View Full Version : Hark at this?

09-05-2010, 02:24 PM
bit flippin cheeky if you ask me,right here goes:

i had a family member who died at the hands of another, the other day i randomly typed in the name of who died and came across a lady who had contacted the police with a pciture of who she thinks done it...shes done this many a time with lots of murders...anyway i contacted her just to say how much her drawing resembled someone who they thought had done it, blah blah blah....anyway had an email back to ask if i would contact the Macanns family (little Maddie) and tell them how much this lady has helped me:mad: as they have been trying to get them for ages:eek:

now ive not responded because i have no idea how to say...if the maccans wanted your help they woild have responded by now" with out wanting to punch them in the nose
bloomin liberty!:angry:

x x

09-05-2010, 02:30 PM
Good Grief...I am sorry to hear of your tragic loss:(

That is very Cheeky Tho:panic:


09-05-2010, 02:33 PM
just cant believe the cheek...so palinly put as if i could just walk up to the lil girls poor parents and say by the way blah blah


09-05-2010, 02:39 PM
just cant believe the cheek...so palinly put as if i could just walk up to the lil girls poor parents and say by the way blah blah


You cant!!! Not wanting to sound rude ...but they may think badly of you IYSWIM

(what im trying to say in a polite way is...they might think your some kind of Nutter) Hope i havnt offended:panic:

09-05-2010, 02:48 PM
You cant!!! Not wanting to sound rude ...but they may think badly of you IYSWIM

(what im trying to say in a polite way is...they might think your some kind of Nutter) Hope i havnt offended:panic:

no offence taken...its exactly true...its been playing on my mind cos what if the woman could help but then if thats the case surely if shes that good the police would have been in contact....!

I have had this happen to me a lad i thought was a friend turned out to be a real freak sayin he had the details of who did it i got an injunction against him...i dont want to be classed as a weirdo!
x x

09-05-2010, 03:10 PM
but then if thats the case surely if shes that good the police would have been in contact....!

x x


09-05-2010, 03:13 PM
Hi Jennie,
Sorry to hear of your loss :( .
If you feel you want to say something, just a polite, 'I don't feel its my place to speak to a bereaved family in these circumstances so I wont be doing that' kind of message ought to do. However, i think its pretty rude of them to ask you in the first place, amounts to emotional blackmail really. they've put you in a very uncomfortable position, which they must have realised when they asked. In which case, I'd have no qualms ignoring them and refuse to get involved in any future contact.

bhope this helps,
Best wishes, Wendy :)

09-05-2010, 03:20 PM
thanks both of you, feel better for venting, havent told hubby he would be livid and on the phone chewing someones ear off:o , shouldnt have contacted her in the first place really...never mind live and learn,
Il ignore it for now....if they contact again il just let rip:) it is emotional blackmail really youre right, if i was a softer case..or my mother:rolleyes: i know id have tried cos id of thought i was helping

never mind eh

big hugs to all

x x