The reason the daily mail changed the headline earlier from 30 down to 25K is it is more shocking & will sell more papers! They do not know a figure as it has not been released yet - it is all guess work. It will definately be cut though.

19-06-2010, 11:35 PM
my DF earnt about 21k last year, I earnt about £6k so that would put us over the 25k mark,

we don't lead an extravagant lifestyle, we have a haven holiday in october once a year, we shop very wisely for food, we have a car but not a flashy one and we have our dd. we cant afford more kids, we cant afford to move to a nicer area (local school in special measures) so although we earn almost 30k its hardly an extravagant lifestyle :(

£40 a month doesnt go very very far but it goes towards the food we eat and the clothes for dd :(

I can understand the needs to make cuts but penalising working families is not the way to go.

20-06-2010, 08:49 AM
yes we do:D

Sorry but my hubby works blooming hard for his money and pays so much in tax it's nice to get something!

I hope it doesn't go, but we only get £40ish a month anyway:( but we do put it straight away for the kids.......looks like its a good job the way you some think we shouldn't get it:mad: thanks!

Couldnt agree with you more, we both have to work really hard to hit this mark, my hubby sees our kids 1 hour aday to keep up with paying tax, mortgage bills, etc. I also childmind 45 hours aweek, as well as looking after our 3 kids, its not easy.
we dont havde a flash car, or lavish holidays.
More should be done on benefit frauds, too much benefits are paid out to people who cant be bothered to work.
They should be penalised not us who work hard.

20-06-2010, 08:56 AM
I had a 'friend' i say that as im ashamed to call her one anymore, she is 31 and has 7 kids, yes 7 :panic:
Why........ for more money, bigger house , makes me sick :angry:

God i hope all this gets stopped :angry:

Btw, not everyone with big familys are like this :thumbsup:

as youve said not all big family's sponge or play the system its just angers me when i know i would be around 200 a month better off not working with my 4 kids than i am working yet i would never give work up what sort of example would that set my lads seeing me living off the tax payers etc
it also peeves me when these spongers whinge they are broke and need more money to live on etc id love to know what pays for their designer togs and wide screen tvs game consoles etc its a farce when iv worked from leaving school and paid taxes and cant afford even 2 weeks off when i have my baby yet these mums keep shelling kids out knowing full well the government will cover the cost
when i found out i was pregnant i worried how i would afford another baby i even contemplated abortion because i didnt want to loose my home and my other kids to financially suffer so why should anyone have the right to have 8 kids etc and claim benefits they have no cares in this world they have no rent no council tax not school dinners but still rake in over £30 k a year wheres the justice

20-06-2010, 09:15 AM
as youve said not all big family's sponge or play the system its just angers me when i know i would be around 200 a month better off not working with my 4 kids than i am working yet i would never give work up what sort of example would that set my lads seeing me living off the tax payers etc
it also peeves me when these spongers whinge they are broke and need more money to live on etc id love to know what pays for their designer togs and wide screen tvs game consoles etc its a farce when iv worked from leaving school and paid taxes and cant afford even 2 weeks off when i have my baby yet these mums keep shelling kids out knowing full well the government will cover the cost
when i found out i was pregnant i worried how i would afford another baby i even contemplated abortion because i didnt want to loose my home and my other kids to financially suffer so why should anyone have the right to have 8 kids etc and claim benefits they have no cares in this world they have no rent no council tax not school dinners but still rake in over £30 k a year wheres the justice

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

MAKE them work, simple as :thumbsup:

benefits are NOT a lifestyle option :rolleyes: they are there for when they are needed (unable to work due to illness, or a temp blip redundancies etc)

20-06-2010, 10:44 AM
The whole system is screwed!

Heaven Scent
20-06-2010, 12:04 PM
The whole system is screwed!

Here here!!!!

DH & I both work and bloomin' hard as do most couples - we are in a funny situation DH earns a good salary and we were only ever entitled to tax credits for one year. We do however live hand to mouth at the moment because over the years DH has had to take some huge pay cuts so we are paying off credit card bills from a time when life was better and we could afford them without problems - I have no pension and DH's pension has become worth less and less as the years have gone by and and despite not leaving his job since he was 20 the company has changed hands several times hense the pay they were taken to cuts to avoid redundancies under new management.

