View Full Version : TUESDAY ALL DAY

11-05-2010, 06:51 AM
Morning Everyone

Well the sun was shining but now its gone again so unsure what the weather is going to be like
It went really cold here last night though - the heating goes on and off all night long ha

What is everyone doing today

I have a nice easy day with just school drop offs and pick ups so going to catch up on my last bit of paper work - every time I think I have finished I find more to do :eek:

Hope you all have a great day and hope the sun shines for everyone

Angel xxx

11-05-2010, 06:55 AM
Morning Angel and everyone

I have your sunshine today Angel but the weather forecast is for rain all day so I'm a bit confuzzled :rolleyes:

Lucky you having the whole day off! I only get the morning :p

Want it to stay dry so we can get outside and plant some seeds.

Have a lovely day

Miffy xx

Cammie Doodle
11-05-2010, 06:58 AM
Morning Angel and everyone, patchy blue skies here, lets hope it stays nice , busy here today, poor Carolyn not very well, think all the looking after of EVERYONE is taking its toll. So Im having her LO today and she is to have a lie in and REST (mmm what do you think the chance of that are ????)
Have a good one

11-05-2010, 07:13 AM
morning Angel morning all well im taking 10mins to relax as ive a baby starting at 10.15 so eating my breakfast now my other lo is having hers with me its sunny here too:clapping: going to have a free day today hopefully baby will settle but will be in garden and lo having lots of fun fingers crossed it goes well as im on a 3hr first aid tonight as well so could be a very long day. have a good day all:)

11-05-2010, 07:28 AM
blue skies here too , hope it lasts! Im fed up of the rain - got absolutely soakes at athletics with C all weekend -( worth it though he got 2 silver medals at county champs , proud mum moment!:blush: :D )
My busiest morning so far ,2 before schoolers and 3 under 5s including ds. Not done the school run with this many before!!
Think if the weather holds we will have an afternoon at the farm park , and an icecream!!
have happy days everyone x

11-05-2010, 07:42 AM
Morning all, patchy skies here but have hung somw washing out hoping that it won't rain. Thought i was having the day off after dropping lo at school as after schoolie has cancelled today but baby lo mum rang to see if i can have him an extra day today. Of course i've said yes as she's a friend plus he's a lovely baby. Off to visit sil as her baby due this week and i've got some baby things for her. Other than that i'll just go with the flow today.

Angel- i went to see Iron Man 2. I just love Rob Downey Jr, as soon as i see him he makes me smile. Thought the film was great and the fight scenes were excellent, can't wait for ther next one. Must say though i haven't been to the pictures for years and nearly died when she said it was £7.20:eek:
Have a good quiet day, leave the paperwork and spoil yourself.

11-05-2010, 08:06 AM
Morning everyone

At last the sun has come out here in Kent :clapping:

Lazy day today as I only have mindees after school on a Tuesday.
Although it will get quite hectic this evening as I have 10 Brownies coming for a 'Traveling Supper' as part of their 100yr celebrations. :eek:

I had some good news yesturday, the family that came for a 2nd visit want to sign contracts, so thats fab. :D

Have a great day :thumbsup:

11-05-2010, 08:38 AM
blue skies here too , hope it lasts! Im fed up of the rain - got absolutely soakes at athletics with C all weekend -( worth it though he got 2 silver medals at county champs , proud mum moment!:blush: :D )
My busiest morning so far ,2 before schoolers and 3 under 5s including ds. Not done the school run with this many before!!
Think if the weather holds we will have an afternoon at the farm park , and an icecream!!
have happy days everyone x

well done to C that's fantastic

my c is still desperate to meet him. (ya know what 15yr old girls are like when you tell them theres a good looking boy around )

not really feeling in the mood for anything today but don't really want to be stuck in either may just go to the park for an hour and then feed the ducks.

11-05-2010, 08:48 AM
well done to C that's fantastic

my c is still desperate to meet him. (ya know what 15yr old girls are like when you tell them theres a good looking boy around )

not really feeling in the mood for anything today but don't really want to be stuck in either may just go to the park for an hour and then feed the ducks.

Well he'll be around lots soon as finishes for study leave at half term , so we must get together. Shell probably see him and go 'yeuch!'! Good job she didnt come last time , it would seriously damage his 'cred' to be seen falling out of a tree! ( still giggling about that!) ...Got little mindee back now and hed love your half boy half kangaroo!! enjoy the ducks x

11-05-2010, 09:28 AM
Well he'll be around lots soon as finishes for study leave at half term , so we must get together. Shell probably see him and go 'yeuch!'! Good job she didnt come last time , it would seriously damage his 'cred' to be seen falling out of a tree! ( still giggling about that!) ...Got little mindee back now and hed love your half boy half kangaroo!! enjoy the ducks x

boys what more can i say,
kangaroo boy is bouncing down my hall as i type laughing as he goes.

i always know when he's not well as he stops bouncing.

11-05-2010, 10:12 AM
Morning all, patchy skies here but have hung somw washing out hoping that it won't rain. Thought i was having the day off after dropping lo at school as after schoolie has cancelled today but baby lo mum rang to see if i can have him an extra day today. Of course i've said yes as she's a friend plus he's a lovely baby. Off to visit sil as her baby due this week and i've got some baby things for her. Other than that i'll just go with the flow today.

Angel- i went to see Iron Man 2. I just love Rob Downey Jr, as soon as i see him he makes me smile. Thought the film was great and the fight scenes were excellent, can't wait for ther next one. Must say though i haven't been to the pictures for years and nearly died when she said it was £7.20:eek:
Have a good quiet day, leave the paperwork and spoil yourself.

Glad you got to see Iron Man 2 in the end Rose.
What was all that about at the end - is it now going to sort of continue with the New Advendures film that is due to come out - so maybe no more Iron Man?

You made me laugh about the price ha ha

Have a good day xxx

11-05-2010, 10:13 AM
blue skies here too , hope it lasts! Im fed up of the rain - got absolutely soakes at athletics with C all weekend -( worth it though he got 2 silver medals at county champs , proud mum moment!:blush: :D )
My busiest morning so far ,2 before schoolers and 3 under 5s including ds. Not done the school run with this many before!!
Think if the weather holds we will have an afternoon at the farm park , and an icecream!!
have happy days everyone x

Wahoooooooooooo :clapping:

Well done so you should be a proud mom , 2 silver medals thats brill well done to c
