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28-05-2010, 03:03 PM
I have two parents wanting more hours.

At moment I have
S (36 months) Tues/wed/thur 8.30 - 5.30 - at nursery in morning
a (24 months) Wed and Fri 9-3pm
twins (15 months) Mon and fri 9-3pm
G (13 months) Mon/tues/wed 8am - 5pm

Now G mum is having problems with work after going back to maternity as she doesnt want to go back full time, only wants to work 3 days, I put her on a temp contract as we worked up to 3 days over quite a few months, about to write full contract this week for the 3 days and she says that work are not allowing her to go back to her old job, offered her another job but want her to work monday and friday or thursday and friday. Told her i'm full on friday so now she's gone back to work to see if they will consider mon - thurs which i can do. Thats was yesterday.

Now twins mum today has come to me wanting Monday and fridays from 6.30am from september I have school run and I only have double buggy so have no way of getting 3 children round to school and back that dont walk on their own yet. (dont really want to get a triple buggy)

And then she says she wants thursday, told her I have another parent wanting thursday, she said she needs an answer as soon as possible but wont start till september.

Was thinking along the lines of who ever puts a deposit down on that day or pays for that day now.

My head really hurts from yesterdays conversation with one parent, now hurts even more now.

Hope everyone understands and can offer some advice please:(

28-05-2010, 03:19 PM
Lol! We either have too much work or not enough! :panic:

Will the twins be 18 months in September? Can one of them sit on a buggy board attached to the double buggy?

28-05-2010, 03:22 PM
Lol! We either have too much work or not enough! :panic:

Will the twins be 18 months in September? Can one of them sit on a buggy board attached to the double buggy?

They will be 20 months but they have only just started walking at 15 months. I wouldnt trust them to be honest and I dont think they would do it anyway.

28-05-2010, 05:35 PM
no more advice:(

The Juggler
28-05-2010, 05:43 PM
can't see anyway round it but the triple really hon. sorry that's not much help:(

30-05-2010, 06:31 PM
how about a seat buggy board????