View Full Version : how to help a child with a cough???

07-05-2010, 08:04 AM
I've had 4 hours sleep and I am after ANY ideas as to how to help ease my sons coughing. He's only got a mild cold, but the cough is waking him up - he finally fell asleep at midnight only to wake again at 5. :panic: I've given him a dose of 'calcold' as we had it in the cupboard - but its had no major effect.
do any cough medicines work? are there any other more traditional remedies that you swear by?? he was propped up last night which helped to begin with but he likes to sleep flat and ended up under the pillows. we've had olbas oil and snufflebabe on him.....
help please! :D

07-05-2010, 08:09 AM
i always put vicks on my boys feet as well as their chests, back and throat, it really seems to help. Honey and lemon and karvol on a muslin cloth/pillow

hope he gets well soon!


sonia ann
07-05-2010, 08:24 AM
put the pillows under the mattress to raise the head of the bed rather than his head
how old is he?
check with your pharmacist there are loads of paediatric medications out there...she will give the best advice:)

07-05-2010, 08:26 AM
If you have a humidifier put it in his room - if not a wet towel on a hot radiator in his bedroom will do.

Don't use stuff like vicks / karvol - it may help the stuffed up nose - but it will irritate the cough! Also the reason a cold creates a cough is that the mucas drippes down the throat & irritates causing a cough (unless it is a seperate chesty cough) - if your LO is under 6 (so can't have benalyn) then medised is good too:thumbsup:

Propping helps - but as you say he ended up under the pillow (as my kids do - then try this trick - but a TON of books under the matteress at his head end -so the matteress is propped:thumbsup:

I find benalyn night cough the best remedy.

07-05-2010, 08:37 AM
put fresh washing on a clothes horse in the bedroom it works!!!! also i look after a lithuanian child and her mum says she was told by her mother to put a clove of garlic in the room.....she says it really works. goodluck failing that a mallet lol karen

The Juggler
08-05-2010, 10:40 AM
you can buy electric humidifier's which are good or a bowl of water on the radiator in the winter.

don't want to worry you but uncontrollable coughing (especially dry coughing but then coughing up plegm) can be something to watch for as it can indicate asthma. keep an eye on it and how often it happens honx

Curly Quavers
08-05-2010, 10:43 AM
Medised has always worked a treat with my girls :thumbsup: