View Full Version : Do you ever say things and feel gutted afterwards?

14-06-2010, 08:43 AM
I just got turned back from the car park I went to in town today by a soldier because they are using it while they do a homecoming parade today. 1st Battalion Royal Anglians just returned from Afghanistan after losing 5 of their soldiers and goodness knows how many injured and I said, 'Have fun'.

What the heck did I say that for? I feel dreadful. It just came out. I was thinking about where I was going to park, Chloe was crying and I am tired after not getting much sleep last night but for goodness sake why did I say that?

I am absolutely gutted! As some of you know, my hubby's in the army and I am so proud of our forces and what they do for us and then I come out with that. I really wanted to turn round and go back and apologise but thought I'd look obsessed as well as insensitive.

I'm gutted, just had to get it off my chest, don't really expect any replies.


14-06-2010, 08:51 AM
If it makes you feel betterI do things like that all too often & it makes feel really gutted too - try & let it go - you meant well, you just said the wrong thing - try & look at is as your heart was in the right place...& actually it is a parade to celebrate those that have made it home safe & sound & to honour those that haven't - so what you said wasn't really wrong - a parade is meant to be fun. x

14-06-2010, 08:54 AM
bless your heart...im good at that too...are you a saggitarius by any chance:laughing:

he probably never heard you, or wasnt paying any attention

x x x

14-06-2010, 08:59 AM
I agree don't be too hard on yourself, they prob even never heard you :thumbsup:

Your mind was on other things, i am always saying stoopid things, your not blonde are you like me :laughing:

Let it go over your head and try and enjoy the rest of your day x

14-06-2010, 10:19 AM
try not to worry about it , my sis tried to take her life a few years ago i went to see her in hospital and said ive just read a really good book but it ws sad about the people who trew themselves off the twin tower on sept 11th totaly not thinking itshe said er its not really a book i want to read lol it made her laugh

14-06-2010, 10:27 AM
oh yes I have chronic Foot in Mouth Syndrome at time too and beat myself up well and truely afterwards. I am not one of those people who know the right thing to say at the right time.

Sending you a hug chick and try not to feel to badly about it.

14-06-2010, 10:38 AM
Dont feel bad, we all do it, you'll find it hard to believe, but i've lost count of the number of times I've said stupid things:rolleyes:

14-06-2010, 11:38 AM
Dont feel bad, we all do it, you'll find it hard to believe, but i've lost count of the number of times I've said stupid things:rolleyes:

funnily enough I don;t find it hard to believe at all:laughing: :p ;) :laughing:

14-06-2010, 12:10 PM
big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-06-2010, 12:18 PM
I do it as well.

As Blaze said - a parade is not necessarily a sad thing so don't let it upset you.

My next door neighbour died a couple of years ago and I went to the funeral - her husband was standing outside and we went up to him and I said "Hello - okay?" :eek: What a stupid thing to say - of course he wasn't okay, he was cremating his wife :blush:

I'm sure I could think of at least half a dozen more things I've said that are just as bad.

The Juggler
14-06-2010, 01:35 PM
me too and like you I'll go over and over and over it in my head, cringing and beating myself up.

They, though, will probably not have thought twice about it!

Chimps Childminding
14-06-2010, 03:53 PM
I too suffer from foot in the mouth syndrome!!!!

A colleague once came into work late and I jokingly said, "glad you could make it, shame you couldn't get here on time"!!!!
Found out later his mum had died during the night :blush:
Luckily we got on really well and he forgave me (eventually!!!!)