View Full Version : Anyone Had Their Appendix Out?

05-05-2010, 03:20 PM
Hey everyone

Just wondering if anyone has had their appendix out as doctor told me last week she thinks my appendix are grumbling - sending me for scan and had bloods done.

just wanted know what where symptons when (and if) it got bad.

ive been feeling sick but not being sick, had the pains in side, last night/this morning i woke up making groning noises and could move as hurt that much but i fell back to sleep quite fast after asking fella to get me some pain killers lol

help as im worried and obv i minding so would need take time off if have them out ... how long did you take?

05-05-2010, 04:18 PM
Dh had his appendix out as an emergency, he was in a lot of pain, had a very high temperature and diahorrea. He had 2 weeks off work as because it was an emergency and nearly burst they left a big scar and loads of stitches, but he was home from hospital after a few days.
It was 12 years ago though so things may have changed!
Hope you go on ok, dont leave it to get bad though.

05-05-2010, 04:20 PM
had mine out when i was 12.
I can remember appendicitis hurt.

05-05-2010, 04:26 PM
I had mine out when I was about 20 after I collapsed at work. I had ages off work but I think that have had more to do with me being in a job I hated:rolleyes: .

Hope you get it sorted soon x

05-05-2010, 04:36 PM
my brother had his out last year it was an emergency and he was in terrible pain. he has a scar now and was recovering for 2 weeks.

05-05-2010, 04:38 PM
had mine out emergency op got infected(they hadn't got it all out:angry: ) two weeks in hospital septicemia awful horrid experience. get it out while it's just grumbling :thumbsup:

05-05-2010, 04:41 PM
thanks everyone

i spoke to doctor asking if can be removed she said not while they are grumbling no .. i have wait for them to get worse or pop !!! rather not pop thanks as i know can kill you :(

2 weeks ..thats all i been told 6 weks .. how will i cope not earnign for 6 weeks !?! gee 2 weeks sounds better


05-05-2010, 04:41 PM
I've had mine out - collapsed at work too - no symptoms prior to that - emergency removal tiny tiny scar in hospital for about four/five days another week at home after that.

Get it done whilst you can plan for absence/rest don't let it grumble on till it burst very nasty!

05-05-2010, 04:45 PM
they can take it out via key hole which is three tiny scars and you'd be fine taking two weeks off with that:thumbsup: (mine ended up being cut straight across my tummy after it got infected) I'd push to get it taken ASAP sorry don't mean to scare:blush:

05-05-2010, 04:58 PM
No advise hun, i would go to a and e if its that bad, they wil have to do something then x take care x

05-05-2010, 05:16 PM
had mine out two years ago pain started in the morning like menstral cramps by lunch time i was being sick 10pm that evening was rushed to hospital in an ambulance had it removed following morning through keyhole, was told it nearly burst!!:eek:
i took n3 weeks off work as my stitches burst after a week

wouldnt wish the pain on my worst enemy, bloomin awful
was told i should have called a paramedic when pain first started as it could have been an eptopic pregnancy due to me being femal and where the pain was cos onviously they are very serious also

never ever not nworry about a pain that appears and wont go away
i got really told off for it

x x x

05-05-2010, 05:57 PM
Mine was removed about 11 years ago. I had really bad pains, I'm sure it worse than contracting when giving birth! I went to hospital in an ambulance and was in A&E for hours before they disagnosed a perforated appendix.

I've got a tiny scare in my bikini line, infact I'm not sure it can be seen now. It is a little lower than my c-sec scar.

05-05-2010, 07:06 PM
I had mine out about 5 years ago. I had no previous symptoms until the day when i was in agony but i didn't have any pain where the appendix are. I had the pain quite high up in my tummy and also my lower back and then it started in my waist and i felt really sick. I was actually in America at the time and got sent for a CAT scan and had the appendix out the same day in emergency op as it was very badly infected.

05-05-2010, 07:47 PM
My daughter travelled to my house (two and half hour journey) whilst 8 months pregnant and with her 1 year old daughter. She arrived at my house in a lot of pain and had been sick lots of times. She said she'd be fine after some rest so I took her daughter out for a few hours. Then I got a call to come and take her to hospital-was very worrying. Docs didnt know what was wrong for about 24 hours as the pregnancy had moved her appendix and her pain was a lot further up. Eventually they decided to operate anyway and they found that it was her appendix and it was about to burst. The op went well and she was back on her feet before too long.

Try and get it seen to before it gets that bad - Good luck!

05-05-2010, 08:14 PM
when dd#1 was about 11 she came downstairs and said she felt sick and had a tummy ache. I was busy with her little sister and just "ignored" it... a bit.:o
Then she was sick....

so i took her to work and got one of the SHOs to look at her. He pressed her tum....ouch!

next thing we are on the paeds ward with drip! Now DD#1 was and is known to be a bit melodramatic (dont know where she gets it from:blush: ) so i whispered into her ear "if you are pulling a fast one tell me now and i wont be cross"...No...she did have tummy ache.

So off to theatre she goes......

I go to recovery to pick her up and she is groggy. They bring out her appendix in a pot....and its green and yellow!

apparently it exploded as the surgeon grabbed it so she needed lots of antibiots..

But the thing i remember is my daughter groggily saying to me

"i told you i was poorly mum"

god what a heel i felt!

mandy....the rubbish mum

05-05-2010, 08:26 PM
Yep - had mine out about 6 years ago. Was quite quick the pain - was fine all day then got home about 6pm, pain in side, within an hour was coming in waves that had me doubled over. within 3 hours was in hospital. kept me in overnight and took it out first thing in morn. have a big scar across stomach from it. took 2 weeks to recover - was same a casearean I had. they say 6 to stop you driving and lifting etc but I was fairly normal after 2. Lots of pain first few days after - same again as c section but drugs help!

Incidentally a friend has a grumbling appendix at mo as well - she has been told that they won't take out unless it pops - she's been given antibiotics to try and deal with it -she was told that in some cases that can deal with it - although she still feels pain sometimes with it!

Main advice is that I know others who have had it out too and they were the same as me - when it really goes it happens quick - within a few hours so make sure your emergency contacts etc are in place, someone close by to sit with children whilst you are waiting for parents to collect them if you are incapacitated. Get parents to sign something to agree to this if they haven't already.

Hope you feeling better soon.

06-05-2010, 07:51 AM

My appendix was grumbling for years, had several stays in hospital but they never took it out. Then about 3 weeks after I got married it finally went! All of a sudden as well! I'd been to the GP the night before and she said I was pale. I honestly thought I'd just eaten too much cos we'd been to Pizza Hut for lunch! Next morning I couldnt move! DH's appendix went when he was little so he knew what was wrong with me and got me straight to A+E. Got there at about 8ish, my appendix was out by lunch!

It's fine afterwards! Your sore but the pain is definately less than when it goes! I was in hospital 2 nights and insisted I was well enough to go home. I timed it well... I got signed off for 2 weeks and had been due to work christmas day so I got that off!!!