I think we all need to cut our cloth to meet our means and we certainly do - DH has to work abroad a lot in addition to working nights, week-ends and bank holidays to keep his income at a certain level and I often work 60 hrs pw actually minding - never mind all the paperwork that generates (no different to most minders I think).

I never buy clothes unless they have been reduced and my children rarely have "Named" clothing unless I get them from "Sports World" - I shop at Aldi and buy from the centre Isles (bargains) and buy value brands where they are OK when I go shopping. We do go out though for a couple of drinks when we get a chance we just walk to the pub across the road and we do go either to a carvery where its just £3.50 per head or to the pub down the road where sunday lunch is £3.99 for adults and £2.50 for children. We get fish n chips from a chippie who do it for £2.00 its smaller portions but plenty for us.- They are our treats. We don't go on days out because our two don't want to come with us they prefer to be with their friends and we wouldn't go and leave them so our couple of drinks a week and our cheap meals out are our only vices - we don't drink at home.

I used to have a cleaner but she left then a mindee left so I cant afford to replace her - the garden needs tonnes doing to it and we have to try to find time on good days to get it done.

My brother had 7 children but both her and his wife have worked to bring them up they are between the ages of about 33 and 22 and 3 of them still live at home.

All I'm saying is that sometime people do have expenses such as credit card bills etc that cause them to struggle which are a hang over from the past and not because they live extravagent lives now. This is not just us I know loads of families.

I do worry how tax credits will affect a few of my parents and in turn me.

I really do think think we are all looking at hard times and we will just have to bite the bullet and get on with it - I'm sure lots of families will struggle and some parents will go through some very very dark times. But I will bet you that there won't be any MP's included in those statistics. I reallly believe they are taking these drastic measures just so they can appear to clear the debt more quickly and so look brill - and be voted in again in the next election.

I too believe they should have a policy where they encourage us to buy british made products and produce. They started a campaign in Ireland in the late 70's (I think) where all products made and produce grown in Ireland had a "guaranteed irish" logo on it, and it worked - I'm not sure if under EU laws they can still do it to the same degree as Ireland got loads and loads of money from the EU - but I'm sure as Britain has not had to do so well as far as hand outs were concerned they would not be under such restrictions - I see nothing wrong with advertising what is home made or home grown to encourage citizens to buy them - it would also help to reduce global warming.

20-06-2010, 06:51 PM
So some believe its ok if its over 30k to be scrapped??? Well consider this --------- your minding for a parent who earns 32k, they have two kids with you potentially 1000k a month full time in childcare fees???? remove the tax credit from that parent and how long do you think that parent can continue paying your fees for????
i think it wil force alot of parents out of work cause they will find it hard to pay us without the 60 70 80% help towards childcare.
Im assuming they will lose this if thats the case????
but i do hope im wrong

20-06-2010, 07:45 PM
So some believe its ok if its over 30k to be scrapped??? Well consider this --------- your minding for a parent who earns 32k, they have two kids with you potentially 1000k a month full time in childcare fees???? remove the tax credit from that parent and how long do you think that parent can continue paying your fees for????
i think it wil force alot of parents out of work cause they will find it hard to pay us without the 60 70 80% help towards childcare.
Im assuming they will lose this if thats the case????
but i do hope im wrong

In all honesty I think someone earning £32K gets very little childcare element. When DH and I both worked FT, we earned just above that and I think we got about £80 per month from tax credits (£40 per month is what everyone gets, so just £40 towards childcare).

20-06-2010, 08:38 PM
So some believe its ok if its over 30k to be scrapped??? Well consider this --------- your minding for a parent who earns 32k, they have two kids with you potentially 1000k a month full time in childcare fees???? remove the tax credit from that parent and how long do you think that parent can continue paying your fees for????
i think it wil force alot of parents out of work cause they will find it hard to pay us without the 60 70 80% help towards childcare.
Im assuming they will lose this if thats the case????
but i do hope im wrong

thats whats worrying me :panic:

20-06-2010, 08:47 PM
You are only entitled to Childcare elmement if you earn over 30k anyway.

