View Full Version : MIDDLE OF THE WEEK

12-05-2010, 06:54 AM
Morning Everyone

Sun is shining here but a bit chilly and frost first thing , mornings and evenings are def so cold here still at the moment

What happened to all that nice weather we had ?

So what are you all doing today do you have anything nice planned ?

Hope you all have a great day

Angel xxxx

12-05-2010, 07:04 AM
Good morning...I wish it was the end of the week ...feeling very ill and sorry for myself.
Hope you all have a good day.

12-05-2010, 07:04 AM
Morning Angel and Everyone

No sun here and it is so cold the heatings had to go on.

Off to buy a new printer this morning and some extra inks :laughing:

Then lo wants the gelli baff out today so we will be doing that. We still haven't planted our sun flowers outside so we shall be doing that later too. The ones indoors are growing great:thumbsup:

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

12-05-2010, 07:10 AM
Morning all!

Off to CM group this morning then we need to make some new playdoh this afternoon :)

Marian x

12-05-2010, 07:12 AM
Sun shinninng here, but still cold.
I Like wednesday I dont start till half 8. Half 7 other days. We are going to a new play group to check it out. This afternoon its a trip to the farm :)

12-05-2010, 08:05 AM
Morning, sunny here but cold brrrrrrrr

Im just happy my antibiotics have kicked in:thumbsup: (tooth absess )

No real plans today, hubs is still in bed bless him, he needs all the rest he can get, he can weight bare and drive on friday (2 weeks after his ankle op ) so i have lots of jobs :laughing:

Hope you all have a good day x

12-05-2010, 08:55 AM
Morning everyone, it was very frosty here first thing too although the sun has been shining.
Quiet day today, baby mindee all day and 1 before/after schoolie. Think i may get the paints out later and do some finger painting, baby is 9mths and not done any painting yet. he's just started crawling so will probably be also following him everywhere as yesterday he was into everything.

12-05-2010, 12:14 PM
Worst day today, but luckily i feel a lot better than yesterday and managed to get some sleep last night. We have five little ones asleep at the moment and have the child we dread coming in about 20 mins, but not for too much longer, she finishes in a month!

Weather was quite nice but looks like will rain again any minute, just enough time for dh to cut our neighbours front garden wilderness for her, we are sick of looking at it, bit much when we dont have to cut our own grass, that we end up doing hers, but it was overgrown and the stinging nettles were becoming a pain right next to our garden!