View Full Version : Phew

06-05-2010, 01:41 PM
Some of you may remember my dog - Pip (she was very poorly last year and we thought we were going to lose her). She is a grand old dame at the age of 15yrs (this month).

About 10 days ago when I was grooming her i came across a lump on her leg. Took her to the vets today (first chance I have had) and thank goodness the vet is fairly sure its nothing sinister (although keep an eye on it, any changes take her straight back). i have been so worried the last few days.

Vet gave Pip an elderly dog checkup and thinks her heart is sounding strong and healthy - commenting that a dog half her age would be proud to have one that sounded as good. Pip's cataracts have got worse and her eyesight is failing but we knew that anyway. (Might have to make mention in my RA's and with children around etc - although she stays right out the way and out of reach of little hands). Apart from really long nails (due to the fact Pip refuses to walk more than 20 feet nowadays - she just turns around and trots home) that the vet clipped apparently she is in outstanding shape for age.

J and P were fascinated at the vets and J giggled his head of when the vet clipped Pips nails. Trusting little souls, the vet said to the kids - hold out your hands and show me your nails..... so they did!!!! lol

One event down - next one is getting my Harry to the dentist tomorrow. NOT looking forward to that. Been trying Rock Rose remedy for him and hopefully it will make a difference - fingers x'd please

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
06-05-2010, 03:09 PM
So glad Pip is doing well and what a good age - oh I would love a dog, Violet is dog mad I am just not sure I was devasted when our last dog died and that was nearly 20 years ago cannot bring myself to get another one.

Good luck with the denist tomorrow fingers crossed he will be fine.


06-05-2010, 03:31 PM
Pleased to hear Pip is OK.

I'm off to the dentists too tomorrow so will think of Harry. Fingers crossed it goes OK for both of us! (I am an awful coward when it comes to the dentist!)

Miffy xx