View Full Version : what is a hung parliment?

07-05-2010, 06:44 AM
can some please explain to me in simple terms what a hung parliment is? i googled it but still didnt understand!:blush:

what happens now?

07-05-2010, 06:47 AM
Thats what i wanna know Sweets.
Can someone explain in plain and simple terms, Please:D


07-05-2010, 06:51 AM
It means no one has won. There is no party with a majority. The Lib Dems are prob the most powerful people in the country at the moment .... weird isnt it!

07-05-2010, 06:52 AM
Results so far in the general election show there is likely to be a hung parliament.

A hung parliament is one in which no party has an overall majority, which means no party has more than half of MPs in the House of Commons.

It means that the government will not be able to win votes to pass laws without the support of members of other parties.

At the 2010 election, the number of seats contested increased from 646 to 650 as a result of boundary changes.

That meant that on the face of it, an absolute majority would require one party to win 326 seats and that if no party won that many seats there would be a hung parliament.

In reality, it is not quite that simple because the speaker and his deputies, although members of parliament, do not usually vote.

Also, in last parliament, there were five Sinn Fein MPs who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the Queen and as a result were not entitled to vote.

But in the simplest terms, it appears almost impossible for any party to reach 326 seats, so there will probably be a hung parliament.

Angel xx

07-05-2010, 06:54 AM
What i gather from my DD who is doing Government & Parliment at A level. You have to win 325 seats to win if any party does not get this then it will be a hung parliment which say for example the labour party will join up with the librals and other smaller parties to reform a majority government because they will promise to change the political system which the tories wont do

07-05-2010, 06:57 AM
sorry another question from a thicko!:blush:

what are seats? are they individual areas of the country?

i really dont know anything abou this political stuff, i know i should though so i'm trying! lol;)

07-05-2010, 06:58 AM
sorry another question from a thicko!:blush:

what are seats? are they individual areas of the country?

i really dont know anything abou this political stuff, i know i should though so i'm trying! lol;)

ha ha

just goes to show how much we all know really

I am only copying this to try to make you understand ha

Here are the key events so far on the night of the UK's 2010 general election.

• It seems the Conservatives are on course to be the largest party in a hung parliament, after about 500 election results, with David Cameron saying it is "clear that the Labour government has lost its mandate to govern".

• Downing Street sources indicate that Gordon Brown in expected to start talks with the Lib Dems in a bid to remain prime minister in a coalition, which as the incumbent, he has the right to do.

Angel xx

07-05-2010, 06:59 AM
The country is divided into constituencies. The seat refers to the seat in parliament occupied by the winner of each constituency vote.

07-05-2010, 07:00 AM
The country is divided into constituencies. The seat refers to the seat in parliament occupied by the winner of each constituency vote.

I was just thinking of a way to explain it in simple terms and you beat me to it and much better too , well done ha ha


07-05-2010, 07:00 AM
yes a seat is a constituency , or area. the mp who wins in that area can take a 'seat' in parliament.

07-05-2010, 07:02 AM
I was just thinking of a way to explain it in simple terms and you beat me to it and much better too , well done ha ha


Thank You - all those years of teaching clearly paid off :blush:

07-05-2010, 07:02 AM
Thank You - all those years of teaching clearly paid off :blush:

Indeed it did

It is confusing though dont you think I can understand why not many understand it all


07-05-2010, 07:03 AM
If its a Hung Parliament I have been told that Queenie can step in and say who is to be leader, is this true??


07-05-2010, 07:07 AM
What happens next is... if the oollsters are right about it being hung...

Labour have the legal right to approach the Lib Dems first and see if they can join together.

If they can, then we get a Labour party in control with Lib Dems backing them up in important votes.

If they can't then more chaos! :rolleyes:

07-05-2010, 07:09 AM
it doesnt matter because I am the new leader and everyone must do as I say ............

so get off your bottoms, make a cuppa, grab bickies and then spend the rest of the day sat here waiting for further instructions!

BTW my Hubby is trying to explain the real life to me and I cant get my head around it so gonna play with the traintrack and wooden peaople instead!

07-05-2010, 07:11 AM
If its a Hung Parliament I have been told that Queenie can step in and say who is to be leader, is this true??


legally she can , infact she can decide whether or not anyone can be pm - but in reality she has wont , royalty today has no true power and is a figurehead.

07-05-2010, 07:11 AM
it doesnt matter because I am the new leader and everyone must do as I say ............

so get off your bottoms, make a cuppa, grab bickies and then spend the rest of the day sat here waiting for further instructions!

BTW my Hubby is trying to explain the real life to me and I cant get my head around it so gonna play with the traintrack and wooden peaople instead!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

07-05-2010, 07:13 AM
thanks everyone, i think i get it a bit now!:eek:

ive got bbc beakfast on and its soooooo boring:laughing:

07-05-2010, 07:14 AM
thanks everyone, i think i get it a bit now!:eek:

ive got bbc beakfast on and its soooooo boring:laughing:

Turn it off ha ha

Have a dance around the room you dont want to be bored on a Friday

Angel xx

07-05-2010, 07:16 AM
Angel, I think it is made more confusing by the news insisting on predicting what is going to happen and mixing it in with what has actually happened. They are obsessed with ifs and maybes.

07-05-2010, 07:18 AM
legally she can , infact she can decide whether or not anyone can be pm - but in reality she has wont , royalty today has no true power and is a figurehead.

Hmmmmm that is very true, She is just a figure now.
How sad:(

07-05-2010, 07:18 AM
What happens next is... if the oollsters are right about it being hung...

Labour have the legal right to approach the Lib Dems first and see if they can join together.

If they can, then we get a Labour party in control with Lib Dems backing them up in important votes.

If they can't then more chaos! :rolleyes:

Thats pretty much how i understood it too , but what i dont 'get' is that at current numbers the labour plus libdem seats will still not be over the threshold level. In fact just now labour plus lib dem is only one more seat than conservatives alone - though there are 49 still to declare.
Conservative currently need 40 of the 49 seats left to form a majority government.

sonia ann
07-05-2010, 07:18 AM
Ok i'll try
It is when no political party has an overall majority
at the moment the conservatives have the most seats of an individual party but less than the others all combined so they do not have a majority

In the event of a hung parliament Gordon Brown would stay on as the Prime Minister (only losing his position should he elect to step down from his post ) until something is decided.ie

1. Conservatives or labour form a coalition government with the Liberal Democrat party. Gordon gets first dibs!

2.Minority government, if the Conservatives really wanted they could keep going for four to five years without a Commons majority, provided nothing happens that causes all the other parties to gang up and pass a vote of no confidence in Camerons administration

3.If nothing is agreed upon Parliament could be dissolved and we could have another General election

07-05-2010, 07:19 AM
If its a Hung Parliament I have been told that Queenie can step in and say who is to be leader, is this true??


Yes, she can, but she can also refuse to pass any laws that are passed. Once a reform goes thru commons and lords it has to have royal approval. it has been hundreds of years since the monarchy had any real say in running the country. It is all ceremony and tradition.

07-05-2010, 07:20 AM
Angel, I think it is made more confusing by the news insisting on predicting what is going to happen and mixing it in with what has actually happened. They are obsessed with ifs and maybes.

Ahhhh yes I was going to say this I totally agree

Think I am going to stop listening to it all till later ha ha


07-05-2010, 07:25 AM
I am making my 2 and 4 yr old watch it :laughing:
It is never to early to become aware of politics. I think it will actually turn out to be quite a historic election cos it clearly demonstrates that our voting system is no longer sustainable with the number of parties that now exist.