20-06-2010, 09:31 PM
No - have single parents who earn less than 30k who get it. And my sister works and gets it to, she dosnt earn anywhere near 30k

Im not saying the government should pay for our childcare, in no means do i mean that, but some parents do rely on that to "help" bring in a half decent wage, im sure we can all appreciate that.

20-06-2010, 10:06 PM
You are only entitled to Childcare elmement if you earn over 30k anyway.

thats not right.

we get the childcare element and we only earn £16500

21-06-2010, 05:35 AM
thats not right.

we get the childcare element and we only earn £16500

I had a mum who got nearly all her childcare paid cos she was on a low wage. The newspapers said yesterday that it will be cut for those under £40k a year, they probably only get a nominal amount that really doesnt make a difference to them, but when added up will make a difference to the countrys budget. I feel more inclined to beleive that it would be that amount and not the £25k as reported in the Daily Mail.

Still not long to find out officially is it

21-06-2010, 06:25 AM
As someone who has lived in the UK for 8 years I have to say what I have seen ivo tax benefits is scary - something has HAD to be done, and I'm glad the govt is finally sitting up and taking notice. There is NO work incentive for so many people and this has bred a generation (or two!) of people who expect handouts, and believe they are *owed* this.

I disagree.

In South Africa (as in many countries in the world), there are NO tax benefits for children... it's quite simple... you don't work, you don't eat.

My mum had to bring up 4 kids on her own (rogue father) and managed... scrimped loads, we went without most material things growing up, school uniforms were all second hand etc. (you know the story!)... and she started her own nursery school out of her double garage which she added to (built) over 20 years and in the end 3 of 4 of her children went to university (she helped... we got bank loans and had part time jobs to pay for ourselves).... we all have an excellent work ethic and work hard.

So to have a govt that offers aid is a privilege imo, not a right... and it's a shame that, as with most things today, this is so abused, as it's always the families that are doing the right thing (working, paying tax etc.) that are penalised.

21-06-2010, 06:51 AM
My DD is 21 and a lot of her friends have babies, one has 3 and has been married and seperated 6 months later and is moaning cos she is now in B&B and the council wont give her a house. It shouldnt be a right, it should be something you work for. They all moan and say on FB that my DD is lucky cos she has a brilliant holiday every year and usually upgrades to first class, but thats through doing 2 jobs and not having children so young.

I am proud of what my DD has acheived, but then most of these girls mums were single mums on benefits for years, so this chain needs to be broken or all these children will go on to be in benefits too. I was a single mum for a while and just claimed whilst needing time to get my head together, was soon back in work

21-06-2010, 07:00 AM
You are only entitled to Childcare elmement if you earn over 30k anyway.

Do you mean UNDER 30k?

21-06-2010, 09:50 AM
It is a privelage to have this and it has helped many families, and i do mean the struggling ones!
I do agree there has to be something to sort out tax credits but it was given originally in place of married mans tax releif. And now is getting out of hand, but i also think it helps alot of people with our childcare , BUT as stipulated in my previous post "im not saying the government should pay" but it does help and i think in some cases it helps alot of us on here???
The whole countries in a mess BUT if last time is anything to go by, its always the hard working that are affected.
Im not asking for anything from them atall, im happy earning my own, but in that respect theyre more than happy to take take take off me.....do they need such high wages for thier jobs?? big houses? sell number 10 for a start haha that will raise abit o cash, dont use a limo t go see the queen, we could go on forever :)

21-06-2010, 10:33 AM
I had a mum who got nearly all her childcare paid cos she was on a low wage. The newspapers said yesterday that it will be cut for those under £40k a year, they probably only get a nominal amount that really doesnt make a difference to them, but when added up will make a difference to the countrys budget. I feel more inclined to beleive that it would be that amount and not the £25k as reported in the Daily Mail.

Still not long to find out officially is it
thats a more realistic amount

21-06-2010, 11:22 AM
thats a more realistic amount

Read back your post and realised I had put under £40k, I meant over :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

21-06-2010, 12:23 PM
Read back your post and realised I had put under £40k, I meant over :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
ooops and i read it the other way lol...think we both know what we mean:P